Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/625

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. INDEX. 3345 Bureau of _Yards and Doclgs, Navy——Cont’d. P¤8¤· Burns, John, New York Volumeer Irgfarztry. ]'¤g<‘· apfproprxetion for public works ...,__,_ .564, 1186 : pqigign increased _______________________ 1793 or preparing plans and specifications, , Bums, Oliver J., GEC; ... 566, 1188 pension increased ...,,..,._..._. 2532 for repairs and preservation . 566, 1189 r Burns, Peter, d9fiCi€I1CY 3·pp!0p1'iati0I1 fol‘ maintenance. 648, ; pension increased ______,_,___,_,_,_,___, 1642 _ _ 651,1385 Burns, William H., Alabama Wzluntcers. for repairs and preservation . 649,1386 i pension increased ,,,_,_,,,_,,.,._,____,_ 2378 for naval prison, Portsmouth, N. H . 652 Bums, William H., Wisconsin lblunteers, fo1‘ Pensacola., storm damages ... 1387 pension increased __,_,_,_,___,_,___,____ 2208 chief to be selected from civil engineers. . 564 ; Burns, William N. J., Bureaus, Printing for, ‘ pension increased ____,_,_,_,_,_,,,__,__, 1910 cost of composition, illustrations, etc., of l Bumwell Coal and Coke Company, documents to be charged to officemay bridge Tug Fork of- Big handy River preparing . 825 near Sprigg, W. Va ,..._ 1234 printing, bindingl, etc., charged in pr0— I Burr, Mary L. (widow), portion to de ivery J . 825 . pension increased . , ...,.,,_.,,,, 1835 Burger, Henry K., Burris, Samuel Sydney, pension increased . 2572 ‘ added to Choctaw final roll ____ 340 Burgess, Bmyizmin F., Burriss, Gideon M., pension increased ... 1930 pension ..,..,,_____,,_______________ 2110 Burgess, Charles WC, ? Burroughs, Mary J. (widow), pension incrwsed ., . .. 2603 ] pension increased _,._.,._,,,__,, 2358 Burgess, Harriet U. (widow ), E Burslem, England, pension increased . 2771 classification and salary of consul . 99 Burgess, James S.,appropriation for clerk hire .. . . . 294. 924 pension increased .. , . . . . 2034 Burt, Charles C., Burgess, Noel J., _ l pension increased ... 2448 pension increased . 1930 Burlch, Edward, Burgess, William T., l pension increased . » .. 2792 pension increased .,,. . 2020 ‘ Burton, George WY, Burget, Aamrn J., l pension increased .r...,. 1774 pension increased ...,... . . 1854 Burton, Henry B., Burk, Patrick, i pension increased ... 1633 pension increased . 1837 Burton, John N., . - Burke, Bartlnolowww, } pension increased .,. 2201 pension increased ...,. 2766 i Burton, John W, Burke, Jeremiah, ’ pension increased . · .. 1 668 pension increased . 2767 Burwcll, Capt. W T., Navy, . Burke, John, Massachusetts Volumtecrs, E deficiency appropriation for reimbursepension increased .. . 2800 . ment .. 1392 Burke, John, U. S. Infantry, Busbee, Elizabeth B. (widow), ‘ pension increased ... 2041 pension increased ... 1803 Burkel, Marquis De Lafayetle, Busby, James M., pension increased __._..,... . 1577 pension i11Cl'88s@d . . . . . .. 1686 Burkhardi, Jacob R., , Buabg. L. WY. _ _ pension incregmed ______ , ,._,_.,..._.,... 2348 cia ciency appropriation for scrvwcs. .. 662. 1397 Burks, John JI., Bush Creek, WL. paymcnnto ...,. 2306 deficiency appropriation for drwlging, for Burks, William F., lifujseving vxhilnit. Jniiwstowni lispension increased . .. 17454 position ... 887 Burleigh, Charles H., Bush, Jcjrrann. ‘ pension increased .. . 16:2-l pension inwrcaml ...,. 2285 Burlingame, Arma F. (widow), Bush. Thmnna. pension increased ... 2492 pension im·r<·as¢—<l .r.,.r.,... 1-131 Burlington, Vt., Brrshman._Mg1rgaret. appropriation for public building . 697 appmprmt1•»n_fnr psyinvnt r... 349 {br improvement of harbor .. 1345 Bzishrh, John I .. deficiency appropriation for public build- pension incrcwwd .. . 2562 ing, fumiture, ...,..__.,... 1374 Bllsewll. Jfrhn B.. limit of cost increased, public building. . . 774 pension in¤‘Y‘€·¤S§*l ..` 2082 appropriation for. . 789 Bussey, Dqvid. alms George- Brown. Birrlorli Samucl J., _ pension increased ... 2171 pension increased ... 16¤9 , But(·hgr$_ RgmiI_ Burrwl: E<lww‘d G., * excepted from general provisions of mean pension increased ... 2694 j inspection law _______,________,__ 579_ 1255 Burrwli, Jladisvn 31.. _ _ Butler. Azam. p€nSlO1L .--·- · ·-—··—-----·---··- 1* 9* pension increased .,.,.,,_.,. 1941 BUTRGN. William F~· __ Butler and Title, pension l.nCl‘€8S<-Pd .---·--—·- · ·-—--·---——— $#12 Court of Claims to determine suit of, ior Burnham, Martha L. (widow).services as attorneys. Colville Respengion incmased ______ _ _______,_____,_, 2648 . ervation cession 378 Bums, John. New York Hzlunteer Artillery, Butler. Elizabelh -4. (widow, pen§i0n ingrgnggd _ _____ . ,,,...,..._._... 1608 p€¤Sl0D lI1l`!'€3S€‘d ... 1789