Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1550

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2584 . INDEX. MII, John H., Pm-mllbm, John R., P¤z¤· pension increascd .. . . 1302 dsyicieucy appropriation for extra services. 512 TWllamanQic, Cmm., William, {mph, appropnauon for publ1c bu1l d1ug. . . . 958 WW10H 1¤¤!‘®¤€{} ------------------------ 1566 lxmit of cost increased, public buildmg- - - 520 ’¢UW7(¢6, M0"?} (wgi<>w>, mlhmettc River, Orcg., . {umu mcmase ··; ······-·- — ----··-·--· appropriation for lighting . . 334, 972 ‘”“"Z"» E- §'”‘d"'”)· preliminary examination of, to be made, WP°¥m°“ mfzm ············-··········· 1540 from Oregon City to Eugene 831 ’”“"Z”> {m”°"· at Falls at Origon City . .. . 831 I WI;’€Pm°n m?"“°d ·----·—··-·-—--·-·~····- 1258 below Portlan ... . 82.1 · ¤”·;*;·:é Qjggéé 1333 Willa River and Harbor Wash. E- B 'P '‘‘'``‘'‘'’``'’ prcffminary examination of, to be made.. . 834 ° °:£:;1 €t: md°w)’ 1392 Willard, Aurclia E. (widow), Richayd `````` `````°`°```````` 1>¤¤¤i·>¤ i¤¤¤>¤¤¤d -—--------------------·- 1217 moi. increased-; .. 1206 mllard, Dgwid B., Wgimnw, Richard H., alias Rlldmrd Lawson,

PGI1Bi0I1 IHCIGQSGG: .. .  1273 Wemiou increased ,_,_,,_,_,_______,_,_,,, 1420

dlccqh, Annu (Mdmv), elliama, Sarah C. (widow), , wmnon. . . t ...·.. 1574 nsion increased 1338 dlooag, Julm E. (undow), Wmzhww, Sarah R. (widow), - 1181011 --··-.··------· - -.-------..---- .- - - nsion ... . .i 1 Wgcvvv. ¥¤.’}°'_U· mm, Wggiama, Spencer C., - · correcnog duectcd m enrollment of b1ll Wm0n iucyusgd ________________________ 1439 rc f to 1634 ll , V' K, may accsp?§ecm·ation of Officier d’Acadé-  %;¥n _______________________ 1,345 m1eromFraance ... zum, iiam . Wukill C0;’U7¤¢T H-, feusion increased.; .. 1271

P¤1¤10¤ IDCNGBSQ --·----.- - .----·..------ 1240 illiamson, George,

rlktl, NW1! R. (wvdvw), nsion increased . . .. ,. . . 1507 WWOD ··---··---·--·--------·--.-------- 1389 W?l$mmm, J. Rock, .

  • ”‘•¤7{¤» Fo fsmion increased 1192

Wgipmcu ... . ...- 1537 zllmvgaoq, John T., WW, -, émuon increased ..., Wggpsicn 1504 E Wg2mm0n, Thomas W, · 1 WMS, 07120, i nsion increased . . .. 1 nsion increased 1488 f , Fred k, Wmmm, Andrew J-. Mi¤<>w·i Vvlumcvrv, g tsion ixmmcd . . .. 1609 wP¢P¤¤0¤ mC7B5B0d ----··- - · ; -; —·--·-·-··- 1305 Wgiingham, William, ollzama, Andrew J., W Vzrgmw Volunteers, I ugigu jupmugd _____________ ___________ 1407 %pi0n éucrmsed . ... 1358 WM, Don F.,

  • WW, cmmi used .. . 1579
  1. @0n incmasod- ... . ... 1564 w$:? 2;;:;T

Wwqw, CMMZIM, nsion increased ... . 1300

£h0QDD    . ... .. . 1592 . W’m¢;, Hm·I0n S.,  

WM, y nsion . . ... . . . nsion . . 1607 Wgé, Sarah E. wklow) Www, gyrus, nsion increased . .. . 139} %mon bytreuscd . ... 1478 W’mu, W·i{Imm F., Z mm] waf lnc ..-...-..•-.·.•-•••». femmo increased . . .. 1237 Spit Militu Raeruqtion, Vu., lllhwu, Efwelrd H., right 0 way gran through {Ot WBC9i' nsion increased 117 main. , . ... Wgzkrnu, George H., }Wlmar, Minn.,

pensiongxcresscd . z  , . 1210 acquiring mgsxudgiecting public bmlding  

rlleirrns eorge W, at, au criz --.: ..·.. £n&oo éncreasgél . ... 1419 deficiency ap}}mpriation for . - . 38; hah wry; ., jr.,, a pmpriamou or ... . ... 5 wmaé increased 1352 mlmgpggm, Cal., ellmmg, Henry L,, prehmmay exammatmn of harbor to be ion increased ... . m G .--·- - - . - Wplggna, Hilary, , Wilmington, Del., naval record corrected ... 1436 enlargement of public bmldiug at, au- Wllmm, James H., I llinoia Volunteers, . ighorized ... -.: ...·..-.. 524

Pension increased ,.,.. . ..,_,.,_., 1278 defic1engy appropnat1o¤ for ,,.,,. , ,... 482

zllmm, James H., Massachusetts Volunteers, uppropmmou for ... 958 fmiou increued _,,.,,_,,... - . . 1496 Wnlmtnglop Harbor, Cul., nlhznm, John, Illinois Volunteers.,  ;;arbor lxuseycgc estabhshcd. ... 569 using increased .,,,_. . . 1 mmgum, . ., Wgziavrn, John, New Hampshire Volunteers. appropriation for marine hospital . 961 fmjmimmgd ...,,___,_,..,. 1498 custom houscé etc., ammgnt fork cg;¤truc· elleah John M, tion an new site; mit 0 c ... : . fame; increased ... . 1449 purcigass of lam! and contraqa alhkmu, Jclm P., lumc suthenzed; expsmhtuma an pension increased-, ... . .. 1304 1909 ... . .. 543