Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/768

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738 FIF'1`Y—NIN'I`H CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3914. 1906. 0*-l¤¤=°* R*"°’· m- Improving Calumet River, Illinois_ and Indiana: For continuing wd1m` im rovement, one hundred and fifty-six thousand dollars._ Mouth of Fmpmving Mouth of Columbia River, Oregon and Washington! For mv°¥'0m`mdwcontinuin improvement in completion of contract author1zation, three hundred Iousand dollars. _ _ _ _ _ ¤<>¤¤¤¤i¤ Y•**°’· Improving Columbia River, \Y8Sl11DglI0hZ·F or continuing 1mp1 ovew°°h' ment, between the molpth of Willamegstp giver and the city of Vanu r Washin ton t irteen thousand dollars. _ Bqrweeud 1%•m>¤ colrlgimoving (jglumlbia River at Three-Mile` Rapids, Oregon and giiixds In 0 0 Washington: For continuing improvement of Columbia River between the foot of The Dalles Rapids and the head of Celilo Falls_ by means of a canal and locks, in acpordaince with the modéfiedd réppjepggpgla completion of contract authoriza_1on, wo un re an y dollfrs. _ C<>1¤m¤i¤¤¤W** Improving Columbia and Lower Willamette TIVBYS, below Portland, wm°m°m’ 0m` Oregon: For continuing improvement in completion of contract authorization, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. n¤1•wusmvex·.P¤- Improving Delaware River, Pennsylvania and New dersey: For md N"" continuing improvement in completion of contract authorization, one million do lars. 1>¤u¤nmw·,m1c1¤. Improving Detroit River, Michigan: For continuing improvement in completion of contract authorization, four hundred thousand dollars. 1>¤¤!¤¤¤· Km-- ¤¤d Improving harbor at Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin: S°°°"°r’ wh For continuin improvement, one hundred thousand dollars. _ . Tgslvenwn ¤¤b<>¤’· Improving harbor gt Gapves;ton,tl'I‘e1iasé_Fort; conltinigngl imprpyp- ' ‘ ment in comp etion o con rac au oriza non, wo un re an y ~ thousand dollars. ch‘-f,;},:,°jf,?,“B§§j,§ Improving Galveston Ship Channel and Buffalo Bayou, Texas: For B¤v<>¤.’1'¤r- _ continuing improvement to a point at or near the head of Long Reach, in accordance with lthedxpoélifiled progegtland in completion of contract authorization two un e thousand dollars. $f:gh°”Ym'°'·P"- Dam at Hlarr Island, Allegheny River, near Pittsburg, Pennsyl- ' vania: For completing improvement by the construction of locks and dams at Herr Island, at head of Six-Mile Island, and at Springdale, Ewa hundred a2ndtlpighty-otr;e thousand two hundred and twenty-six 0 ars an six - ree cen . ¤i¤·¤<>¤> B¤Y·i"l·- Im rovin Hillsboro Ba , Florida: For completing im royements, with is) viewgto obtaining a depth of twenty feetlirom the ibwer bay to the mouth of Hillsboro River, three hundred and forty-eight thousand three hundredhand fifty dloflars. Oh F t B¤¤·*¤· Ohm- Im rovin arbor at uron, io: or continuin im rovemen , one hldndredz and fifty thousand dollars. g P u¥;¤:<>¤fi•;¤L§· Blwk Improving harborat Holland, Black Lake, Michigan: For continuing . °'° im rovement of harbor at Holland, seventy thousand dollars. H°"°'“‘“·H“‘"“· Improving harbor at Honolulu, Hawaii: For continuing improveiineipt in completion of contract authorization, two hundred thousand o ars. m{Qfg‘;§§,,§‘f"’ M"“" Illinois and Mississippi Canal: For completing improvement, two hundred thousand dollars. rv¤¤· Mm- Improving harbor at Lynn, Massachusetts: For completing improvement, ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven dollars. P:¢¤¤<>¤=·¤¤*¤Riv¤¤· Improving Monongahela River, Pennsylvania; For continuing ' · improvem¢;nIt,)11l;cor(pg*ptio§ of bgongréipt authlorizztiog, by thp reignstruction 0 c an m um re ree t ree un re an eig y- nine thousand one hundred and ninetrsix dollars. },*;:;¤¤;%g*th§}§,; Improving Mississippi River fronrniouth of Ohio River to Minnemn River m swim apohs, Minnesota: I<or continuing improvement, in completion of R""' contract authorization, from the month of the Missouri River to Saint Paul, Minnesota, .three hundred thousand dollars.