Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1637

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INDEX clxxxi Timber Lands, _ _ Page- B Toronto, Ontario, Pagesales of, on Blackfeet Indmn Reservs.tion, I classification and salary of consul _ 99 Timber ggagé-Laylaé ---··---·--- . . » . . . 1038 I Tapplriopgatiolri for clerk Rrire ..,.,.,,,____ 294, 924 _, y _ vrpe 0- oct estmyers avy, cutting, etc., trees, for p1tch turpentme, i construction of three authorized; cost . 582 _ vw-, pwhrblted; penalty ... 208 I of two authorizedi cost ...____,, 1203 Tmwp, Colo.,cost of former boats increased . 1203 grant of lands for cemete;y to __,,,______,_ 796 Torpedo Body, Tnppecanog gentle; Grmmd, nd; to G Wu purchase of géxbsurface or` submarine, au-

 IQH Q]' mQ]]umQ]] QI], - t ()]'iZ ° Ht,. , ,,,,_ _ ______,__  

liam Henry Harrison and American l Torpedo Boats, Jfaadylllou _ _ army at .,..,., Z 1410 } appropriation for converting .. 1180 Tmhommgo C0cmty,_L{1ss., g Torpedo Defense, Army,

etc., anxghonzedl  Bear River. 130, 929 appromiatiou for preserving structures

, tru.; 0 0 _;r·n.g cc or .. 462 1059 8pp!'0p!'i8.tidI1 gl publ1C8.tion of Cats.- l in insular possessions ______________ _ ____ ’ 1061 T bac logue . . 761,1368 Torpedo Dcstfoyms, Navy, 0 60, _ _ _ _ _ appropriation or convertin _,_____________ 1180 appropriation for mvestxgation of soils, etc., Torpedo Factory, Navy, g T <;71lt1v&t10l1 of ... 687, 1273 appropriation for ciréstmcting and equipvbavw 0'i"m»8, vic., ing, at Torp o station 1180 ‘ appropriation for investigation and cradi— Torpedo glanter, Army, I i22t10D of- .. 1273 appropriation for procuring, for Pacific ` ’ agus, e. amt .,...,..., 1061 appropriation for expenses, Volunteer Sol- Torpedo Station, Newport, R. L, d1ers’ Home 747, 1353 appropriation for expenses of naval 558, 1180 T kgor sewerage 1353 for public works ..,. 568, 1190 0 0, a an - or equipment, etc., of torpedo factory. . 1180 Taggogigtiou for ground rout of embassy. 289, 919 Tdzigciencggr appropriation for .., 647, 1385 o , w, or oes a12y appropriation for public building . 1304 appropriation lor fifty 18-inch 1180 deficiency appropriation for public build- or reserve 1180 ing ,.. : . . . 639 Totmkcy River, Va., construction of public building authorized preliminary examination of, to be made . . 1117 at ,.,..,... - ... 777 Town Sites, appropriation for .. 791 allottees may plat, etc., ou landsadjoining enlargement of public building at, author- railroad stations, Indian Territory. . 373 ized ,,... ..., 775 authoréglin Colville Indian Reservation, n pro 'tion or ,. ...- 790 .. 82_ Tomuli, disposal under reclamation act, of estabap rolgriation for Indian school 379, 1051 { lished . 519 Tmngig c Riva, Ala.,preferences to settlers at Heybum and appropriation for improvement of; con- Rupert, Idaho .. 520 tracts ,__.,. .. 1087 1 withdrawzgs in excess of 160 acres per- Locks and Dams Nos. 1 an 3 . 737, 1088 ‘ mitte . 520 Lock and Dam No. 2 ...,.,,., 737 [ on common lands of Kiowas, Comanches. for improwrement of, from mouth to D9- 1088 Sal 8!{d£*\p£j1.Ch§S, (?_k1¤110m3 ... 8; mo lis ____________,__,,____, , ..,, es; m oxxcatm nquors. etc . , from lgemogglis to Columbus. Miss. . . 1088 provisions f§. Flatland Indian Reservu- I; Lock and ms Nos. I and 2 . 737, 1345 ~ tion, l out ..,... . .. . 54 Locksand Dam No. 1, Demopolis . 1345 * reservations for, under re-vlunmtion yirojects 116 bridie authorized across, at Sto; s Ferry. 849 { apiruisal and sale of lots; proceee s . 110 T·er, N. J., [ pu ic reservations for towns HG zvrllgliullnaryr examination of, to be made. . . 1115 * water supply ctc.; charqcs .. Z . . 117 Tonawanda, N. il']fh be 1078reservsénon of tlandsiont B zwkfcet Indian 1030 ` t' n crim rovement 0 ar r.. 1 cserva mn. on ...,.. ( T juz};-2 I;§?e·;0Ind;an Rlezaervvatimz, Mont., l restrictions on Indian allottees may be rcappropriation for irrigation system 1035 T ad C rqngvecl to iagll réortnon for .., 373 T me Rirvr, Mont., g r e 0 _ tzwns l ma Z _ _ (a’;>gpropriati¢>n for bridge across, at Fort 88 a approprnotxon for special agents to invest;49 98 Keogh . E gv H ..·--------.-·.~-.-.- -» T Trynkawa Indians, Okla., , cotton products ·-----·------~---·~---- 442 shares of minors, etc., in trust funds mayTrade-Marks, _ ' bg paid m guardians __________,.._. 356 1 stateilment rgelqeninrements modified . T T __ » w en ne to express co ors .. gm onuforeign vessels from tho Philip- classes to belestzgplxslded .1i-.f I . 1 ‘ _ ____________ _ _________,,,,.,, ]54· singeappxcaion ora Q71Q88E..:..- Tapogra;l)}l;l·'?SI’ost-O_#ice Ilepartmxmt, accorded owners of factories m United appropriation for, assistant, dI3ft8H10D, 3 swf9S ---··--·- · · — - y ·-~· ; —-—--—·—·· Ugg etc ________________ _ ________,___, 439, 984 l marks not accetpted for registratum I ... 1201 T for enclperrscés, post-route maps ... . . 440, 985 reg1su··.1tiont re used, emblems of tratemnl 1251 ` , ~ 3, > SOCIG IBS ... . -·--··----··-· · "§’§,°,;?[,§'{3.{Z$‘§(,,, ¥§ZT°?’ ____,_, l _.____,.._. 727,1336 opposition to isséxe my lac med by mm- Torgcrsrm, Karl A., and Char es E. Héyn, I ney; veri cation y opposer re _ appropriation for purchase of land {'mm.-, . 1045 | q\111`9d .-.--- - ·---·------—-· - -·-- 1202