Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1381

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INDEX. 2415 MilimryAcade1ny—Continued. Page- ! Military Academy—Continued. P¤z¤· approppation for expenses, Board of Vi1sé6 1033 permission for four Filipinos to receiva in- 1 01`S ·-·--... . , struction . . 441 for contingengies, superintendent pay, allowances, etc,; eligible only for or re irs an 1m rovements services in Phili in couts· i · for fue; lights, etg . 436; 1034 of service ... . . it 441 for postage, stationery, etc ... 436, 1034 Military Bounty-Land Wmvqms, for transportation; printing .. 436, 1034 punishment for forging, sto ________________ 1191 for expenses, department of cavalry, ar- Military Commohsabns, Army, tillery, and mfantry tactics .. 437, 1034 appropriation for expenses ______________ 113, 733 for department of civil and military engi- Military Dqenses, ¤68l'il1g . 437, 1035 punishment for unlawful entry, etc., for department of natural and experi- upon.--, . . 1097 mental philosophy ... 437, 1035 Military Information, Army, for department of mathematics .. 437, 1035 appropriation for contingent expenses. . . 106, 739 for department of chemistry, mineralogy, or translator, etc .._.,,_______,______ 114, 733 and geology 437, 1035 Military Parks (see National Parks), for department of drawing ... 437, 1035 Mjmmy posts for d€P*¤'l·¤16¤t of modern l*m€¤¤8°B- 437, 1035 appropriatidn for construction etc · refor department of law and history 438, 1036 Striction _________________ ’ _____ `_’_ 363, 1002 for dsggitigent of Pmctlcal military emigs 1036 limit of Expenses for officers according

~---—-- · -----—·----- » · to mn 363

for gggymment of 0Fd¤8¤€€ and guggg 1036 for barracks and quarters for smcoast """""'*"""""""' Y art. ,,__,,,_,,,______________ I for department of military hygiene - 438,1036 for rscguseglcuug military prison sg? 1002 for instruction in English and history- . . 1036 Francisco Harbor ______________ ’_ 363 1002 for lectures ,..,,,_,,,__,.,,.__,,_ 438, 1036 for fort Crook Iowa ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ·’ 364 · for miscellaneous and incidental ex- for Fo,-t Des Nfoguesy Iowa __________ _ _ 364 gem ·--· - --·-·-—-—--—--·----- 43*% 1037 for target range Sparta Wis 364 1003 1004 for Ir my, etc ----------------------- 439,1037 for Governors Island nf, Y, __.,___ { ‘3s4’ 1004 for band instruments, etc ·-..-·----— 439, 1037 for Presidio, San Francisco, Gal. 364, 1003: 1004 for 1><>!¤¤¤e b¤¤¤¤k¤. etc ---------—-—- 439.1037 ro: Fort ogmxmpe, Ga .. sei, was for ch1ldren’s school . 439, 1037 for Fort Benjamin Hudson Ind ________ . 364 for additions to library building . 439 for Fon Sheridan In ____ _’ ____________ 364 for buildings and zr<>¤¤d¤ --------·-- 440. 1038 for Fort Logan, Colo ..._, f _.,,.._._,,,. 364 for ordnance l¤bqr¤¤>ry» ew --------—-—- 1038 for Fort Monroe, Va .,...__,_,,..,__, 365,1004 for ¤¤1d¤¤r¤’ hospital ----------------- 440, 1038 for military cmp, rm mm,- N, Y, , , mo; {M Xgcngvrkqm --·----·------------ 23, {gg; mr qumm for seacoast mnnsry, Phil- OY et OSP! -·--·--—·--—-----·-· » 1 ines and Hawaii .,,,,,.. 1 for cadet barracks . . .. 440, 1038 for Fgé); Mum, A,-my supply depot ______ 133; for roads, etc .---··--------- 440. 1038 for Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii .. 1004 for Fort !’¤¢¤=9m, etc-_ ---------------- 440,1038 for Fm Bayud, N, Mex ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 1004 for marking hwwnc mm, etc ------------ 1039 for cavalry post, Hawaii ,___,___ _ ,,,_,,, 1004 for gvbage ¢¤¤¤¤¤te>ry -------------—----- 441 ro: Fort Meade, s. Dak .. 1004 fo1‘ 1'?P¤¤¤¤g machine!'}' ---—- _ -·-—----··— 4 41 for military prison, Fort Leavenworth, for t1l1 floors and wamscoting . 441 Kam, __________________________ 364 1004 for som·n5;light stations, etc . 441 for Fon Riley, Kam _____________ _ ______ ’ 1004 for forestry improvements. . 441 for telephone systems _____ _ __________ ]07' 734 _ fo!' ¤t¤bl€» €l?€·» Qoldiemi hcslliml -·----—- 441 for constructing roads, wharves, etc. . . 12l, 746 {0i' 9i1I8F2in? burldingv, Bm ---- ; -—--··--- 1039 for establishing, etc., water and sewer for subsistence of cadets at inaugural systems __________________________ up 746 _ €€¤’9m0m€¤·-;--_ ----—-··---·--·---· 741 for equipping ofl‘icers’ schools . 118, 743 d6fi¤1611Q7{t:PP;`0Igl9¤t10¤ for P!'°f°¤¤°¥' of 15 punishment for unlawful entry upon .. 1097 m1 1 ry y ene Mmmry Prism", fg: ;':;;°g;'£::;°° ‘‘‘’‘‘‘'‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘’'‘ [ appropriation for San Francisco, ('al. . . 363, 1003 for associate proriressor of mathematics. . . 15 fo: g}§,}t°{‘§:;1;n(:J;E°§§;hé ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘ $64 for commutation of rations, cadets at 1 W I t_ k i) . "£ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ · 3 - Jamestown Exposition ..., , _..._ 15 { _ _ P0 er p lm ’ wor y mma es ' "" 60 for increased pay, officers and enlisted 7 Mlm"?`!! P"°P”$!/r _ _ _ men _______________ _ ______________ 498 ; punishment for maliciously setting nre fo, for pay, professor of ordnance and gun- etc --·---··--·--—-·—----—····-·--· 1144 nery ., 498 7 Military Records Corrected, for expenses Board of Visiton .. . 920 * (Jonlin, Patrick ... 1435 admission of Colon Eloy Alfaro, of Ecuador. 441 Dickinson, David I1 . 1531 Dsmetrio Castillo, jr., of Cuba. , 1039 Eastman, Dewitt ,,,.. 1400 Homan Ulloa, of Costa Rica 566 Hedrick, George \\' ...,.. 1437 allowance in accounts of Maj. G. S. Bing- Hinsch, William A ... 1400 , ham ., 441 Houck, William H ... 1438 appointment authorized of ‘J'. Randolph Huntley, Nathaniel . l 1558 Peyton as second lieutenant of McKnight, Lafgyette L .. 1439 . infantry 1039 I Northrop, The ore F ... 1403 cadets’ pay increased . 108 Shocker, Thomas J .,,.,.. I438 Constitution Island amigned in perpetuity [ Tracy, George A ... . .. 1439 to the use of . .. 1166 Welch, Benjamin C ...,..,__,_ 1403 restrictions ...,,_ 1166 i Wells, Adolphus Erwin ,.,.,..,,_____ 1435