Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/864

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PARCEL-POST CONVENTION—FRANCE. Jem: 15, 1908. 2023 shall begin on the 15th day of que les parties contractantes I August 1908,. and shall continue mettent d’un commun accor ; in orce until terminated by mu- mais elle pourra étre denoncée en tual consent, but may be annulled tout temps sur le désir de l’une at the desire of eit er Adminis- d’elles et moyennant avis prealatration upon six months' pre- ble donné a l’autre six mois a vious notice given to the other. 1’avance. Done in duplicate and signed at Fait en double et signé sigmtums. ' Washington the fifteenth day of Washington le quinze juin, m1l June, one thousand nine hun red neuf cent huit. and eight. Q [emu..] G. v. L. MEYER, Postmaster General of the United States of America. [sur.] - Jussmeann, Ambassadeur de la Républigue fmnpaise aux Etats— Unis. The foregoing Parcel-Post Convention between the United States of R“"°°°“°”‘ America and rance has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, and is hereby approved and ratified. In testimony whereof I have cause the seal of the United States to [san.,] be herenmto ailixed. THEODOBE ROOSEVELT. By the President: Ronmrr BAOON, Acting Secretary q" State. Wasumerox, July 3. 1908. FOB! N0. 1. Fm N°_ L ` Parcel-post. A parcel addressed as under has been posted here this day: I Om l _____________________,_...,_...____._...,._._._.____.. stamp. ... . .. . · ... This eertillcate is given to infcnn the sender of the posting of a parcel. Fomnu.1: No. 1. Colt: pootaux.

I Un cells adressé comme il ut ludiqué cbdessuus a été déposé ici ce jour: Tlmbre . . ..- - . . · l du bureau. _

 I ..,._._.

I...—...*——»—.-~ l Ls prennt réeepissé est destiué seulemznt A intormer Pexpéditeur du depot du eolls.