Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1013

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996 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 299. 1909. For care and maintenance of greenhouses, Executive Mansion, nine thousand dollars. d Ilior repairs to greenhouses, Executive Mansion, three thousand o ars. mam; ummm Lrcnrme rum Exneurrvn MANsroN AND mmmc enomms: For gas, M "‘° "‘“"‘° pay of lamplighters lgas litters, and laborers; purchase, erection, and re of lamps and, amp- osts; purchase of matches, and repairs of ali) kinds; stoves, fuel, and) lights for office and office stable, watchmen’s lodges, and for the greenhouses at the nursery, nineteen w¤•· I thousand five hundred dollars: Prmnkled, That for each live-foot ° mmw mp' burner not connected with a meterin the lamps on the public grounds not more than eighteen dollars shall be paid per lamp for gas, including lighting, cleaning, and kee ing the lamtps in repair, under any expenditure provided for in this Xct; and said lamps shall burn every night, on the average, from ffteen minutes after sunset to fortygfive minutes before sunrise; and authority is hereby given to su titute other illuminating material for the same or less price, and to use so much of _ the sum hereby aqplropriated as may be necessary for that purpose: ,$Qf,f,,§°'“ °"“"“Providcd further at four thousand two hun red dollars o the foregoing sum shall be paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the remainder from the Treasury of the United States: ,,,$§{"°' °""”°` And provided fu.rther, That not more than six thousand dollars of said appropriation may be expended for lighting ext , cleaning, rep' , and painting park lamps o a higher candlepower than those provided for above and not less than sixty candlepower, which lamps shall cost not to exceed twenty dollars and eighty-five cents per amp per annum and shall otherwise be subject to the restrictions of this paragraph. m°°“"° “**"“· For lighting six arc e ectric lights in Executive Mansion grounds within the iron fence, at not exceeding eighty-five dollars per light per annum, which sum shall cover the entire cost of hghting an maintaini in good order each of said lights, Eve hundred and ten dollars. Folfdighting six arc electric lights at the propagating gardens, at not exceeding eighty-five dollars per light per annum, which sum shall cover the entire cost of lighting an maintaining in good order each of said liglhts, five hundred an ten dollars. For lig ting arc electric lights in public grounds, as follows: For seven in grounds south of the xecutive Mansion, thirty-two in Lafay- ette, Franklin, Judiciary, and Lincoln parks, fourteen in grounds south of Executive Mansion and in Monument Park, and twenty- seven in Potomac Park driveway, at not exceeding eighty-five dollars per light per annum, which sum shall cover the entire cost of lightin and maintaining in good order each of said lights; in all, six thousand eight hundred dollars,_one half of which sum shall be aid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other iialf from the Treasury of the United States. For laying conduit, erecting forty poles and lamps, and lighting same on macadam roadways in sections one and two of Potomac Park, at not exceeding eighty-five dollars per light per annum, which sum shall cover the entire cost of lighting and maintaining in good order each of said lights, three thousand four hundred dollars, one half of which sum shall be lpaid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other ha from the Treasury of the United States. Gogemmcnc me- Tmnnenarn TO ooxxrzor THE Carrror. WITH run nmmrunxrs mpAND Govmnmumzr Pmxrmo OFMOn: For care and repair of existing _ lines, one thousand dollars. ’ For purchase and installing cables in underground conduits already in place, and for taking down and removing the present system of overhead wires and poles, three thousand dollars. ¤¤¤#¤¤¤¤>rm. GRANT ummomarz For continuing work for the erection of the memorial to General Ulysses S. Grant, forty-two thousand dollars.