Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1487

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INDEX. 2521 Quadt, _Mm¤w (widow), Page Quartennasterk Department, Army—Cont’d, Page. Q P€¤¤10i;;'E_- - · ------. ... 1581 appropriation for transportation; vessels, WWW we ymvy, -, trans ort service, etc 12 removal-] of idiepntion restrictions from 751 boats fd; harbor, and seacoast artillery, 07 745 8 I1 3. 0 688 O .. service, _________________ _ _______ 12 _ 74 homcsteads excepted .,, 752 for roads, em, Alaska _______ V ________ 123/ 742 M<>d<>¢¤ not 1H6h1d6d ----------.. 752 for roads, walks, wharves, and drain- 7 sale of tribal lands, ency, etc., buildings- 752 ago _________ _ ___________________ 12] 746 title in fee to purtlnasers 752 for water and sewer s stems at posts., 121; 746 all reserved lands revert to tribe 752 for shelter in the Philippines . 121, 746 apportiomnent per cspita of all funds- . . 752 for care of insane Filipino soldiers ... 746 . patents todrehgious societies for lands occu— 752 for clothing, and camp and garrison pw ... c Ul a s .»... 121, 746 Modocs restored to Klamath Agency, Oreg- 752 for post, liosgyitals . 121, 747 allotments to ... 752 Boise Barracks, Idaho . 121 Modocs, allotments inOk1ah0ma, to be sold, 752 Fort; D. A. Russell, Wyo ., 121 leases permitted in place of sales 752 Fort Sam Houston, Tex ... 121 Qmpaw Indians, Okla., Fort Slocum, N , Y ..., 121 appropriation for fulfilling treaty with 89, 803 Fort Robinson, Nebr ____________ _ 12] patent to issue for lands granted by, for_ Columbus Barracks, Ohio 121 Roman Catholic church and school- 88 Jefferson Barracks, Mo ______________ _ 121 description corrected 446 -Fort Ba ard, N, Mex ...____________ _ 747 ` Qugrgnlim D1Q·;¢ri¢t.; for Neat Cattle, Fort Yellowstone, WyO ... 747 Q appropriagon for establishing, etc .. 254, 1043 for gluarters fm} hospital stewards .. 121, 747 uarantine ervice, or ooti leries and ran es .. 121, 747 appropriation for maintenance of sta- Fort Snlelliggg, Minn .., ._,__,_____ 122 tions .. - . 329, 970 Fort Des Momes, Iowa...' .,_,_,,,,____ 122 Quarantine Smtiom, Fort Leavenworth, Kaus ,.________,__ 747 appropriation for repairs, etc., to build- Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo ..,,,_.,_,____ 747 ings .,._.,.., 319, 959 Fort Douglas, Utah ,,,____ _ __________ 747 for Reed Island 320, 961 for water sup ly Fort William Henry for San Pymncisco, Cal ... . 320, 961 Harrison, Eiont .,_ 122, 751 for Charleston ..,... 961 for Army War College ..,..,,_ 122, 747 for gun? ... . . . for pgonglment, Big Hole battlefield, or ono u ... on ... . ...,, 12,5 for San Juan . - for Fgt Bayarid, N. Mex., quarters for or mmntengnce ...,.. . . . , 0 Cers an nurses , ._.__ 125 deficiency appropriation for maintenance. 910 for buildings, Corregidor Island, Philip- Quarantine Statwmfor Neat Cattle, etc., pines .. _ 747 appropriation for rnaingainingi . 2?4, 1043 payments when SPBCIHC balance insuf- Quarzernnaster-Gencra ’s ce, YH e f - €l€Dt -... . 747 ment, m pa for headstones for soldiers’ graves 362, 1001 gp ropriatign for clerks, etc . 215, 879 dl->f1Ci€DQy Sppropriatiuu for regular supllor architect, engineers, etc ... 215, 879 plies . . . 14, 28, 516, 920, 940, 944 for rent, degt . ... ‘ . 216, 881 ior aucidelntul eixpenses. 14, 28, 31§516, 920, 940 Qum·m·m,q,gggp’; g rnmmz, rm , or arrac s an uarhers 4, ,31 516 940 appropriation toimpay of quartgrmaster-serill 735 for tiiarxlsportationii. 1;, 28, 816, 518, 920; 940; 944 ams _.,... . ... , or c 0 UIQ, camp an gnmsone ui e 15, 940 for pg; of officers; longevity .. for heudstenes for soldiers' _ 3, for ularsu ies ... --· , , , ,940, 4 ° furgland to quarters, etc ... 117, 742 for post exchanges ...,,.__________ _ 513 post bakeries, ice machines, lauudricsiu 742 Supplies tf) be u?:} for relief of southern gu; ____ _ _______ _ ____ _ ,,_,__ , ,. , CyC ODE S11 9!‘8l’S .. . ,__ _ 570 gghgglg; {Drago, om ,,.,.,..,,,.. 117,742 approprizition for purchasing additional 572 i ststione rintin ; rintin con- supp res tracts?': .. . . . .: 117, 742 Quarters, Army (see also Barracks and Quaruse of ics machines, etc., for outside ters, Army), work .,... . ... 117, 742 i agaropriation for..: ,. ._ . 119, 744 for equi pine ofIicers’ post schools 118, 743 : 0 cers’, construction expense limited acfor incidienm expenses ... 118, 743 - cording to rank 363 for extra-duty pay, etc ... 118,743 Quay, John M., for interments, etc .., 118, 743 pension increased .. . .. . .. 1334 for care of horses . 118, 743 — Quebec, _ for urchnse of horses; limit, etc ,... . . 119, 744 V classnfication and salary of consulate .. 101 for garracks and quarters ..-... . ·..-·- H9, 744 · Q*M‘¢¢’¤,_L¢’¤f'·‘? C·» pmhasg of furniture allowed . 119 — pension increased .. . , 1424 commutation of fuel and quarters pro- _ Que-nm·el{ and Qual-[eh-utc Indums, Wash., hibited from this fund .. — . . - 119 appropnqtion for support, etc., of 96, 812 not. to be used for omcersf quarters, g Quu: , paged U ., Army War College 119, 744 ’ pension increased 1238 for post exchanges .. . , ... 119, 744 Quwlr, Edggzr M., for transportation; band mcmu;s._ . 120, 745 pension increased ... . 1268 due lancbgmnt roads not bond aided- 120, 745 , Quick, Qeorgc D,, draft an[mg{g’ wagons, dmygge, etc. 120, 745 S pension increased _ . . 1481