Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1017

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1000 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 299. 1909. Ambmsu channel. Improving New York Harbor, New York: For continuing improve- N"' Y`" "°°" rlruipt of Ambrose Channel, four hundred and fifty-nine thousand 0 ars. “°"‘°“‘·V°· Improving0Harbor at Norfolk, Virginia: For continuing impgovernent of har r and approaches, from deep water in Hampton oads to the Junction of the eastern and southern branches, including rplmov dog ihoals at the mouth of the eastern branch, two hundre thousand dollars. °°"‘“”"· °°‘~ Improving harbor at Oakland, California: For continuing improvemlent indceémlpletion of contract authorization, one hundred and ten thousand dollars.

  • )***0*****%*- Improving Ohio River below Pittsburg, Pennsylvania: For coniifiii mddum tinuing construction of Lock and Dam Numbered Eight, three hundred and sixty-four thousand dollars.

No. 11. For contmuing construction of Lock and Dam Numbered Eleven, three hundred thousand dollars. ms. 13 and is. For continuing construction of Locks and Dams Numbered Thirteen and Eighteen, one hrmdred and ephty thousand dollars. N¤-¤» For continuing construction of oc and Dam Numbered Twenty- six, three hundred thousand dollars. New- For contiknuirsgegonlptmctigndolg Lock and Dam N umbered Thirty- seven one un thousand dollars. 0¤s¤ 1¤v¤r.¤<» Imprlpving (Osiagip River, Missouri: For completing lock and dam, sixty thousand dollars. 0=W¢s*·>.N.Y. Improving harbor at Oswego, New York: For continimprove- Emipt in completion of contract authorization, one hundlxigd thousand o ars. ouéchirnnd mack Improving Ouachita River, Arkansas and Louisiana: For continu— . rivers, Ark. and IA. · · · . . . . ‘ mg unparpvement, in completion of contract authorization, of Ouachita and B k rivers, Louisiana and Arkansas, b§ the construction of Lock and Dam Numbered Two, near Catahoula hoals, Louisiana, and Lock and Dam Numbered Eight, near Franklin Shoals, Arkansas, one lliulndred and thirty-five thousand eight hundred and twenty-three 0 ars. P¤¤-fc ¤¤v<¤r.N--¥- Improving Passaic River, New Jersey: For continuing improvemlent ofdcéumnel m Newark Bay and assaic River, two hundred thousand dollars. P··¤p¤¤¤Rive¤-.M<r Improving Pata 0 River Ma land: For completi im rovement of channel toP‘altimore,’inclurding shoals in Chesaphiike Slay off I York Spit, nine hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars. “f§gr;r>¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*= mv- Improving Rappahannock River, Yirginia: _For completing improyleénept in accordance with the modrfied project, thirty-two thousan dollars. s¤m¤e1>¤¤¤.re¤. Improving Sabine Pass, Texas: For continui im rovement, in comp etion of contract authorization, ten thousaiih dollars. , Igwgnr ¤¤¤·¤ River. Improving Samt Marys River, Michigan: For continuing improve- {ew mm:. ment at the falls by the construction of a new lock, with a separate carIii1l,§our huéidaeg and gwentyigive tgousand dollars. sown ,M ar or o c e at andy ay, ape Ann, M ch tt : F l ay m contiiiuixiiig ixglprovemlepth in completion of contraglaautllidridatiohf seven y- ve thousand dollars. SM J¤•¤·P-R- Improvin harbor at San Juan, Porto Rico: For continuin iing S provement, three hundred thousand dollars. C£¤¤ ¥·¤*¤ 0¤i¤1>¤» Improving harbor at San Luis Obispo, California: For continuing ` improvement, thirty thousand dollars. s..»·s¤¤an,o¤. mproving harbor at Savannah, Georgia: For continuing improvemenlthml completion of contract authorization, four hundred thousan dollars. S6§g1¤j'¤g;gP,§8m_Riv¢r- _ Improving Southwest Pass, Mississippi River; For continuing improvement m completion of contract authorization, three hundre an thirty thousand dollars.