Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/160

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130 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1659, 1660. 1906.

 mnt not said obstruction or bridge may bc: Pravidejd, That nothing in tnis Act

mmm. shall be so construed as to repeal or m0d1fy any of the PTOVISIODS of law now existing in reference to the protection of the navigation of · rivers, or to exempt said bridge from the operation of the same,. _¤f;""LQ¤{;’°°*‘*’° Sec. 6. That any bridge built under this Act and sub]ect to ms hmxts Pmshall be a lawful structure, and shall be recognized and known as a post route, upon which also no hiihcr charge shall be madc for the transportation over the same of t c mails, troops, and mumtmns of war of tha Uuitod Status than the rate per mile for the transportation over the railroads or public hi hways leading to said bridge, and it shall enjoy the rights and priviages of other post-roads in ta 0 United States. G? °' °°"'“’“‘* Sec. 7. That this Act shall be null and void unless the construction z>Jn, of said bridge shall be commenced within one year and completed within three years from the passage of this Act.

  • "'°““‘“°”‘· _ Sm. 8. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

expressly reserved. Approved, April 23, 1906. Asn-n zz, 1m CHAI'. 1660.-An Act To authorize the North Mississipgi Traction Company to { · R- 15*59-] construct dams and power stations 011 the Bear Rwer on t c northeast quarter of

 section thirty·0ne, township Eve, mugs eleven, ju Tishomingo County, Mississippi.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House? fRqgn·esentativec of the United g¤¤¤‘R**¤¤*·¥i¤+ . States ofAmm·£ca in Congress assemble , That the North Mississippi cnh llininnppx - . . . . ·m-muon Company Traction Company, their successors and assigns, having a.uth0r1ty "“""""”· therefor under the laws of the State of Mississippi, may hereafter erect, maintain, and use a dum or dams in or across the Bear River, in ¤¤=•¤¤¤- the State of Mississippi, at such points on the northeast quarter of section thirty-one, township five, range eleven, in Tishomingo County, Mississippi, as they may elect, for the purpose of erecting, operating, and maintaining power stations and to maintain inlet and outlet races or canals and to make such other improvements on Bear River as may be necessary for the development of water power and the transmission of the same, subject always to the provisions and requirements of this Act and to such conditions and stipulations as may be imposed by tha Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of \Var. Swrewracf War rv Sec. 2. That detailed plans for the construction and operation of u °°'°°°°° P "”' °°°' dum or dams and other uppurtenant and necessary works shall be submitted by said North Missmsippi Traction (fom muy, their successors und assigns, desiring to construct the same, to me Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War, with an map showing the- location of such dmn or other structures. with such tupogmplxival und }1yCIrogmphic data us may he nccvssury for a satisfactory understanding of the smnc, which must be approved by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War before work can be conxmcmed on said dum or dams or other structures; and uftcr such up roval of said plans no deviation whatsocvcr therefrom shall be nun?:: without iirst obtainin the approval grggyv- of the Chief of Engineers and the Sc<·rctm·v of War: §”2·mv'ri'ec/, That n ructed mul- . . ~. . . . gmm. the constructions hereby authorized do not nntcricrc with the nauganesmmm. tion of Bear River: And proodrlezl j7u·t/m-. That said dam or dams und works shall be limited only to the use of the surplus water of the river, not required for the navigation of Boar River, und that no structures shall he built and no operations conducted hy those availing themselws of the provisions of this Act which shall injure or interfere with the navigation of Bear River or impair the usefulness of any improvement made by the Government in the interest of nuvigntiou.