Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1266

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INDEX. lxmx haugrvution of the Pm- Indian Agents, ‘ Paco. lun of 11s;, etc., for decorations . 1163 books, etc., to be kept by; penalty for false hospatnl tents, appliances, ctc.; bond ro· 1163 India Centries, etc ...,. . _______ 784 ‘l‘m°d ·-·-----·—--------—--------·- '*· amP¢"9"~"» · cvedmsd telegraph wires permitted tempo- soldiers serving in entitled to admission to rqrily . _ _ . 1163 _ Volunteer Soldiers Home .. 372 occupation of court-house by Fifth Bngn- Indian Cinldrm, _ _ _ ment Maryland National Guard 1164 allotments to living, Great Sioux reserva- Incapadtaud Persons, tions, not receiving prior ... 451 appropriations for salaries not available for Rosebud Reservation, not receiving permanently- ..., 244, 907 prior .. 451 I payment to, in postal service, forbidden. 417, 670 Indian Cmmmipn, (iitizen, meat, a. pro riation or expenses 74, 785 pnmisbment for committing, in the Toni- (gourts, · tories . 1149 a progrinticn for . 75, 786 Incorporatizma, D. C., eek, Jamawa ay, N. K, Imperisil ghalace, Dramatic Order Knights 64 I examination of, to be made- - 820 0 omssnn . . . 6 ·ndmn` tmmt, The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew 475 uppropcrgtion for Commissioner, assistant, The Congmsionnl Club .. ._ 476 clerks, etc ... . 226, 890 The Masonic Mutual Relief Amocintion for expenses of the ... 70, 781 name changed to Masonic Mutual under the President .._..,..,, 70, 781 Anociation . _ . . . 554 qépmprintion for allotments in severalty. 70, 781 Increase of the Navy (scc also Naval Establish- un er the Secretary of the Interior. . . 71, 781 ment),:1 ml N supplies to be advertised for ... i . 7 1 ent or cri services, etc., in svy eugencies; irrigation expenses; ndisn mym Department from, forbidden 778 labor and supplies 71 Independence, Kam., · _ disbursing officen to give new bonds; re- _ acquiring site and erectingpublic building lease of prior .. 71 gt, authorized . ‘ .. s . 529 tribal buildings, ctc., of Five Givilized deficiency appropriation for . 485 _ Tribes, to be sold ..,., 71 gppmprigcion for .. . 951 dmposal of proceeds 71 Lgdepmdmu, Mo,, _ preferences to Oklahoma, counties, etc.; construction authorized of public building leases 1 7]. nt, , ; ,,,,,,,,.. . .. 527 railways through reservations may buy land additional ground . 527 for reservoirs, etc.; conditions .. 781 deieieney sppmpriation for . 484 payment to lndmns 782 gppmpristiqn for ... 951 patents to Indians who have not received Independent Treasury, allotments in sevemlty heretofore. . . 782 appropriation for nlnrios, adstannt trees- under the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. . 71, 782 urers’ offices ,.,.., , .,_,,. 207, 871 I appropriation for irrigation expenses; sufor special agents, examinations, etc. . 209, 874 perintendents . 71, 782 for paper for checks .,.__,_.. , 210, 874 for surveying and sllottiré 72, 782 fm- contingent expenses ... 326, 966 for suppressing liquor tm c ... 72, 782 for mmiming money stored at San Fmn- ; for support of schools . 72, 782 cisco mint ,, . .. 326 K for construction, etc., of school build- · deficiency appropriation for contingent i in? . ._ _ .. 2 7 2, 782 expenses 9, 480, 913 for col ecting and tmusporting pupils.. . 72, 783 fm- perfor cheeks . _. r . 59, 913 employment for_pup11s._ . 72, 783 punisliiinent for amistant treasurers failing admission of wlutepupils _ 7 83 safely to keep government funds 1105 for special investigations; per diem 72, 783 Index to Statutes at Large, _ for agricultural experiments on school or appropriation for continuing preparation agency farms .. 72, 783 of .. . .. 858 school expenditures under direction of Indexes of Laws, ctc., _ Commissioner. . ._ .. 72 appropriation for preparation of, for Con- , maximum per pupilgullotment ... 72 gress, etc . . 195 { limit to pay of superintendents ... 73 Indhm Ajairs, Commiuimwr ofreport on nonreservation schools to be appropriation for assistant, clerks, etc. . 226,890 I made .. I ... . . . 73 for clerks detailed to make special inves- · custodians of Indian money may detigntions .,.,...,...,__,__. 72, 783 I posit funds in banks; bond required 73 for court costs, etc., suits on allotments-- 784 l negotiations authorized for commuting im- experiments in agriculture, school, or perpetual annuities. .._.,,. 73 agency farms _,,,,, 72, 783 ‘ for timber preservation, etc., on reserva- 4;,, deg' are employee to sign letters .. 783 I tions._ ... I _ 7 83 to sendqspecial agent to neglotiste for com- Menommee Reservation, Wis., exmutation of perpet annuities ..., 73 i cepted .. Z .. 2 .. 783 Indian Agencies, _ I cmp oyee to be designated to sign letappmpymtign for agricultural experiments ters for Commissioner .. 783 on {arms at ___,_,,,... . ...,,... 72, 783 mming leases of allotted lands perfor buildings, etc .. 74, 784 g mitted;exception; rules, etc ... . 783 for additional clerical assistance in less- { transfer of allotments nmsuitable to ing lands, etc .,..,,_,,.. 786 S Indians; exceptions; rules, etc .. 784