Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1501

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INDEX. 2535 Saint Pau}, Minn., _ P¤S¤· Salt Lake Oi: , Utah—Continued. P¤8¤- appropnatron for custodian of public build- 327 l grantediriglit of gray through Fort Douglas mg ·------·---·- - -------... i it eservation for water i e for share of United States, bridge to Fort line,?? ______________________ 472 _ S116U1I1g -·-----... . . : . Z . ._ .. _ 1005 i lands in Fort Douglas Rerervation exbndge aéuthorrzed across Mmsissippi River, 582 1 cpanged with cgénetery assgciation. 589 3 ---------.--.-...-... imito cost increas , ulic uidin; • time extended for bridging Mississi pi additional land . 523 RiV€l', between F ort Snelling aug- - 588 deficiency a, propriation for __,,_ _ _____ 482 Saint Petersburg, _ Sauer, Charles Mg, classification and salary of consulate ... 101 pension increased .,,_..__,________,______ 1201 Saint Petersburg, Fla., Saltillo, acquiring site for public building at, au- classification and salary of consulate ... 102 thorized ... 533 Salvador, S __ degiciency appropriation for . . . 487 appropriation forfrpinister to-& .. 172, 672 am terra, or secreta o e tion an consul- enclassification and salary of consulate ... 102 eral atqéan Salyador _,__,...,_, 172, 673 Saint Raphael’s Cemetery, Dubuque, Iowa, naturalization convention with ... . . . 2038 title to, confirmed to Archbishop of Du- Salvage, S S bngue . 423, 469 treaty with (;reatfBrit1ahinCgr·anting reciproaint. tcp n, carigt.s0,wi anada . 2035 classification and salary of consulate ... 102 Samoan Claims, Saint Hmm, West IMM, ‘ deficiency appropriation for paying, Norclassitication and salary of consulate ... 101 waly and Sweden ._ 478 Saint Wmmt, Minn., Sampson, mon D., immediate transportation entry privileges pension increased . ..__,_, 1309 granted ... 245 Sams, Gabriel, Salamavwa, N. K, , pension increased ..,. . . . . 1230 acquiring site for public building at, au- San Angelo, Tex., thorized . ; . 535 appropriation for public building . . , , 956 acceptance of title under lease- - ... 535 limit of cost increased, public building- . . 523 deficiency appropriation for . . . 488 San Antoni}: Nahkmal Cemetery, Tex., Sahrks ged Allawmwes Division, Post-Ojfce S apgropriatiop for superintendents lodge. . 1002 apartment, an ntonio, ez., appropriation for superm' tendent, 232,896 appropriation for public building . 956 Sagsieap and Allowmwcs Divinim, Postal condemned ordgiagcgégéantedddm ..,, . .,., 442 Service . enlargement 0 puing at, auappropriatiori for assistant superintendents thorized ... 525 y and allowances. . 41, 665 San Bmiw National Forest, Cal., Salem, I J. S, Chandler Grand Army Post, proclamation establishing 2159 condemned cannon granted to . .. 1070 San Bernardino Natnbnal Forest, Cal., Salem, Ong., proclamation enlarging. . 2171 appropriation for Indian school .. 92, 807 Sem Bemardmo Valley, al., Salem River, N. J., lands withdrawn from entry in, to conserve reliminary examination of, to be made. . 829 water supply . . ... 641 Sgina Cruz, Sem Carlos Agency, Ariz., classidcation and salary of consulate ... 102 appropriation for Indian agent at 75,786 Salisbury, Albert F,, alias James Young, Sem Clemente Island Cal., S pension . . .. 1272 lease oghpart cg hght-house reservation, aualiubu , 0 n ., 01120 ... 586 nsiioyn increased .. . . 1357 cvllditious 586 Sagzrbury, Lydia M, (widow), San Clemente Wool Company, pension increased .. . ... 1225 part of lighthouse reservation, San (‘le- Salisbury, N. C., _ mente Island, Cal., leased to ... 586 appropriation for public building .. . . 956 San Diego, Cal., limit of cost increased, public building. . . 522 purchase of land authorized from appropriacceptance of land for sidewalks, national 751 Sinn for; bprgding ,,,___ 539 cemet . SKC Hgé W1 Il S 0 ’ar epartment; gppropriatizn for completing roadway removal of bnildings, etc ... 540 and sidewalks . . . . 75:1 erection gg public building on land reterms of court. .. - I ...c61V - . . 540 Salkeld, Mary E. (widow), San Francisco, Cal., pensio; . . ... 1294 appropnatufin for warehouse for Indian Salmon iha , ‘ Supp 66 ..-...·.. - 73 gp mpriation ior agents at. . Z .. 342, 981 E for dispatch agent ..., 174, 675 gr steam vessel orinspection, etc . 342 , for assistant treasurefs office .. 209, 873 Salmwe, Theodore, { for mint at- . 211, 875 nsion increased ... - 1505 , for mint, retpairs, etc ... 318 Sa§:¢iH, i Waltz Sa e and Lock Company ... 318 elassiiicagion a3_13h salary of consulate ... 101 a io: improveraents, etc., of mintfbuilding- 957 Sa t, L e ity, , l or custom- ouse, payment or earthassaty office at .. . .. $ f quaketlossesmby contractler .. 318 o cers esx . ... or quaran me s tion, aunc ,____ , 320 appmpmtixor expenses ... 474, 876 e for transferring money stored at mint .,__ 326.