Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1648

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cxcii INDEX. Weights and Measures, Internatimml Bureau of, P¤S*‘· Wharves, etc., _ H86- apgropriatiou for annual c011tribution.·, . 290, 920 construction of, permitted in Lake Miclu- Wag ta and Measures, International Commit- gan by owners of adjoining lands, tee, Lake County, Ind ... 829, 834 appropriation for expenses of member. . . 446, 991 Wharves, etc., Porto Rico, Wezmar, Germany, construction of, in harbom, etc.; restricc1assiGca.tion and salary of consul ,_,_,,.,. 100 tions ,,_..___,.,,... 234 Wcbiwa River, Fla., Wheeling, W Va., Wpreliminary examination of, to be made. . . 1112 appropriation for public building .. 699, 1305 dcfon, N C., _ _ _ budge authorized across Qhio River ap. 466 budge authorized across Roanoke Rwer inspector of hulls and bcnlers for. abolished. 106 at ... . . 197 terms of court at ... . - . - . . 891 W”"{“°h"‘y W‘”'K··. . Wheelock, Archie, Indian Allottee, bridge authornzed across Columbna. Rwer feesimple title to _______________________ 381 Wm Angie; -··-------~-·-······-·----- 6 Wgncclqck, flcmakan, Indian Allotlve. Mcicncy =·é£»~p¤··¤·»¤ wr credit in »- w§;`f.}Z2?’§,,3ify? }‘m,;‘;1zz.;t;;;,‘ " " " ‘‘‘‘ “° °°“'E*Sv G’°°'Si’ ****1**** °XP°“”“ --·- 637 femsimple title to .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . 381 WM BM? 149*** $*¤¢·s¤!» N- Y, . wmzgck, James, Indian Allottee. ¤ppr<>v¤=>¢¤<>¤ for mmnz --·-·-------—---—-— 710 semampw me to .,.,., , -- .- _, ,- .. _- 381 Wm ghgzrwglw ¤¢¤¤<=¢¤¤-> -—--—-—--------- 711 wmzwe, me, Indian Azzom. limitof cogt u{émm1, public bunding 773 *°?‘°““P*° ““° *° ·· -- ·· -- -· ·- ·- -- ·- -- _ 38** gp ropriaticm for ,..,...,.. 789 Whipple mTacb’ An'z" . Wm Gg*;~··~ Bw M Bm RM °··~·'» p w$.¥£L‘Z£"E`5l3“§?$F3.Z2k‘3°$¥J1‘i¥4 ;1n;»>;" " “" di, _ 1 _7 7 ' sppmgrjsggn for impmvemem. oi; can- 1091 ."f§;;;;2Pg;;;g;}<?da7;i-Zilbheg .. .. .. .. .. 357 Wm Ga1m».m‘12a.3§ ’‘``‘``‘`°°‘‘````‘ *¤s>¤*·¤v*¤ me ¤> - -- -- -- -- - --------- 357 Wapprgdation for improvement of channel- 1091 · WEh°pPllx:;P d"d"" A"°""· 357 vt, My, . ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1 " Wdeiiciency appropriation for additional pay. 662 ‘ W7¤PPk;ulgZ;0’”•¤¤, W Cmimm, Mm t Indfcgy 88, . gypropriatiou for meteorological sta- @9-SQYHPIB title tv -----··---·----- - ---- -- 357 mms ____________________________ 672, 1258 Whzstling of Sleam Vessels, deficiency appropriation for distributing F€gl1!¤¤<>¤ of-- -- · ------ - -- -- -- -- ·- -- -- -- 881 medals to Navy and Marine (`orps Whzte. Apdrew D., _ for sgvice in, war with Spain .. 35 l’08pp0l¤t9d fin $221;; of R6g¤1¤IS· Smith- 827 Wm pm;m_ 5,,,, soman ns 1 u xon. . . . . acquiring site for public building at, au- White, Annie B., Indian Allottee, th01jiZ§d ----.----·--------··---··- 783 fee-simple title to . . . . . . . 373 ¤»¥_P['0PT1¤¤0¤ fm'- - - 1-_ ---·-----··--·--- 795 White Dog, Indian Allotm, Wat omg, _N. K (scc Military Academy). · fee-simple title to . .. 356 West Virgmw, _ White Earth Agenqy, Minn., bridges authonzpd www Tug Fvrk of Big appropriationfor Indian agemm . .. 349,1032 §;·¤dv Rwg *>¤·w¤<¢¤ K¤¤=¤¤kv» 8 wm Em:. zum zmmum. um i nia.,an ...,. 91 ai · ’i - "al _ Wm Virghfz; Nm} Judicwl District, romovssmgis iflcnatnon restr ctmns, 1 ot 353 terms °f cumt at Clarksburg ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘ 891 town site anxthopigécir Et; 1032 Martinsburg ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘ Sm alienation restricpioris removed of £g¥¥°"p°'g ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ mixed-blood adult Indians .. 1084 wiéqfgé ------·-—----- - -··---··--—---- 891 . WMM gg}-blood Indians; condition . um Western Navajo Indian School, e y-’ - - · deficiency appropriation for buildings, etc. 38 i*ppt°Pc!;:'{‘:;u0ff°r °xp°"m°mS fm em; 1274 Western Shoshone Agency, Nev., _ WMM H `'‘'` “T " `° " ’ appropxgatxon for support, etc., of Indmggg 1040 WMM L:::' Xecu W9 ¤¤¤!°¤)- Wutminzgf  ; 2.ppr0‘;;riz;t,i0{1fo1: improvement of harbor- . . 1097 taxes refunded ... 869 W"“" · "!”'€'””·’· W,_,,,,w,.d,md gwmw p,,_, · appropriation for survey, em., and report time extended for bridging Monongahela I _ 0n W$t°YSh°dS· as ° f°'°¤*· TESETVB - — - · 1281 River at Webster, by Washmgton ; Wim'? CWI C0""?"'!!/1 and _________________ _ _____________ ]7_ gm g deficxency appropriation for. . . . . .. - .. 1391 Westport, Cb1m., . White _Oq1: River. N._ C.._ appropriation for improvement of harbor. 1076P*€hmi¤¤YY exammimon of, tv b€m¤d€--- 1116 Weymouth Bac]: River. Mme., · White River. Ark., appropriation for improvement of . 1075 appropriation for improvement of . . - .- 1093 Whale, David, Indian Allotue, canal, ct/c.. authorized at Lock and Dam fcc-simfle title to . 357 N0. 1 ,..,,, ,, .. _ ____ _ _, 536 Whak Is cmd, Alaska, _ ; dam authorized across, above Lock No. 3; coustrucqon of tregstle authorized from , deed to United States after c0nstruc— mamlsud of Controller Buy to .. 803 * tion .. .. -- - .__,,_ , _ _______ 628 Whaquiahm, _Tom, Indian Allcttez, l White River Ute Indians, Utah, fee—simple ptle to . 378 . appropriation for irriguinglgndg Oi, ,_,. 375, 1049