Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/577

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1736 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MAY 26, 1906. mgéms *¤‘ 9. Le Bureau international 9. The International Bureau prepare les travaux des Congres prepares the business to be sub- ` ou Conferences. I1 pourvoit aux mitted to Congresses or Confercopies et impressions nécessaires, ences. It undertakes the necesa la rédaction et a Ia distribution sary copying and printing, the des amendements,proces-verbaux editin and distribution of . et autres renseignements. amendgments, minutes of proceed- _ ings, and other information. "“'°°‘°'· 10. Le Directeur de ce Bureau 10. The Director of the Interassiste aux seances des Congres et national Bureau attends the sit- Conferences et prend part aux tings of the Congresses or Condiscussions sans voix del1berative._ ferences, and takes part in the discussions, but without the · power of voting. ’*“"“"* "”’°"· 11.` Il fait sur 'sa gmtion un 11. On the` subject of his prorapport annuel qui est commu- ceedings he makes an annual renique a toutes les Administra- port, which is communicated to tions de l’Union. all the Administrations of the Union. I""g""" 12. La langue officielle du Bu- 12. The official language of the reau international est la langue International Bureau is the · P m di francaise. _ French language. ,,,.,_°°t ° °° mf 13. Le Bureau international 13. It IS the duty of the Interest charde publier un diction- national Bureau to publish an alnaire agihabétique de tous les phabetical dictionary of all the bureaux de poste du monde, avec Post Offices of the world, with une mention speciale pour ceux special indication of such of ' de ces bureaux charges de services t ose Offices as undertake servqui ne sont pas encore generali- ices which have not yet become · ses. Ce dictionnaire est tenu au general. That dietionar is kept courant au moyen de supplements up to date by means oz suppleou de toute autre maniere que le ments or in any other manner Bureau international jugera con- which the International Bureau venable. shall consider suitable. °°“· Le dictionnaire mentionne ari The dictionary mentioned in present paragraphs est livré au the present paragraph is issued prix de revient aux Administra- at prime cost to the Administrations ui en fontla demande. tions which apply for it. ,,,,3§{;,"$“f§‘,§f§ ff}? 14. le Bureau international 14. It is the duty of the Interpuns. me est charge de la confection et de national Bureau to arrange for Papprovisionnement des coupons-· the manufacture and supply of _P_ réponse prévus a Particle 11 de la. the reply coupons provided for """‘*"]°"’* Convention principale, ainsi que in Article 11 of the Principal de Fetablissement et de la liqui- Convention, as well as to prepare dation des comptes se rapportant and liquidate the accounts con- AW) ) 1686 in ce service et dont il s’agit a nectcd with this service specified "`Particle VII du present Regle- in Article VII of the present ment. Regulations. XLII. XLII. ,,cg§’,}‘,f§' °m"“ °‘ Opfee central de comptabilité et Central ayfee of settlement and de liquidation {les compte.? en- liquidation of account.; between tre .es· Arlministratimzs de the Administrations of the l’Uni0n. Union. U‘*“m°m°"’ °"‘ 1. Le Bureau international de 1. It is the duty of the Interl’Union postale universelle est national Bureau of the Universal charge d’0pérer la balance et la Postal Union to effect the balance