Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/918

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3638 INDEX. Hrhitmqn, John L., Page- Wilburzon, Ind. T., ~ Page- Wggusnon increa.sed 1476 terms of court, etc., recording district No. 30 342 zmqn, rllehssa D. (wmolw), Vlilcher, Willmm L., Wgpnmon increascd. . . 2 2556 Wopension increased . . . . 2040 tmore, B. (w·zdo*u·), tlcox! AQsal0m, WH3m10uBmCr%Scd 1954 WIEGDSIO-E. iggrgiased ..,.,..,.,.._.__ 1846 , amey, 1 cox, e ., Wgzungwn increased 1634 1 Wpension increased 2592 ·ne_y, Wtlham G., zlcoz, George J., Wzgnswu increased 2629 1 Wpeusion increased 1528 map, Robert M., 1534 zlcox, Jlzjerson, Dslim Increased nsion .. 2476 Wggttaker gqme, Ind. T., _ Wylgox, John S., sppmprmtlou for care of Indmn orphans . . . 339 Wpeusion increased _._,_._,_,,,______,_,_,, 1501 Wlntten, Massgllojn, { zlcox, Joseph P., ymcmt to mrs 0 . - . . ... 2153 ension increased _,____,,,,_,__,,_,,_,,_, 2676

 Cough, D. C., W¥lc0:c, Thomas M.,

rovmous to prevent spread of . . .. 889 Wpension increased ..,..._.,,,,,.,. 2288 Wgcrring , (willow), ild Animals, usxon mcrcased .. ;. 1573 game preserve for, in Grand Canyon Forest Wgbark, Still!/llll VW, , Reserve, Ariz .,,.,.,,_, ,· ___, , , ,_,,_ 607 Wpensmn increased - 23 29 Mlde, Hiram, tmnhpidulawih, Charles, Indnhn Auottee, pension increased ..,..,,. 1674 fee-simple title to ... 357 Wildman, Jblm P., Wichita, etc., I’Tld'Ikl'|'L8, Okla., _ ension increased ..,.,... 2720 appropriation for support, etc., of . . . , . . 361, 1043 Wvgdy, Henry C., 1 Wiclsim Forest and Game Preserve, Okla., Wpension increased .,,.,.,,.,_,__..._.. 1441 appmpglaégn for providing range, etc., for 696 ales, Adam, ces on . .. . .. - o nsion increased 2345 Wichita Forest Reserve, Okla, W¥l§y, Andrew and Susie, Indian Allottees, proclamation enlarging boxmdxries of . 3207 alienation restrictions removed ,,..,..,.. _ , 346 W setti? apart as a game preserve ... 3062 Wiley, George, Indigna Volunteers, ·u:}nLa`, ams., nsion increase ...,. . , . 2760 , enlargement of public building at, author- Wglgy, George, Iowa Vblunteers, L iz0d.. -. . .. - -- 774 Wpension increased . . . . 1541 apprgriation for. - r . - . . 790, 1305 dey, Jesse, 'Wichzta ountain and Orient Railway Com- Wliensignlgncreased .,,._._.,,__,_,,,_,,,,,. 2041 7*2/, 'L ey, * Wm, V grantega right. of way thro h Fort Sill Mili- pension increased ..,_._.,,... 1987 tary Risgrvation, gila . 513 Wiley, Willwhm T.,d . Wicite, Indian ottee, 7 ension increase 1535 allotment tent may be canceled. ... 361 Wilhelm, Henry, Wickatcww, Allottee, Q nsion increased 1843 · allotment patent may be canceled . . , . . 361 Wvgielm, John, Wehkem, Phzlip, Indian Allottee, ension increased .,.., , ,,..,,,,,. 1794 fee—simple title to ... 365 W5kers<m, Iwm, Wickerw, Phillip, Indian Allottee, nsion increased ..,. 2089 fee-sigmpée ?tle to ... 365 Wsiins, Elijah Rgd Wwk ar , . ., ension increas ,... , ._.__..,... 1509 préiminary examination of harbor, to be { Wglcins, James B., made .. .. . . 1116. ension increased .., . .,... 1679 Wickham, Wfll·iam H., W5k*ins, lwlliam R., _Wpi?gion 2507 Wgirixsion inIcreased ..,..._. 2598 u: me, o , mem, ames, nsion increased 2210 ension increased .,... 1615 Wwgelm, George WZ, d Q Wilkinson, John, Qgllissouri Infantry, nsion increase .. . . 1920 ension increas ______,,_________ 2099 Wgfonnico River, Md,, Wilkinson, John, South Carolina Infantry, a propriation for improvement of . . . . . 1081 § pension increased .,..,.,,,,.,,____,___ 1752 Wifme, Almem, E Wilkinson, John W, . yment to ,. 2662 Q pension increased _,_,,.,,_________________ 2519

 Insertion, D. C.,   Wall, Henry P., ~

Wpu1;in?n1e£1t.for willful .. .. .. .. .. .. i.. 86 j Wg<;ns}ion..N.S .,..,.. 1685 1,gu,.ac0, y 1,.mac . ., nsion increased 1951 nsion increased ,.,,,,,_,,_,. 2304 Wgyegim, Ezra H., E w’%;Blll7lL€t[€ River, Oreg., Wpension increased ... , .,.. 2000 1 appropriation for lighting,. ,,,,,,,,,,,, 713, 1320 zgyns, Flkllmm, 5 for unprovement of, below Portland. 738, 1107 ,nsion xngvreasvd 2638 f for improvement of, above Portland .. 1107 Wilpber, Calrm D., _ 5 Willapa River, Wash., Wriinsiongnplrleaséd 1928 Wqgpmprégtizu for improvement of .,.., , _ , _ 1108 tom, at , 1 zapa, as., Wpensiou .. 2298 l alppropriation for improvement of harbor, . . 1108 album, Gwrge f VW lard, Joseph W., pension increased. ... 1520 i pension increased ,.,,.,,.. . ,., 1547