Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1584

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INDEX. lxxvu P€"8’i°"8_C°nti“‘}€d- P"·g°· · P€1¤8’iMw—C0ntlnued. Page. increased—cont1nued. , increased——continued. F€rg¤SOD, Laswell D .., , ,__________ 1534 ‘ Ford, Eh _____________________________ 2693 F<¤g¤¤¤¤, LEP'! H ··——·--- · --·---.. 1478 ’ Ford, Ezekiel C ,________________ _ 2719 F°’g“““· V' mlam W ··-----—·—---- · ---- 2 004 Ford, Fayette E .._...__,___ I I _ I ff 2163 Femddv Jamw M ----·---------- - ·---· 1640 Ford, George F . .,,,_,_,,_____ _ _ 2426 Ferrell, N¤pg>1e<>¤ B .., 2360 Ford, Gilbert _________________ ‘ "‘ 156., F¤¤@¤¤ D¤¤¤<>1'1‘ ~---------..». mc rom, James P .. ._ { ‘‘‘‘`‘ 1510 F°’"“· W°°*‘¥“ ·---·-—--····--------·-· - W83 Ford, Orton D .. I . -;;.1;;;:; 1569 F°"'Y· Fmncm H -·--—--·-----—---- - - - - 27 99 Foreaker, John W A..,_,,_,________ 1503 Fetterman, George ..,,.,___ , __ 2234 Fonngn’ Hem.}, H_ _ __________________ 1804 F?Yl°’• M°“°° ·---·-·-—·-··--·---- - ----- 2417 Fcmshell, Frank I . ..,._,,,,,__ 1960 F2~=1d· Gwze H ----»--------.. 2523 sornwm, xm .,._. 2579 F1·*1<M¤¤¤1> A ---·---»----- 1839 Fosdick Andrew 1.. . " mg Find, Michael M .. 2779 Fo6km,' Liberty w. ZQZQQQQQQQZQQQQQZ mz Fleur Mmm Y -—---···-·--·---- - ---~-- 2808 Foster, Almon 1502 F!‘€“°S· Frcdmck - · ··------·— - ·~··--- 2445 Foster, Alonzo ... . ..,.. 2645 FW-=1 » Mari E ------------.. . < 1720 Foster, crm1w E _._.______ 2668 Fake, ·¥<>¤¤ ---·---»--·----..-... 1466 rom; Charles w .. 2360 F3U$¤¤¤, Hiram. . . 2810 Foster, m10m S _______ _ ______________ 2274 F!m°· Edmrmd -·-·------··----------- 2444 Foster, Harvey. .. 1896 Fmch. John -, --.-.---.-.. 2603 Fosm, Jawa E _._, 2146 Fansigg €¤r¤¤ B -------------------.-- 1553 Foster, Joseph w. . ... mss F!m 7 Benjamin F - -··-··--·---·---- 2083 Foster, Margaret E 1779 Fgnklea, Sarah Emaline ... 1513 Foster, Mm-y A ___________________ _ ____ 1867 Fnsh, Edmund 1969 Foster, Mary 0 ________________________ 2671 Fi¤h. I-0¤‘¤¤Z<> B ---·------------------- 2328 Foster, Samuel. . , 1436 Fish S¤!¤¤€l --·----·--·-------------- 1883 Foster, Samuel H ...,. 1822 Fisher, Ambrose R 1763 Foster, Willigm ________________________ 249*] Fgsher, John ..1513 Foulk, Rachel A ,. 1560 Fgsiwr. Joseph 0 »----·-·-. 2656 Fountain, William H ... 2736 Fysher, Thomas 0 . 2594 Foutty, Thomas D ..., 2291 Fisher, Tobias ..,. 2331 Fowler, George M _____________ . _________ 2318 Fisher, Willard P . 2148 Fowler, James W . 1903 Flsllél', Wlmsm T . . - ...,... 2560. Fowler, Noah C _______________________ 183] Fiwb, EVM6ft S ---··---------»---..-- 1656 Fowler, Susan N ... 2262 Fitzgerald, C¤.tl18l'1D€ F . . . 2244 Fowlkes, Calvin B ____________________ 2774 Fitzgerald, James E ... 2777 Fox, Chules B .____ _ ,________________ 1833 Fitzgerald, Patrick . 2199 Fox, Emily .____,__,,_,____________ _ _ _ 2303 Fitzpatrick, Matt . 1705 Fox, Henry Jacob ..,.. 1889 Fitzwater, Stephen M . 2672 Fox, John .,... f .,,..,,,.______ _ ,_ 2270 Flaherty, Dennis . 2267 Fox, John ...,,... 2396 Flanagan, Michael .. . . 2770 Fox, William ... 2200 Flanery, John L . . 2791 Fox, William C . 2186 Fletcher, George W. .. 2124 Frahm, August ... . 1754 Fletcher, John W . 1955 France, Isaac C 1970 Fletcher, Lucius C ... . . 2241 Francis, George A ...,.. 1484 Fliqk, George W .. 1651 Franklin, Wi iam H .1.. 1747 Flint, Wilbur F .,. . 2121 Franks, Lafayette . 223] Flint, William H . . ... 1616 Franz, Jacob ...,... 1855 Floumoy, Silas. .. 1860 Fraser, Angus A 2684 Flowers, Kate .. . .. 2593 Frasier, Francis H . 1745 Floyd, Jonathan E- 1776 Frayer, Andrew J .. 2759 Fluegel, William ... 1664 Frazer, George M .. 1740 Flynn, Agnes , _ 1 676 Frazier, James ..,.. 1500 Flynn, Anna .. 2298 Frazier, Samuel H . 1913 Flynn, James ,_...,..,.,.. 1819 Frederick, Clarissa A .. 2341 Flynn, Jn1m ,,,.,,.,.. . 1493 Freeland, Fleming H .. 2180 Fgnle, William R. P 1517 Freeman, Edwin ... 2142 Fmm1_ Mary Ann , _... 2783 Freeman, Harmon . 2010 Font, William. .,. . ... 1575 Freeman, Lama M ..,... 2670 Fo;-h1_ Hiram _______,,__.,,.. . . 2674 Freeman, Mailland J ... 1485 F()¥g, G gorge F , _,_,,.. . .. 2636 I FTC8H18h, OIT1D A ... 2528 Fo ey, Laurence . - 2025 Freeman, Sxrsan R . 2194 Folliu, James M. . 2196 Freeman, Wn11mm ..,... 2776 Foltz, John ... 1708 Freese, Charles ... 2452 Fonda, John (3 ________,,,.,,,. . . . . 2138 French, Beniamm . 1699 Four, Andrew J _____,____,,_,,,_,,,__,_ 2780 Bench, Dame] _,.,_______,____,__,_,__, 2al2 Fg0g;, Aga _ _ ____,, , ,,..,... . ,... - . . 1568 F!'€DCh, . .' -. . -»· 2063 Fgggg, Rohan, _ _ _______,,,,.,,__,,_,,, 2768 [ French, Lucrgn W ,..._._,,,_______.,._. 1919 Forbes, Laura I . ...·-- 1435 . FTQE J0b¤, F -—----»·-·—---—·---—--·~· 2333 Forbes_ 53m11d.; E _,__ _ ,,__.., 1972 I Frick. John . _ ...,.. 2189 Ford, David _______,_,_,__ , _.,,__,___,, 2082 , Friebele, Frederick ...,.1__,,... 1892 pm-dx Edward _________ _ _____,___,,,,,, 2515 * Fried, Richard T .. 1639