Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1214

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INDEX. xxvii Chicago, Indiana and Southern Railroad Cam- P¤8°· Childrerfs Guardians, D. C., Board o£`1—Con. P¤z¤· pany, . _ appropriation forfeeble-mindedc 'ldren. 305,721 nay bpxe Grand Calumet River at Gary, 4or doard, etc., of children ... 305, 721 ... a vances .. 306, 722 Chicago, (indianapolis and Louirvillc Railway deiicienloyidappmpdation for board, etc., of crmpuny, c 1 ren 496, 917 may bridge Grand Calumet River at Ham- Ch·ildren’s Hospital, D. C., _ mgiidégndm - . , . It ..., . . . 32 Cltppropriution forcare of indigent patients.}-104, 720 Ulmugo e ore tcm a1 may am- e, i pany, appropriation for minister to 172, 672 may baidse Calumet River in Lake County, 7 for secretary of ipgamun ... S}: . 6172, 678 n ... 81 or expenses, an- mexican ienti c Chabago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway Congress, Santiago ... i.- 380 ‘ Company, Ohillobothe, Mo., • may kicgcate dadditionpldstatggn ground, acquirplg sit:} for public building at, auurone n ian eservation, oriz ... 534 _ klaboiil . . · ..,, 78 UM deficmpliy appropriation for ..._,_., 488 0 WF', -. , -»

 gmmpaticp of Vgest Fork of Clgplpropriation for Indian school .. 88, 802

out rauc to ems e ... 825 u,' Chkkamcuga and Chattanooga National Park, appropriation for minister to .,.. 172, 672 appmprgation for continuing establishment{gi secretgry of legation .. 172, 673 0 .. . ... 365, 1005 secon secretary ... 172, 673 for bridge over Chickamauga Creek . 365 for Chinese secretary .. 173, 674 for repairing glare damages ... 366 for assistant Chinese secretary 173, 674 for road from kout Mountain to Rom- fcrsmdent interpreters ... 173, 674 ville, Ga., on Ho0ker’s line of march. 366 for cost of tuition 173, 674 Chickasaw Freedman, for in at consulates .. 181, 681 clsimsb of services to be {or!. mars s, donsular courts. gi, m ro t in. 451 ex es 0 prisoners . , rights to acebuire allotments to cease Dec. dhblmmm serving in, admhted to 1, 191 - .. 805 Volunteer Soldier? Homes .. 1012 _

wm (ue also Five Civilized exchanlgolgf portion of legation property in

` , e `n . . .. 179 appropriation for tribal schools. ...,.,_., 91 @4 remission of rtion of indemnity for Boxer payment forremnant of allotmentsdue. ’ 805 disturiznces . .. 577 iorsalary of D. H. Johnson an governor. . 90 China, United States Ccurtfcr, . ' cool and asphalt lands of, surface only, may appropriation for salaries and emu,. 178, 679 be condemned for public use ... 805 ciency appropriation for 'es and payment of outstanding warrants issued by , 315 expenses 517, 942 town sites authorized on surface of coal and Chincoteague Inlet, Vo., asphalt segregated lands ..,.,.., 446 lpreliminary examination of, to be made. . . 833 restriction on sales removed; expenses. . 446 C `ncse Exclusion, C'h·ickoauu·, Ol. la., . appropriation for enforcing .. 343, 982 scquirirlrg size! for public building at, au- ChdencieIn¤%ppmjprizgion fg enforcing... 518, 945 t oriz ...,... 535 I "msc n mty or our ivturbances, deficiency appfopriation for . 488 _ modificatiop of amour?. authorized g77 ' aww River, a., remission o rtion o remain er . 77 relimina examination of, to be made, to disallowed cligims to be adjudicated by P YY remove bar at mouth ...,.. 823 I Court of Claims . 577 Chzbott Pass, La., ‘ amount reserved for payment of judgments; appropriation for lighting .. 334, 972 [ payments .. . .. 577 Chief Justice, Supreme Court, j balance to be returned to China . 578 appropriation or ... 242, 905 I evidence, ctc., to be considered ... 578 Chu; of Staj', Army, limitation of allowances .. . . . 578 appropriation for Army War College 100, 732 Chinese Plague, or military information division ex- appropriation for prevention of epidemic. 330, 970 f .1. Et ..., 1%, deficiency appmpriation for preventing 10 orc ie c er c. . . s ... for Army War,College, maintenance. . 122; 747 , Chippeu·uli·‘ulla, Wis., Chihuahua, _ appropriation for public building: ... 948 classification and salary of consulate .. 102 limit of cost increaoednpublnc building 523 Child-(bring Institutions, D. ('.,Chippewa Indians, Fond u Lac, a propriations for ...,., 305, 721; deficiency appropriation for payment; for Cvh1&—Ldb0f E1npl0gmc1zt, 1). C. (sec Employ- timber epredations ... 30 ment 0 C ild Labor, D. ('.).: Chippewa Indians, Mich., Child Workers, Woman and, . complete roll of, to be made .. 81 appropriation for, investigating condition CM penn Indians, Minn. Mille Lac Band, oi. . .. . ... 239, 902 fc? losses go Court oglaims- 619 Children, Ile p ess C 'ppeuu ndrm 0 e upcrior, is., widow? pension not affected by specific act Chalppropriptipn for jeippport, etc., of 97, S14 r .,,,,,.. 1058 ppeim n "am o mnesota, Ch“d7'¢7'L,:(]UHTdiG7l0, D. C., Board of, upfpropriation for drainage survey, etc S2 appropriation for administrative expenses-305, 721 I or iC. Lightboum and George D. Hamfor salaries .. 305, 72 i wu . 82 80803—x‘<:L 35, PT 1-09-77