Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1315

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cxxvm INDEX. Pay, Army——Continued. PRG- Payma.slers’ Clerks and Messengers, Army, F=¤H¢· pay of musicians; Military Academy band appropriation for pay .. 113, 738 excepted . . 110 for traveling expenses. ... . . . 113, 738 not to compete with civilian bands .. 110 Payne, George, deduction for Soldiers’ Home repealed 110 eficiency appropriation for services .. 933 war increase repealed 110 Payne, W K., present, and al owances not reduced .. 110 eiiciency appropriation for services .. 934 Pay Department, Army, Peace, Foundation for Promotion of Indusappropriation for pay of officers; lon- tml, gevit ... 112,737 · number of committee increased .. 637 Pay, Marine gorpa, arrangements for meetings, etc 638 ' appropriation or ... 154, 773 Peace Oyioers, Alaska, Special, amount for additional officers and men schoo service employees may be appointed 837 immediately available .. 154 arrests authorize by; trials . 837 oflicers and men to serve on battle · no fees, etc., allowed; actual expenses ships as heretofore . 774 excepted . 837 deficiency appropriation for .. . ... 29, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, - 31, 501, 504, 516, 519, 922, 940, 944 establishment of naval station directed- - - 141 Pay, Navy, buildings, etc., authorized .. 141 appropriation for ... 127, 753 graving dry dock to be built; capacity; increase of, to officers and enlisted cost .. 141 men .. 127 appropriation for dredging channel enfor miscellaneous . 129, 754 trance .. 141, 763 for contingent ... 129, 755 for dry dock ... 141 deficiency appropriation for ... 28, for machine shops; cost - 1 41 31, 501, 503,516, 519, 922, 940, 944 for storehonses .. 141 for miscellaneous ... 28, for yard development; contracts 141 31, 501, 516, 519, 922,940 for Marine barracks and officers’ quarfor contingent ... 501, 519 ters 766 for increased pay, fiscal year 1908 ... 501 Pearl River, Miss., allowance of payments to officers on tem· preliminary examination of, to be made- - 828 porary eaves ... 754 Peekskill, N. K, officers on active list increased 127 purchase of building for Government uses; longevity; maximum ... 128 price . . 539 maximum, captains, commanders, and alterations, etc., to be made; cost ... 539 lieutenant-commanders 128 deficiency appropriation for . 490 ten per cent increase for sea duty, and Pekin , China, beyond continental limits . 128 excban e of portion of legation property in. 179 midshipmen, increased .. 128 Penalty Egnvelopes, Franlced, warrant officers and paymasters’ clerks, I to be sent pensioners for return of vouchers . 1058 increased 25 per cent ... 128 . Penalty Franks, Postal Service, active and retired enlisted men increased I punishment for using, on private mail 10 (per cent . 128 § matter ,,... 1134 chiefs of epartment bureaus . 128 Pend d’0re*illc River, chaplains; aids to rear-admirals ... 128 { bridge authorized across, at Newport,Wash. 7 officers voluntarily retiringafter 30 years’ preliminary examination of, to be made.. . 834 service 128 Pendleton, Oreg., chiefs of bureaus on retirement ... 128 acquiring site and erecting public buildofiicers and enlisted men now on retired ing at, authorized ..,_,,.., 531 list to receive increase . 128 deficiency appropriation for ,,, , ,.,,, 486 to remain in force until changed by Con- terms of court at .,_,,,_,,, 686 gross ... 128 Pcnitenliarics, United States Courts, no reduction of present rates . 128 appropriation for construction, Leavenestimates for, to show in detail sums paid, worth, Kans . .,_,,,, 373,1012 rates, etc . . .. 129, 754 Atlanta, Ga ,... . ,_,,,, 374,1012 payments from, for clerical, etc., services, McNeil Island, Wash . 1013 limited ... 754 for maintenance 377, 1015 rates for pay from lump appropriations denciency appropriation for McNeil Island, for clerical, etc., services to e estab- Wash., heating plant ... 508 lished 755 _ Penn Yan, N. K, leaves of absence forper diem employees. 755 acquiring site and erecting public buildrestricted to specific appropriations; ing at, authorized . 530 annual re rt . 755 deficiency appropriation fori 486 schedule oi, anclxallowances to be made to public building street exposure restric- Congress ... 754 tion waived ... 1067 permanent rates of pay for clerical, etc., Pcnnock, Helen, employees at yards and stations to payment to, from funds of Sac and Fox be submitted to Congress .. 755 Indians of the Mississippi ..,,,,,,,, 89 ten per cent for sea duty not computed Pennsylvania, with retired officers ... 501 appropriation for Indian Service in .. 92, 808 commodores, retired 501 Pennsylvania Eastern Jndvbial Dismbt, Pqapnaster-General, Navy (nee Bureau of Sup- salary of attorney and assistant increased. . 375 plies and Accounts). Pennsylvania Western Judicial Dismcg, Penyvnaxtcr-General’a Office, War D¢pm·tment, additional judge authorized ,_,___ _ _______ 656 appropriation for clerh, etc . 215, 879 deficiency appropriation for . 928