Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/650

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3370INDEX. Crawford, Anthony H., Page- I Crimes and Misd4meanors—Continued. P¤8°- pension increased . 1538 penalty for illegal fishing in Alaskan waters Grawfqrd, Emmy, _ by aliens , . 1 .. 264 pension increased . 2327 violating regulations, employment agen- · Crawford, Francis M., cies, D. C . 308 pension increased . 2023 additional ..,. 848 Crawford, John, illegal landing, etc., of sponges . 313 pension increased . . ... 1961 imauthorized erection, etc., of aids to Crawford, Nebr., _ _ · _ 1'1E}Vlg3tl0l1..· ... 324 grant of part of Fort Robinson Reservation violating regulations, etc., for constructto, for park and water power 46] ing dams across navigable waters. . . 386 Oratvfoird, Robert B., violations of interstate commerce regulapensnon increased . 2238 tions by corporations, common car- 0rawfmdsvilk,_ Ind., _ _ _ riers . 1 . .: . . 587 lumt of cost increased, public building 773 neglecting to obey order establishing ‘ appropriation for 789 _ maximum rate for transportation- . . 591 gmzy ywntagm Fwd; Rama, Monk, failure to make reports by interstate com- . proclamation establishing ... 3224 , 1000 0¤m0r --------·---------- _ ---- 593 g,.wg,,, John W failure to keep, etc., accounts by carriers. 594 Orpemiiim incmaégd _________________________ 1809 violalging speed regulations for vehicles, 622 Gwf 8 W., 0 . . ‘ ······ . ················ 7 ······· Gr;;gi1... ingreased _____________________,._. 1793 eavrgidbigils. Déchuié -£ 808 radius, Clark, 1111**1 11 , . 1’°““i°“‘“‘”"“°°d --··--—-~·-···-·- — ·-·---- 2**48 r”‘ °;;.;‘;..e";.ie.;‘i;g. ‘‘‘’ ‘.;.;i.;.;..i Sm C'rcd¤Ind·iang(u¢aIsoFiveCiviliaed'l‘ribes), gggit b.C`-’_U_u_"._·n-nu-I 809 appmpnanon fn Bale and leasing lands of hunting water fowl with other than row- " for establ1s` hing highways 338, lgig · b9atS’ D' C'? ''''``' 809 ’ 00.0100 ¤<0·»1». --.·-·-------------- 040.1020 “°‘“£g‘;‘§.{.°§“‘.?“3““$.§$;;..$’.‘T;.*"°’"“"“* 8 <10¤<>¤0¤0v =·vv¥00¤=·¤0¤ *0r ·0¤v0¤¤<=¤ 0010 , ..i..i..g ...2}...;.1r of 1ioé§.i.}.`ki.;

 leasing hmds °f ··‘·‘‘ 2*: ‘‘‘‘·‘‘ 39 masters etc. of vessels- . . . . . 864

eqlmhmmon °f °u°tm°m‘° pm“m°m m` money contributions by corporatioiis at .€.”€§"o‘ ‘w‘ ras;. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ iii . 00115001 01000000 ·----·:---···----—- 805 iizroylrilrrr irroiririori or. rou oi iroodrr. `````'érij I I Z I 138 "°t%"‘;‘§ {fg"1“E";”"* D, gig- 873 ores Nation (rrr aiw crook 1r.riir.r...), Dug **8**** » - 889 WM 1>0¤¤<10¤*1¤¤<= ·10·=1¤¤==·1 --—-—------—- 364 ..r..r..ri..g` 5.;..a;.i.;;..;‘.i.;‘ 5;.;.;.;.; ‘.;,;;..;.i Orqfddz G"°’Y'””y· of contagious diseases D. C 890 010¤¤¤¤</01200. 000 00100* 0* r¤0¤*0·1 ·—------- 100 1... rting ..1. prostitutes, or 900 _°PP’°P¤?**°“ for <>1·¤1=1·¤0 -----·----- 294024 ..sf..°r..g, err.,{ of .:1;.3;.;;.;.; Grm-=. _77¤m··¤¤ (dvmyhter). mot labor ._,,..__ 900 pension . _ 1905 soliciting immigration of aliens _________ 900 Ormawry. D- 0-. Public. illegally landing alien immigrants .. 900 appropriation for maintenance . 124, 1146 bi-iugiu aliens Subject to certain phys, bogies of persons in custody of (public o$cer ici disabilities ____________________ 901 ” $1Y1}13 @11*8810115 1*9998 *70 be 123 permitting illegal landing of alien immi- IHQIDGIB IH . : . ... . . . grants _______________________ _ _____ QQ4 ¢0¤¤¥¤1€51011 011 W0¤1nnst0¤ A¤Yl11m failing to return, etc., illegal alien immigr0¤r1<1¤ ----------------·--·--- . ---- 123 grant .. 904 1*11}% i0!'m3U159¤$11c€. 05*3-} {696 {01 pnvatc refusing to return alien subject to deporincinerativn . _ ...-... , - · 123 tation ..,.,.,.,..._,,.,__,_____,____ 905 ‘ ¤PPfoP1'1$*·1011 fo1' construction and 111**11** false statements before immigration oflitenance ,... . ..,.. 124 CNS ______________________________ 906 Crwtw, Iowa. aiding unlawful entrance of alien anarchterms of court at ,.. , ,.,.,,... 127 isis, etc ___________________________ 909 CH"!. U71'i¢€d Siam? Cwmr violating space, etc., requirements for ¤pgr0i>ri0¢i0¤ for i>0y_0f ---·----------- 755. 1301 emigrant passengers oi. ships ... 911 $$0 ciency $·PP1`0P¤at1°11 10r my --·--·~·-- 1390 rmsrgirrzirizod uso of milk bottles, oro., 77105. . . .. 1007 a ropriation for surpressing counterfeit- ‘ ] { ‘ { · Pp ins. 000 ·-----···-·--·-·--------· 708.1314 5 vm . . . 1011 for pr0¤00¤t¤0¤ 01 -·.-----.-----·---- 752.1358 | selling, oro., intoxicating liquors to mi- C‘r·ime.s and Miagkmcanors, _ _ _ nors by unlicensed persons, D. C. . . 1249 penalt§for violating provision of Arkansas . violating sixteen—hour law .. 1416 iver Bcrigge bill .. 22 Q punishment for exceeding allotment of condelivery of , D. C., without weight 1 tiggent expenses, gt? 49 certi cate .. 95 unauthorized wearing a ges 0 so iers’ defacing, etc., property D. C., increased . 126 V organizations, etc., D. C 62 indecent exposure, etc., D. C., increased. 127 violations of iire-escape act, D. C .. 71 taking away ano’ther’s property, D. C., 9 removing, etc., committed by juveincreased . l2" g ni e court, . ... 75 accepting fee for special pension act I 3 embezzling moneys paid into juvenile _ services . l33, 1407 _ court. 1 Z .. I 76 violating anchorage, etc., rules, Saint { liquor selling, etc., town sites, Kiowa, Marys River, modified . 136 etc., lands, Okla 80