Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1532

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IXXVI INDEX. Hospital, D. C., Tuberculosis, Page { House of Representatives—C0ntinued. Pageappropriation for erection, etc . 51], 1151 appropriation for Doorkeeper, assistant, Hospita Matrons, Army, etc .. 394, 940 appropriation for . ... 245, 1163 messengers, laborers, etc 394, 940 Hospitals, Ayqny, , superintendent folding room, etc . . . 395, 941 appro riation for c0nstruction,etc. ,p0st. 254, 1171 PSE9S-; ·-··-—-—---------·---—-----· 395. 941 6 for gon ])_ A_ Rua8B]], Wyo _____________ 255 for superintendent document room . . . 395, 941 for Columbus Bamcks, Ohio ... 255 special employees .---.-..----. 395. 941 for jefferson Barracks, M0 ______________ 255 for Postmaster, assistant, etc . 396, 942 my Fon Douglas, Utah ,,________. . ,__.. 1172 horses, mail wagons, etc 396, 942 for San Juan, P_ R ______________________ 1172 for official reporters ... 6 ... 396, 942 {0,- Fort Mackenzie, wvyo _______________ 1172 . for stenogmphers to committees .. 396, 942 for Whipple Barracks, Ariz _____ 7 ________ 1172 " during the session’ ’ to mean 119 days. 396 —for Fort Riley, Kaus ... 1172 tv m€?~¤ 212 d9·YS -----·----···------ 942 fm- Presidio, San Francisco, (ja] _________ 1172 I for clerk lure, Members and Delegates . 396, 942 treatment of Navy and Marino Corpsfor contingent expenses, material for ` at Fort Bayard, N. Mex 1172 { {Old!-Hg--t ------·-·------------... 396, 942 deficiency appropriation for construction, > for fuel sud 011 .·. 6 ... 396, 942 H ·mlst3.. .,. 646 gr funptureband repairs ._.__,,,.,_,_ os , uva , i r pete mg oxes . , . . , aliiiropriation for public works at .. 568 I for miscellaneous items ... _ 396, 942 for maintenance . ... 569, 1191 | for expenses, special and select commit- Hvt S1Fi’r»g8,_A¢‘k-,tees . 396, 942 approprwtwn for expenses, Army and for stationery 397, 942 Navy Hospital ..».. 254, 1171 ior postage starpps ... 397, 942 Hot S pfrings Reservation, Ark., or jomt commission of Senate and, to rejurisdiction exteuded to any circuit court 6 gn (m ?°q°"d'°1”S md matter · · · 477 ¤<>¤¤¤>i¤¤i¤¤<=r ·------- o -·--. -. ms or <> ce b1¤1d¤¤z ----·----·----·—--·- 72% 1330 line ot, changed; land donated for street. - 198 gg; ·-·-- ·····~··· i 1331 Hot Sprr·mgs,_S. Dal:., _ i . for mtg, U l11g, power p B3]; ¤PP¤>P¤==¤¤<>¤ f<>r ¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤¤ for volunteer 6 ..0 -·--—--—-- 6 -—~-··--——— 6 · z- · - ¤<>1di¤r¤ --·----·~------ . #49,1355 <¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤?·s=·¤·¤<» ¤ <>¤i¤<¤ bruldms; Battle M<>¤¤¢=·~i¤ S¤¤imri¤¤¤ Resewe as ; for p¤rgIg§¤;;g¤;g·5»,g;;é66é ---·----·--—· 666 {gg? Hough, _ l · · U — - i i P i i i — _ _ · - l · _ - _ i l 83 deficiency appropriation for Sue Pinckney. 43 deficiency appropriation for services, etc., S; 1I;E;tg1?l{hL;I)al;’]§£‘£I3‘ ‘ ‘‘‘·‘· if *··· 43 Lqulsmna Purchase EXPOSIUOH Com- . - for special zilnd sileit ii(;i11in£iiti)ei=‘s€u 43 mlssmnn-I-._-----·r._·`·..‘··". 63I forfumitureand repairs 44,662 Hours of Labor, Razlway Em ployeos, {0,. {Owing materials 44 pmvisiom applicable m im°”mt° com' for foldinv s eeches i A _ i i .44, 1397 · mm °”’m°” ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1 ·······-·· W5 · my Fred 5. iism and John T. Hunt . 44 continuous duty longer than lb hours un- , for Clmkvs Omoo 44 lawful ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··· · ······· W6 £ rm Frank n. Kooneeliliji;i:.·.`...·.l;iiii 48 Off duty c°F“P“l*‘°"Y ········-·········-- 1416 · for miscellaneous items .. 120 662 1396 wlegmpil "”·m Qpemmmi h"“"“ ut day and Z for special and select committees 120, 662, 1396 mgm °°“"‘l” ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··· · ······- W6 t for 1..61 and Ou _ _ ” ’ 120, 1396 at daytime stations , . ,_ ... _.. 1416 i6. mm montlis ;§6§'£6`é.fi{1£>$»éééZZ 660; 1394 emczgegncies; extensions m special 1416 , fgr compensation of Members and De1e— penalty for violations . . .. 1416 l fm. S6gag2,S,,é,.6,'; ````````` ``'````` 661’ pr°”°`?°°"° ‘‘‘‘‘’‘ F ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·· · ······· W6 for n6·16g6;6s}¤ii¤`.K15§k5 ```' - ```````` 661 exceptions, casualing ctc ``''''‘’ 1416 I for contested election ex _ i _ i _ _ 1396 wrecking Or relief crews ```````'`'` ‘ 1416 i for Widows of deceased iiiembeé C i i _ 661, 1396 gnforcementnl-UNI---ieii `°`°````` 1417 i for Doorkeepefs office ’ 662 m effect in <>¤¤ vm -···---·~·.. .. im , ,6, 6666,666 ················· 662 H06u8am? Rim Cem-. 2 for clerks oi" A-$.}{.1.&&¢.;6s°i}.&.i.1{‘ kia.; app1’0prmt10I1_fot 1mpfO¥’0m€Ht Di ..,., 1077 Q and Natm.8_1iZation7 Qnd Inggrgtiou Ilouse of Qrteutzon, D. C., , of Arid Lands 662 “""'°*"""“°“ f" °"*’°““`“ ‘‘··········· 59*- 1143 é for Superintendent, document room.: I jj 662 IIOM-Y¢’ of R6P7'¢’$¢‘i1UU°i1'f8, E for compiling, ·etc., contested election “PP"°P"l*’*i°¤ fm °°mP€¤”ti<>¤ Gi Mem~ 6 66,56.5 ______________________________ 662 bee ed D"I"g”"*‘ ····---·· - ---·-·-- 392 1 for L. W. Busbey 662,1397 Md (`<>¤¤¤isi<>¤<·r from Perm Rico . .. gag 6,, Hurry 6-666 _______________________ ·_ 662 f¤¤` rnileagc -----·---·-·--- - -»·-·---·-- 392, 938 for offir itil reporters and stenogmphers 662, 1398 for Speakefs office; Digest of Rules. . 392, 938 for special employee, C lerk’s document for Chaplain ______,___,_,__________ . . . 393, 938 r(>(pm ______ _ ___________,________,__ 662 for Clerk of the House, clerks, ctc .,.. 393, 938 for superintendent, reporters’ gallery 662 digest of private claims .. 393 for additional clerk, Committee on Interfor Chief Engineer. assistants. c tc . 393, 939 state and Foreign Commerce- . ...,. 662 for clerks and messengers to commit- for assistant to tile clerk ,,,,,_,,_,_____ _ _ 662 tees ·--------·--·------·-------·· 393, 939 , for machinist. heating, etc., department. 662 for jxmitors to committees. .' .. 394, 940 for clerk, Committee on Patents 662 for clerks to committees, session. . 394, 940 i for clerk, document mgm ______________ ($52 for Sergeanbat-Arms, deputy, ctc 394, 940 certain employments abolished . . 663