Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1616

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clx INDEX. Sac and Fqx Indmmlgf the Mmmm, P¤z¤· Saint Oyr, Lomb, Indian Allocm, Pagea.ppr0pr12.ti011 for f fillinig treaty with. . 348, 1031 fac-simple title to .,...,. 376 treaty funds to credit 0 ; per capita. pay- Saint Etienne, France, ments .. 2 .. 1031 classification and salary of consul . 100 fcc-simple patents may be issued to, allot- Saint Francis River, Ark,, tees m Kansas and Nebraska ... 349 appropriation for improvement of . 1093 to certain allottees . 349 budge authorized across, in Clay County. . 19, 20 surplus lands to be allotted to members Cross and counties ,...,... 819 born smcc completion of allotments- 349 Madison, Ark ,.,.,._,. . ...,,,..,,,, 90 payment of pc1·_capita. to, in Richardson Sami Gay, Switzngand, CP“PtY» Nebr- -, -·---·---··-----·--- 262 classification and salary of consul-general. . 99 $·PPI'°IE;S§Tgf {0* dm·m°·§° ”S€S¤m°¤tS On 263 S gpprgpliigzion fgr clerk hire _,,,__,_,_,_, 294, 924 M of gmcé,eeg(g;1¤¤2e¤Se‘¤z¤&éaaa&‘aé M #$4 m1m1£;;z"€;aE.;f€;€d to M Caro- Pm *08*1* mm ----·-—-—-·--·--·- lim ... . 893 Sacramento River, Cal., · ·``° ¤1>ipr<>1>ri¤ti¤¤ f<>r1iz1;¢i¤z -·----·------- 713, Egg Sdjggxzowgc `````'```'``````'` 893 0I' IMPTOVOHIBDE 0 . .. . ... . · · ’ ’ divcrs%>p_0f, for irrigation, authorized; con- 185 Su$l7$°S'}'€£:t1??e;ugn?1”Ycgf °°D°“1 ‘‘‘'‘' 100 lt10DS . .. . 7. * - . - H - ’· B d class1fic¤t1011 and salary of consul . 100 Pnl Fcather River? . i 1112 Saint J°}m gi""} C°'"mi‘m°"¤ f 292 Safety Appliqmes, Railway, Sts1g5x};);:; gf;". 13; °’;Pl§“S“ ° ·•······· · · · · ap£rqpr1at10u for epfqrmug use of. ._ 705, 1312 deed of ,,Th8 Liués,, i Bch I u t 913 do cnency a.ppr0pr1a.t1o11 for cuforcing . 31 S . t J. h L. h nd P0 3,0 P moms °· investigation directed on necessity for au- m" tgd"? tfa g1'"" ;""I·P“""yM . tomatic brake control, etc .. 838 gmn R;iw23;i0';“$i,la mug Ort ”‘°“ 1219 Sag Harbor, M K, . ’ ````````' ‘ Sa:;£7;:ar;>vp;€i?1E;ronJ{;>; kmprovameut of harbor. . 1077 S"'"'] ‘[°h’”E ";.‘zi:“”dl““di;f I 100 · -· “ sum10m wm ````````` S·ev(r;;l·j>¤;,*0·;g;¤(§;>_;n·,;j·¤~*·>¤¤¤*°* -------—- W S q1»f}¤£.,ti;q andglam ofconsul . 100 cfum canon an consul . . . v . ··. San dick I d of 100 a;;Pr0(;>g"5t10z:)e;or lighting .. 713, 1320 meme réquired of masters of Om mo 0* ¤mv¤>V¢¤¤·=¤* <>¤ J=¤¤k¤<>¤v¤1<~> ¤> dw gross tons, etc.; penalty fo} violations 864 %`°a“· · ··*········‘········ 739- 1086 . Mw V-~=~, 2EJa2H1L€§;;,i§1§"“‘° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ {SSS ¤v~=¤· M-, ~q¤*r¤¤¤¤¤¢~·¤ fm ¤¤¤ig¤·¤¤ vw 910 at vomm B¤.`.".`.`.Z I I I I I Q I Q I I I I I I Q ji was .““g""S °“ ························ preliminary examination of, to be made Sm"? Andrews B9?/· Fla-, . . from Jacksonville to Sanford ... 1112 budge authonzed across, m Washmgton Sanford to Lake Harney 1112 . 9°“¤°Y -··- z ·--- . ———-—----·——---·-·· 1 8 sam John’s sam, om., ```````````````` Sa¥:w°l2·1:£r¥n·';.::t¥“:4';;;;?1: °% uébc m’d° · · 1112 reservation of lands for, on Osage Reservaappropriation for care, etc., of children in; sdm Jogfglilyeca `'''```°'‘'` 542 Saint Ant}nonc0nt$;:jtb;I;4;;é];.b· l - H n · · ‘ • 512,1153 ¤PP¥'0P¤:¥?ii0¤’fof fish hatchery; auxiliary 721 · · · s a, on . . ... S,,,‘:*,,’;°j,,,';,,*;‘;§,‘;“ ······················· “’° Sm JM Mg, M-, f am 0 ··r1m img? rm school purposes to °P*}"’mf { ‘“°‘°“x°'}““" }}¥°"°‘}"’{“,;’ M ·, ·d ····· Saint Johns County . .. 913 S PN; J h Emo ’ 0 8 8 ' Saint Charles Count , M0., am wept! 2c `% t fhubo 1096 bridge authorized across Missouri River, mn or lmpmvemcn ° r' ' · · ph, Mo., . bctwum Sum Mum Cmmty °md‘ ‘ ’ 818 limit of cost increased, public building- - - 773 Sami Charles! M')" · - appropriation for 789 acquiring me aug} crecting public building , pp P _ if ''`‘‘°‘``‘ . at, authorized ...- 780 Smm J°“Ph,R""’» }l’·°h·w apmrhtion w . .j .-. 793, 1303 3PII;mP$gg*:i§g5 m;P¤'°V°m°I§1;&<:f --13; rgéli 1096 Saint zopha, uz ‘ , ¤ , , » in · d { mu] _________ 00 S rmgs, _M1ch . 102 ,ga$L}sgza(;:t}§:,;?_us3·};éTy 0 co 1 M<>ttv€11e.M1¢h »----------·--.-.·--.-.- 1254 preliminary examination to be made of Saint Joqephc Bay, Ela.,_ · gxaugeibetween Russell Island and 1 S preli;11;naryc$rxainjVnat;»1j];>f, to be nI}adc-. . 1112 mu aint . I -.-.. 11 4 aint . u ima ee av agazine, a., sdm Cloud Eyed,.,;,, power Company, appropriation for galvanized-iron storemy am, etc., Mississippi mm, Mm. . . 5::7 ¤<>¤¤¤ ---··-----·-·-----»------·---- 567 Saint Croix River, Minn. and Wis., Saint Louie Bay, Lake Superior, appropriation for ixzagnrovemeut of . 1101 appropriation for lighting channel ...-. 713, 1320 Saint Cypriads Chur , D. C'., Sam} Louis Coupzy, Mo., taxes mfundcd ..--. r . 869 budge authorized across Missouri River h _ Saint Oyr, Alexander, Indum Allottoe, _ bqtwccu Samt Charles County aud. . 818 feesimple title to ... 356 8mm Lama Electric Bridge Company, Saint Oyr,lDam¥1, Indian Allotta, 356 may Egg jalisimippi Rivep at Saint fee-simp e tit c to ... xs, 0 . . 892