Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/47

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1202 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 73. 1908. Em°“”° H- E"°"· The name of Emeline H. Ewer, widow of James K. Ewer, late of ‘ Comlpany C, Third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Cavalry, and ~ pa er a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. §g“l§f“,}_*g°u,’:'°“· The name of Joselm H. Suits, late of Company B, Twenty-second Regiment. New York olunteer Cavalry, and pay im a pension at the rate of thirty dollars r month in lieu of that e is now receiving. smh F- W*”*“*°’· The naéne of,Saraih XVimmer, widowUof P%0W1lz1’m0li, late og Captain mith s in epen ent company ta o un er ‘ava ry, an pay her a pension at the rate of twelvh dollars per month in.lieu of that she is now receiving and two dollars per month additional on account pl; the minor child of the said John P. Wimmer until she _ reaches t age o sixteen *ears. . . ""°"' °‘l“°"b°"" The name of Martin Bahrenburg, late of Company C, Fifth Regiment Missouri State Militia Cavalry, and Company E, Thirteenth ’ Regiment Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now re; ceiving. ’·'*·¤°*• Mm The name of Francis Ashens,_late of Company M, Fifteenth Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of _ twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of- that he is now receiving.

  • ·°““*‘ °¤‘*°“: The name of Lavmia Ogden, widow of Joseph G. Ogden, late of

Company A, First Regiment New Jerse Volunteer Infantry, and y hler a pension at the rate of twelve dolllars per month in lieu of thint _ - ‘ s e is now receiving. I ‘ , I""‘“‘“· "°""“· The name of Louis H. Leland, late of Companies C and D, Eighth Regiment_Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the _ rate of thirty do lars per month m lieu of that e is now receiving. W’“‘*“” H- ”"*P°'· RBThe ntnie ofVVl;ill1taBm flgnrgper, lalte ofhCompany K, Tweflntieth gimen owa o un er n ry an pay im a nsion t t te of thirty dollars per month in lieu df that he is nowpiieceivirilg. 8 m -'•'¤°" S*“’**’°”‘- RThe lllzllghhqf {lmexaiinders, late elf Comlpany B, Seventyipighth egimen io olun r n antry an pay 1m at t te of thirty dollars §>er month in lieu df that he is nowpi·h1de(iiii: . 6 m ¤°¤P’*°¤ “·*’¤'“¤8· The name of teghen H. Pullin , late of Company E., Thirteenth Regiment New Yor Volunteer Hgeavy Artiller , and pay him a pension_ at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. _ ¤•>¤¤· ¥-m·¤·¤’- The name of Donna M._Blatter, widow of John Blatter, late iirst lieutenant, Commny D, Ninety-eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteer In. fantry, and pay er a pension at the rate ot twelve dollars per month www in lieu of that she is now receivingn _ mis¤wnv.c¤1un¤. Pifhti ¤¤¤;1•i;B0ff gvnbeth '}.`,vol1ns,6forn£‘ei- widow of Charles B_ e erson, a o mpany enty— r·t e `m t N Y k V l- unteer ltigantry, and pay hen: a pension tat th? rage of edightu-dollzilrs _ per mon . gag::; jagiggisga- The name of Edmund J. Pickett, late of Company A, Sixteenth Regiment New York Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the _ rate of forty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. ‘ Hwls L- <¤>¤¤¤¤- {15; name (X IéI§ttiedLR£’Collins, Kidow of William T. Collins, late 0 mpany ,_com giment 'nited Stat Sh ~h te , gy`: hg; ps pgnvs¥>8n:9at_ the rate of sixteen dollarismruurgithoinhieiihf a s n iving. "°"°" “°"· The name of Robert Flett late of C F F‘f i 'Miehigap Voéupteer Cavalry,l;and. pay hiihmamiiensiion lathtligegaltieeiil V _ wenty· our o lars per mont in lieu of that h ‘ ‘ in pair:.-S 1.. Hmm. The Fume of Charles L. Hewitt, late of Compdhy?Flv§-09;:3:.25 §eg-3, ment (joplnecticut Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of t irty dollars per month ID lieu of t at he is now receiving ¤*¤¤¤ “’-S*·¤P·¤*· The name of Hiram W. Shepard, late of Company D, Twelfth Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving.