Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1306

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INDEX. exix New H¢dm—Conti:nued. Penn- New York Harbor, N. K-Continued. Pwnact of legislature as to in cass rsgulaticnsncowrtoba equipped withliioof personal damages! dggpggxzvgd _ _ 573 prqervers, anchors, etc ..,. 427 Bernalillo County may issue ds for listof employees to be kept by owner bond bndgesacr0uTl}1gdG1a)ndo..:..%i.. 612 427 issues au gms y Isgiskve scowssxce m`e'es,etc ... 623 asaembly validated .. : .. 53 New York, N. i, commission for mz appropriation for warehouse for Indian compenntion from terntuul legis- supplies L... 73 lature ... Z . 409 fornavp-yardordna.ncema¢:hinetoo1¤... 133 fees to ]_umr¤ and witnesses attending for pub ic works, navy-yard .. 139, 762 United States courts m; rutrichon. 377 improvement of water front ... 139 homestead ent.nssot320_acr¤x¤oinun1rr1g•- dry dock No. 4, limit of cost; cun- _ ble lands glowed ui ... 039 struction .,,.,,..,,,,_,_,,_ 139 hw land provrqmns for school sections toruuim barracks ...,.,,..,,,,,, , 144 made aplplncsbla to 44 for dispatch agent .,.,...,,,,_ 174, 575 may sell schoo section to Portales 612 for assistant treasumfs olhce . Z)8,872 payment treasury of Territory for foragy (354:9 at ,_,_,,_,,_,,,,______ 313,373 additional employees, etc., author- Ior Ece ...,,,,_ 817, 954 _ lz9d -·----··. . . 492 for momco . . . 818, 954 Pllbhv hud! granted to, under Carey Act. . 638 contracts authorized .,.,.. 313 supreme couxjt mpmsed . 842 me po$oGce station, New York cmu-at lddnhougl iushce to tplpaintsd .. 842 terminal building , , ,,,, 411 seven districts estabhsh ; residence of for rent, pension agency . 419, 1058 _ gudges ..,... , .. 842 deEciency a prnpriation fa- custom-house, agggmugpt of judges; term at Boswell, . 842 fum]; mg ,,,,,,,.,,_ , _,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 terms of court .. 842 for courbhouse and post-oilico, repairs, Tucumcari land district established ... _ 45 etc ._,,_,, 492 New Ork¤yu%La., _ fursubtreanurybuilding 939 appropriation for assistant t|e•¤ur¤’¤ for rent of old custom-house 939 cliice ... M8, 872 acquiring site for public building at {or mint at . . .: ...,., . ... 210, dd Bronx Borough, . 535 crmmt repairs . ... ciencya . 488 g public w val'•t•tion,,. . 140, 7g Nggmk Soutggn District, equi n` t, nsvy—y=¤{Y.· .. 1 `tional ’u ge a in ... 685 for public bding, custom-house and for of judge ashun post-office , ,, .. 954 istrict repeal 685 deficiency appmpriaion ict min;,;. .· .. 12 deficient: appropriation for additional condemned cannon, etc., donated to, for .. 928 city hall park . 1074 Newark Lay, N. J., New River, Fla., appropriation for improvement of chanpreliminary examination of, to be made. . . 824nel 361, 1000 New Smyrna Bridge and Investment Company, Npreliminarp examination of, to be made. . 829 bridge acmm Indian River North at New ewark, N. ., _ _ Smyrna by, legalized ... 595 acquiring site and erecting public building New Smyrna, Fla., _ at, authonzedn .: . 530 bridge across Indian River North at, legal- deficiency appropriation for . 486 ized ... . ... 595 Newark, Okie, _ _ New Ulm, Minn., _ appropriation for publnc building .. 954 appropriation for public building: . 954 pu lic building open space requirement limit of cost increased, public building 522 reduced . M0 New York, _ Ncwbem, N. C., _ _ _ appropriation for Indian Service in .. 86, 799 enlargement of public building at, au- New York Agmey, N. YC, thorized ... _ . .: . 525 ap mpriatnon or Indian agent at 86, 799 deficiency appropriation for . 483 . For pay of physician 86, 799 Newberry, S. C., _ New York Avenue NE., D. C., acquiring site and erecting public building proceedings to condemn land for extending, i at, authorined ,,..,_,,,,. 531 to Bladensburg road ... 597 ’ deficiency a propriation for . 486 appropriation for . . . 597 Newburgh N. Veteran Relief Guard, New Ypork Harbor, N. K, _ donated obsolete Springfield rides . . 443 appropriation for enforcing anchorage reg- Newcastle, England, ulations .. 322, 963 1 classiiication and salar; of consulate ., 101 for improvement of Ambrose Channel ... 358, : Neu·ca.stle, NewSouth Wu s, 360, 997 , 1000 . classification and salary of consulate .. 101 for preventing injurious deposits in- . 367, 1007 , Neva-husang, anchorage buoys, placed under Light-House ‘ classification and salary of consulate .. 101 Board .. . . 162 Neuman, Gu., appropriation for maintenance, etc .. 331 1 construction authorized of public building navigation of Ambrose Channel at night i at 526 may be permitted; rules, etc 817deficiency appropriation for . 483 preliminary examination to be made of i appropriation for .. . 954 Bay Ridge and Red Hook channels. 829 = Newport ews, Va., regulations to prevent injurious deposits in, preliminary examination of Middle Ground amended .. 426 F Bar, to be made .. . - 834