Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/285

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 3078. 1906. 255 at the ppsts named: One hundred and twenty thousand dollars at Fort w§Tg'° D- e· R'***€“· D. A. ussell, Wyoming; one hundred thousand dollars at Columbus criiiimnlsnmacks, Barracks, Ohio; and seventy-five thousand dollars at Jefferson Bar- Ol}l,°§m,,,, B,,,mck,,_ racks, Missouri. M0- QUARTERS ron HOSPITAL STEWARDSZ For construction of quarters qufytsgjsml ¤**'¤*d¤’ for hospital stewards at military posts already established and occu- ` pied, including the extra-duty pay of enlisted men employed on the same, twenty-five thousand dollars. ` Suoocruve GALLERIES AND RANeEs: For shelter, shooting galleries, Sh°°*~‘”€’¤¤€¤·€*¤· ranges for small-arms target practice, repairs, and expenses incident thereto, such ranges and galleries to be open, as far as practicable, to the National Guard and organized rifle clubs under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of War, one hundred thousand dollars. MAINTENANCE or THE ARMY WAR CoLLEeE: For supplyin the Amy wu coiiege. necessary fuel for heatin the Army War College building at dashington Barracks and fordighting the building and grounds; also for _ pay of a chief engineer, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; an assistant engineer, at nine hundred dollars; four firemen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one elevator conductor, at seven hundred and twenty dollars, nine thousand four hundred dollars. · MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. mg;f“°°l D°P°”· MEr>1cAL AND HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT! For the purchase of medical S¤PPli¤¤· and hos ital supplies, including disinfectants for military posts, camps, hospitalg, hospital ships, andtransports; for expenses of medical supply depots; for medical care and treatment of officers, enlisted men, and contract sur ons of the Army on duty, and for applicants for enlistment while hdld under observation, and of prisoners of war and other persons in military custody or confinement, at posts and stations for which no other provision is made, under such regulations as shall have been or shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War; for the proper care and treatment of epidemic and contagious diseases in the Army or at military posts or stations, including measures to prevent the spread thereof, and the payment of reasonable damages not otherwise provided fo1·, for bedding and clothing injured or estroyed in such reventiou; for the pay of male and female nurses, not including the N¤r¤•·¤. ew- Nurse Corps (female), and of cooks and other civilians employe for the pro er care of sick officers and soldiers, under such regulations fixing their number, qualifications, assignment, pay, and al owances as shall have been or shall be prescribed iy the Secretary of War; for the pay of civilian physicians employed to examine physically applicants for enlistment and enlisted men, and to render other professional services from time to time under iroper authority; for the pay of other employees of the Medical l)epartment·; for the payment of ex ress companies and local transfers employed directly by the Medicalp Department for the transportation of medical and hospital supplies, including bidders’ samples and water for analysis; for supplies for use in teaching the art of cooking to the Hospital Corps; for the supply of the Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, Arkansas; for advertising, laundry, and all other necessarv miscellaneous expenses of the V Medical Department, six hundred and twenty-three thousand dollars: [’rm,·¢`ded, That no contract or purchase on behalf of the United States mion ,),1 an shall be made, unless the same is authorized by law or is under an Government conuppropriation adequate to its fulfillment, except in the \Var and Navy °“§’Q§,p,i0,m,,A,my Departments, for clothing, subsistence, foiage, fuel, quarters, trans- ¤¤d NNY- portation, or medical and hospital supplies, which, however, shall not exceed the necessities of the current year: I’zm·[ded_;‘$u·Mer, That all ,,,}°,‘§f‘N_’§{§;f° "°‘* persons admitted to treatment in the general hospital at Fort Bayard, t,£l<{s¤¤¤¤i¤¤ M ee- New Mexico, shall, while patients in said hospital, be subject to the ' rules and articles for the government of the armies of the United