Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1572

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INDEX. ]Xv Pemimw-—C0ntinuod. Page. pem,;0m_C0ntiuu6d_ Pam 81’a111€(1‘_C011t1¤‘1€(r E gra11ted—c011tinued. Scott, MMV E --·-----... . . 1586 ; Waldron Emma 0 1892 S°m111*°11»C1“1`“N ----·--· - --------·--· 1878` Walke Izucy. 1480 Seldom, Smh E ·-.- 2776 1 wmkoi John if ``‘` j `°`` 2752 S211m Fid<=¤¤ --·--------.-·.. 2352 wohorj Dom 0 ..,. §"lZ 11 ``‘``` mo S¤¢¤¤¤¤¤¤» MM2 --------·- 1566 wah, Julia Q `Z j.. `````° 2089 S1¤<¤vh¤¤r Willard V --·----. 1754 word, John w . Q. .`.". Q I . . . QZ ```° moo S1··¤¤¤=·»¤, Eiewr N ---·-----·-..·. 2711 word, vaormo XIII mo, Sherman! Emnly J --··. . . .. 2290 Warngy, Ida M __________ _ _ __ __ _ 2192 Short, C --·-· . . . . ...,.. 1723 Wgyrgu Gggrgg \\' _____ _ _ ______ 1881 Shreve, Mmm T ----.»...»... 1480 Watson, Mary B .._ _ ,_ `````` 1917 S¤¤¤¤¤ Mary --—-------·---·... 2484 woorhoroby Dom A. ..Zff.` ```“ mr Simmons, Wxlliam ..2... 1865 Webb Amajlda M ________________ j _ ```` 2231 S1’11“m1‘· H°m'Y ·--·—-——·—·—---··-- · -—-- 1958 Wohr ’Solomon F . ... U 1 - 1646 Sivels, Ellen T ,,,.,,__, _ _ _ 1915 Wgigénd M, A ________________ I ``` 1889 Sk¤d<>¤» Charm ir ------·.. 1904 worm Emilrg ._ I ." 27;,1 Sk¤<=¤¤, Jimiwn F --»-----.-..1. 2351 womo} Adam [fj" 1824 8111111% Emma A -»-·-—··-·-—-—---·-·--· 1887 W€St6Hi13V€f* Alta M .,...,..,, - 1596 S¤¤¤¤» Smh --—-------—-·--<-----·----· 2006 whhxor, mm .2221 ° Smith. Susan C --·--»--.-... 1872 White Alethua. ..._,,.,___ j 2484 Smithers, Harriet M ,.,__,_____, 2071 White, Edward T _______________________ 1921 SO\1thBl']2Dd, Jail18S C ..,..., · 2330 White, Hanjsun _______________________ _ 1571 Sparks, J<>¤•¤phi¤¤ V --.--.- 2222 Whitléy mam F .,_ 2206 §£2:3:h§“T;"’ ···················· @210232;*1 -···--·---—--··—-·-—·—- 7 -·----·--- - -·--—-·-·—--- ·> cox, c arson ..4..,, Spier, Catherine 1780 W511 Henry p _______________________ _ _ Stub, Sophie M ------- . -..-.-- 2179 Wi1l{ams, Momuo J 2087 Stacy, John H ·--·-·----··-----.-·-· 1934 · Willis, William D .. 2085 S¤>·1c¤1S&S¤¤¤·¤ R ----··.·.-...·- 2156 wumor, Hmmoh F 1852 Stark, =¤ri<>¤ W -·---··----------------- 1794 wnooy, Mory 0 . 1944 S¤¤g¤1,Wi11i¤m -------·...-.-..·..-- 2487 wnooh Eliza B . · ... 1 oar Stephens, Martha A. L . 2384 Wgsou; Van (3 __________________________ 2733 tevens, Margaret . 2 1 Wink.; , Mary ________ 1 _______________ g Stevens, Martha ----·-..·..·--···-- 2577 Wi11k1•s;};, Jomos J ., · 25,1 Stevens, Thomv J -----·-----·-------·-- 1587 Winter, 01m E · 1516 Strom, Luc 0 ---·----·--------------·· 2008 Winters, Ida L. ... 1516 Smddert. Igrtherino ...- 2188Winters, William H .._...,,_ 1873 Stuessi, Elizabeth . 2792 Wood, James M ________________________ 2743 Sullivan, Cornelius 2145 Wggdward, Helm] L __,________________ 2419 Sullivan, Sarah Agnes ..--- 2120 Worth, Maud 0 1727 Summers, Harriett B .. Q ... 1838 wright Phgbg ________________________ 2799 Sumner, John V .-. . ...---- 2565 Yomrgioo, Mary B .,_.,__, 2742 Swoync, Ellen H --·-----·--- - ----·-- ·-- 1921 Young, Kato E . 1826 Sweeney, William H., jr ... 1943 zuniu, Rom ____,_____________,________ 1703 T:-xlkington, Inez ... 1877 increased- Tathem, John F ·-··---·-.------------ · 1875 Aororr Michael . 2078 Taylor, Frances E --.·...-·-.·-·----··- $-*129 Abbey;, George J ... 2759 Taylor, George S ----..-..---·--------- 1670 Abbott, Alvin .. 1506 Teotcrs, Nuucg A -..·...-..------·-·---- 1654 Abbott, Charles S . . 2545 Templeton, P <><¤b¤ --»--»-----·-·-----· 2566 Abbott, Manning ...,... was Thomas, Clarence W ...- 2789 Abel, John D .__.._,.,,______<..,.,____ 2456 Thomas, George ...-·-- 1850 Abney Juno A .A.A.. . `.. 2202 Thomas, Luc? A .- 216§ Achev; F hraim D ..,_,__..,.. 2155 Thompson, C am M ...»- 159/ Ackoi, DSI011 F .._,.,. 1613 Thompson, Emanuel S ----·---··-----·- 1882 Ackerley, Albert J .. 2608 TUOIHPBOD, M3? Y E -··-··-·---····-·-·· · 2268 Ackerman, Frederick G ..,.. 2801 Thompson, Smh A ------·-—-»·---·-··-- 2010 Aokon XVilliam H . . 1583 Thurber, Gordon A ...·.---··-·- 2185 1 Ackle ’ Emil5r v ```'``.``_`—`` 2403 Tilhum, E¤g¤¤i¤ -··-·---~- = ·-~-·--·---· 1863 E Ackrei? John F ``````````'` Z i Z I I I I I ZZ 2735 Tilton, Rhorm F1<>¤*¤<‘¤ -----·—-·--·---· 2994 1 Adair- ?rh5m5A.ZZQZQ1QQf Q j I ZZ ,. 1524 Townsend, .--..-.·--·----~·-- —- 1*91 ; Adam; Elvjua _ _ 2455 Treedick, Annie L ----·---·--·--··----·· - 1491 i ‘ Adams` George W _ __ 1884 Tu(l()[’ Bgnjalnih F. .. . ··- · · S Adams, James B . - . · l _ h · A - _ . . Tvieo Wi11i=¤¤ L ·--—-~--~··-·--·-······ 2565 i Adams, Jonathan X1 ```"``"``A'"````'222: Van Aynringg, Mary HUGH ... . - - 2[44 hd ms' NI ret 1 A.`'`Y `’'``.·A V1 ·2643 Van Blarcrom, Mary ...--·---- - --·-· 1932 I a ’ Mai? ````'`````'````°1'``` 163*) V8[t€f, ()h]'iE[iH3» -.. - ·-··-·-· · ···-·  : ggams’ 1%A_'v'-·-.>-·-1-f-11i.'. vamohor, Mary J . .. 1¤58 1 · Bmsr · *1* Yh ······················· 1566 vm5m Juno A . 2424 Adams, 11**1P A ···---·················· , Wwwés, John W _ _ _ __ 1992 g Adams, Sarah E ..·..-. l§4» Wadmm, Lam F _____________________ __ 1888 3 Adams, Thomas ... 2z»o4 · _ _ _________ 2241 1 Adams, Thomas D ».h...--·---·-···· 2093 Wadsworth, Ehza F ... . , Th H z_0 WaD¤0n€r’ John T _________ _ _ _____ _ _ ___. 2006 1 Adams, 0H12S ---»-- — ---- · ---·»··—- l '