Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1480

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xxiv INDEX. Butler and Vale, A P¤8¤· California C0ntinucd. Paz6- Court of Claims to determine suit of, for appropriation for agricultural lands for Inservices 2.s attomeys, Colville Res- dians; irrigation; surveys, etc ... 333 ervation cession 378 for surveyor-general, clerks, etc ... 434, 980 Butlin, George R., for naval training station 556, 1178 deficiency appropriation for services .. 1391 for naval training station, buildings . 1189 Butte County, S. Dak., for postal emergencies, earthquake .. 168 grant g:;é‘:g;;$*;£ W Scandinavian. 9m-» 122 deficieufy appropriation for reproducing ---·----------------·- p ats, surveyor-general’s office, de- BWW, d f d d_ br st120ycd by eartiiquakez. ..: . 653 ¤€Qum€€ 13D *;1;3?h £Xt§H mg Pu 19 775 for lIlCld€l1t3lS, Indum S€I'V1C€ 111 ... 655 u · pg a ’ ze '''‘' cooperation with for relief of earthquake appropriation for . 1 790 ’ Bg;;»g{DnFg;¤g}lg»~;·¤=~ AHM 381 c0m2§“f$’$‘§gg;‘;€;S;;vey é${6é;5£éd 4;;,;.; 8"` Bumm, sgzmm, Indian Azzcm, H Hghtjtg °“Q1">’ of Eds-Bi.- -i - A- - 233 fuwimpletmcm 381 vepercen 0 cas sa eso pu 1C an sm, Buzzard: Bay Mass granted for common schools. Z .. 518 deficiency Appropriation for lightwessel, to lands $3;:; Set apart etc" to Mission IH` 1022 1‘ ht ’“"‘1‘°.,2§3’;Z’;,§’ Chg36m}; ```' 659’ Permits for bbiiéi f1AHi§Q `étkf i{{ j§,,§;. 18 ’V6SS€ · eu nw ··---·- nardino, Sierra., and San Gabriel forest reserves . . 163 C. prosecutions for illegally fishing in Alaska

  • , may be in district courts 264

C“b“""E¤ R°“b€“¤ Ind"'" Alba": violations of Alaska salmon fisheries act fee-ample t.1tle to . 356 may be in 481 Cabinet, resaklenfs · "Z `````°``````````°` Z ```` wmgemtiou of Quembm oi; established. 993 *·m*g·;;fP}’,,;¤g¤:;;;‘fQ*;*,{$y,,;·;;‘p**¤¤t,,d M_ ,,31 Cable a·rs,P0stalScrv*i¢:e, . t f mlb8A l' I "

 sggngxpriatigngor mail service by .. 474, 1213 ugh omxaéubhc hudsuggtgémst rug C;" 801

a wg," - T °’ -sales of tim er on forest rascrzes . 684 Cgggzitgzior 1mpr°V°m°Dt of ’’ ’ ’‘ 1093 time e?te?dc$f9r iimil proofs, etc., preliminary examination of, to be made; C l .°r7:1°0r m gl Cmmty ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1052 dam _______________________________ 1117 “V.""'" “ eg""' a O""?""!/· Cadet8 Re1_mu8 Cutter S m exchargggixgggg owned by, 111 Klamath “PP°"‘*“"°""’ and “"’"}°° °f ················ 452 i Calybrma mam cmbiéésklm `````````````'` Cahnvly R“‘b€” Hv Imhan AU<>¢¢•¤¢, appropriation for expenses., 745, 1351 ff?€‘S*mPl€ UUE t°··-Z ·-----·----·--··--··· 357 z deficiency appropriation for expenses, Cmro and Temwssee Razlroud Company, earthquake losses .. 644 may bridge Cumberland River between may authorize hydraulic mining without Celina, Tenn., and Bakertowu, Ky. 1254 reservoirs, etc., if navigation not im- Liucport, Tenn., and Tennessee Rolling Pmmd ---· - -·---·--—·- ; — · —_ -·-—-·- _- 1001 Works, Ky ______________________ 58 1254 no mx on gross proceeds, if license is former act repealed ,,,,___,__,,__,____ 1254 gT$m9€‘ -·-·-···—-·-- · ------·-····-· 1002 may bridge Tennessee River between Calybmia Earthquake (see San Francisco, (`al., Braudom Mill and Birmingham, Earthqixake).

 Ky .   .. 56, 1253 ( Calgormh Nort em Judivial District,

crmer act repea .. . . . 1253 L u ditionul district judge authorized ... 1253 Cairo, Egypt! 3 terms of court, Eureka . 631 appropnatnon for agent and consul-general { California Southern Judicial District, for c?£;sm;.; ``°‘°°```‘‘`‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ZS} SZ ’ “*‘1““" `ff lust"" ““°"‘°’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Z22}

, ~ mars a ..

(]1l(l'i8, g7T07}C€, California Street, D. C., ( ilassxfigatnon and salary of consul . 99 part of T street changed to 50 Ya ais, e., dl'l;fo'l‘7l/lid Tram ortation Com an , construction of public building authorized l appropriation {or reimbursing. .. 1292 at ..·.. 777 Cal a0, eru, · _ ¤.pp1‘0pl’iati0H fo¥ ... 791, 1296 { classification and salary of consul-general. 99 Ckzlcamkzu Biyer, La., I a. propriation for clerk hire ... 924 appropriation for improvement of mouth Calgsler, Gertrude E., Indian Allottee, aI1d p8·SS€S .~.. 1089 { alienation restriction removed, heirs of ..., 365 Chlwttq, Indw, { Caloosahatchie River, Fla.. classnficgtxon and salary of c0nsul·ge11eraI- 99 3 appropriation for improvement of . 1085 appwpflafifrn for Cléfk hire ---»-----.-.. 294, 924 preliminary examination of. to be made. . . 1112 Calgary, Canada, Calumet, Ill., C 2;£p1'0p;i 3g0H fOr COHSUI .-.·...·. 293, 923 appropriation for imjnovement of harbor. . 1102 Q1 mm l1 s, a umetRirer, Ill. an Ind., dum, apc., authorized across Savannah appropriation for improvement cf; com-

  R1v0r at ... 1240 ti-acts ,.,.,_._.,.,,_.,_,,__ 738, 1102, 1345

Calqfvrmaz bridge authorized across, at Hammond, apgmprxaticn for Indian service ID .. 333, 1022 Ind ________________________________ 377 or 1pcidc11ta1 expenses, Indian service ; Lake Count)-_ Ind _____________________ 377 151-- ... 333, 1022 { preliminary examination of, to be made_ _ _ 1113