Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1354

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2388 INDEX. - Kane, Charles, Y¤8¢- Kean, Julius J`., P¤z¤~ pension increased 1316 Kpension increased 1523 Kankakee, I ll., earney, Elizabeth (widow), dciicieizcg :r};¥.§<;g;{?tio1xpr6g>ublic bui1d~ 491 Kgl0r1;;1y0nNeZ .. 1589 , s sc IC , ., Kansas, appropriation for public buildin .. 952 appropriation for Indian Service in .. 80, 790 limit of cost increased, public buglding 522 dc cicnc? apgmfrhtion for expenses, re- "Kearsarge," U. S. S., pe ling n ian invasions .. 480, 911 appropriation for repairs ... 149 additioua] lands donated to, for State Keating, Pgtnck, a.%xjcultu1;a1 college .,.. 465 Kpeumou 1DC!'8B,S€d 1597 Garden It National Forest.,11ame changed eefe, Alexander, to lgnsas National Forest ... 2188 i Kpension increased 1326 Kansas National Forest, name of Garden eefe, tleregnwh, City National Forest, changed to . . . 2184 penswn 1l1C1'G3S€d ... , 1249 boundaries enl ed 2184 Keefe, Waller W., part of Fort Rilegrlgkesewatiou, being site Kpayment po.._ . ... 1408 K of iirs§Tcmt0rial capitol, granted bo- 36 ee;fer,_Be1yamm Ié, 1378 uma; ty am., nsion mcrcase .. . . bridge authorized across Kansas River at. 612 , Kgz6ler,_Brqm0*n C., - eulgrgeugelnt. of public building at, author-Kpekx;s1€>r¤ gucileased ... . 1301 iz ,.,,..,,.,,,,,,..,,,,.,..., 524 I ee , 0 n . deficiency appropriation for .,... 482 I Kpeusion inqresased . . .. _ 1570 harborR].incs to be established in Kansas 11 Mly, CGWM, 1624 iver at ,__,__,_...,,..,.. 64 aymen 0 . . Kansas Indwns Okl . Kgme, N. H. appropriation; for s(::ii>p0rt, etc., of 88, 802 coustrqctioan authorizgdgfpublic buildingat 527 sales of surplus kn S of, authorized _.,,_,_ 778 deficwugzy gppropnatxou for . 484 Kama; National Form, Kam., appr;>}nr1ation for ... 952 proclamation chm§ing name of Garden Kceperg, pw: C'., City N ations Forest m . gz}84 Kpctggsclx; gjxcressgd ... . 151 gnlgggiug __________________ _ ______________ 84 cc { e cfs0n ., ` Kama; Rwgr umol} mcrcascd . ... 1273 bridge authorized across, at Kansas City, Kgu, _He{1ry B., Kms _____________,_______________ 612 Kpexmon IDCr€3S€d 1246 harbor lines to be established iu,·ut Kansas dd, City, Kung _________________________ 1154 Qamihcatigu and salary of consulate .. 101 Kprcliminary examination of, to be made., . 825 KMW, DQYMI, ansaa State Agrkultural College, genmon uncrcaqcd ... . 1346 additiainal public lands donated to Kansas 65 K¢"¤M’, Surah (w*dW*)» 1507 or ____ _______ __________________ __ 4 p0¤B10B .- · --· Kansi , Thome; Keith, George T., en;?): increased ... . 1510 P€!|¤i0¤ ---·----·------·-···--··---------- 1607 Kfpus, Lizzie (unklaw), Keithaburg, Ill., _ _ _ _ peugign increased ________________ _ _______ 1322 changes puovqed in njebunlding budge across Karachi, _ Mxssmsnppz Rxver at 649 Classification and salary of consulate .. 101 Kami', JOM B-; Karr, James, payment to wxdcw of 1432 pension increased . ... 1369 Kd1w', P- 0-, _ Kqrgghngr, Wg;],;,,,, yu ment to wxdow of ..-.. - - - 1432 pension increased ,... 1584 K¢ _, (”*°”*"')· Kasshafcr, Frank, alias Frank Snyder, Pension mcmased ·········· · ···········‘· 1604 L/pension increased ..., 1364 K¢U¢'•’,_Abl’¤'m» ma Island, 11mm, Kp¤¤¤¤<>¤ ¤¤¤~¤¤¤d --------—-----------——-- 1288 light and fog signal station authorized ou. . 162 0U, {63 M- , appropriation for ,,,,.,,.,..,,,.,,.,,... 332 KP9¤$T0¤ ¥P€Y`€f¤$€d ·--·---····-· - --—---···· 1197 proc mation reserving lands for light- Y dk", _Bm_.W”"”» 1493 house purposes, etc., on 2209 I P€¤¤!°¥]:l::*l§!°a*dA ·-------·-···--· · ··--··· K pug; __________________________ 2212 Kcllcr,_C mcs ., 1600 au er wis ., MNH _ —--—··----- - ·-··-—---·-- Kpensizm increased ,... 1315 ¢ K5?¢!I»_D¤‘!'*d’ quymnn, ywing gv_' K];?ns1<§1 11:zcreased 1560 usicm increased ..,. 1597 ¢ ¢y»_ @0 » Kgvjtz, aww 11. (umm), Kp·=¤¤<>¤ ¤¤¤r¤¤¤¤d -·----- - —-----—-------—— 1483 Kpeusiou increased ... . 1386 dk!/»_ Wa]'", 1455 5, of [gag], 11810D mc:jeased-.._ ...~. . - -. ""§"£§‘,’{ incrgwed __., . ... ms xfiiw, nam A. <m·»»>, _ Kg: Indnkmc, 0km., Kr>¤·¤¤i<>¤ i¤¤¤=¤¤d-. --—-—-------·-~-··----- M4 payment to John K. Hey] from funds of. . ._ 7 92 ellogg, Mary E. (uwdow), _ sales of surplus lands of, authorized ... 778 KP€¤¤10¤ --·-----· _ -·-- - —-—----·-·-····- 1 22** K"”‘.1.’}.¥.£"i;.’c,°.sEd"’ ms ""T1€a£'i$Q”meSE“ """""" mz Kggelghgy-,0wm, l`--'---·--_-··-.--`-I-. ;K§€logg,W:ilburF. pension increased .,.. . . . . 1307 ? pG¤S1011 1¤Cf¤¤¤¢& ·-----------··~--·- · ···· 1241