Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/727

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1886 INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS CONVENTION. JULY6, 1906. xicains; le President de la Re- States of Brazil; the President ublique Francaise; Sa Majeste of the United Mexican States; lt Roi du Royaume—Uni de la the President of the French Re- Grande—Bretagne et d’Irlande, public; His Majesty the King of Empereur des Indes; Sa Ma- the United Kingdom of Great 'este le Roi des Hellenes; le Britain and Ireland,Emperor of President de la Republique de India; His Majesty the King of Guatemala; le President de la the Hellenes; the President of Republique de Honduras; Sa the Republic of Guatemala.; the Majeste le Roi d’Italie; Sa Ma· President of the Re_publ1c of jeste l’Empereur du Japon; Son Honduras; His _ Majesty the Altesse Royale le Grand-Duc de King of Italy; His Majesty the Luxembour , Duc de Nassau; Empleror of Jagan; His Royal Son AltessegRoyale le Prince de Hig ness the rand Duke of Montenegro; Sa Majeste le Roi Luxemburg, Duke of Nassau; de Norvege; Sa Majeste la Reiue His Highness the Prince of des Pays-Bas; le President de la Montenegro; His Majesty the Republique du Perou; Sa Ma- King of Norway; Her Majesty jesteImperialeleSchahdePerse; the Queen of the Netherlands; Sa Majeste le Roi de Portugal et the President of the Republic of des Algarves, etc.; Sa Majeste le Peru; His Imperial Majesty the Roi de Roumanie; Sa Majeste Shah of Persia; His Majesty the 1’Empereur de Toutes les Rus- King of Portugal and of the Alsies; Sa Majeste le Roi de Ser- garves, etc.; His Majesty the bie; Sa Majeste le Roi de Siam; Kingof Roumania; His Majesty Sa Majeste le Roi de Suede; le the mperor of All the Russias; Conseil Federal Suisse; le Pre- His Majesty the King of Servia; sident de la Republique Orien- His Majesty the King of Siam; tale de l’Uruguay, His Majesty the King of Sweden; the Swiss Federal Council; · the President of the Oriental , Republic of Uruguay, Scope or c¤¤ve¤— Egalement animes du desir de Being equally animated by the "°"‘ diminuer, autant qu’il degend desire to lessen the inherent evils d’eux, les maux inseparables e la of warfare as far as is within their guerre et voulant, dans ce but, power, and wishing for this pur— perfectionner et completer les pose to improve and supplement ispositions convenues a Geneve, the provisions agreed upon nt Gevoi. 22, p. 040. le 22 aont 1864, pour l`ameliora— neva on August 22, 1364. for the tion du sort des niilitaires blesses amelioration of the condition of ou malades dans les armees en the wounded in armiesin the iield, campagne; Ont resolu de conclure une Have decided to conclude il new nouvelle Convention at cet effet, convention to that effect, and have et ont nomme pour leurs Plenipo— appointed as their plenipotentia— tentiaires, savoir: ries. to wit: risuipozenisaries. Sa Majeste l’Empereur d’A1le- His Majesty the Emperor of magne, Roi de Prusse: S. E. M. Germany, King of Prussia: His le chambellan et conseiller intime Excellency the Chamberlain and actuelAAe Bulovnenvoye extra— Actual Privy Councilor A. de ordinaire et ministre plenipoten- Bulow, Envoy Extraordinary and tiaire a Berne, M. le general de MinisterPlenipotentiaryat Berne, brigade baron de Manteutfel, M. General of Brigade Baron de Manle medecixrinspecteur, medecin teuifel, Medical Inspector and Surgeneral D' Villaret (avec rang de geon—General Dr. Villaret (with general de brigade), M. le D' rank of general of brigade), Dr. Zorn, conseiller intime de justice, Zorn, Privy Conncilor of Justice. professeur ordinaire de droit a ordinary professor of law at the ’Universite de Bonn, syndic de la University of Bonn. Solicitor of couronne; the Crown;