Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/913

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2072 EXTRADITION CONVENTION-PORTUGAL. MAY 7, 1908. Aivrrcnm I. Amico I. neeipmmaeisvery It is agreed that the Govern- O Governo de _Sua Magestade ‘§,?m,*’§,'§,’, _ °h"“°° ment of the United States of Fidelissima 0 Rei de Portugal e America and the Govemment of dos Algarves e 0 Governo dos His Most Faithful Majestiy the Estados Unidos da America, obri— King of Portugal and of the Al- gam-se a entregar, mediante recigarves shall, upon mutual requisi— ,proca rig-pisicao formulada nos tion duly made as herein pro- termos `ante prescriptos, todo vided, deliver up to justice any o individuo accusado ou conperson who may be charged wit demnado por qualquer dos crimes or may have been convicted of enumerados no Artigo II da preany of the crimes specified innsente. convencao, commettidos I*v"°· Article II of this Convention com- dentro da jmisdiccao de uma das mitted within the jiuisdiction of Partes Contratantes, sem re qpe. one of the Contracting Parties o accusado ou condcmnadli ten a while said person was actually estado realmente ao tempo da within such ]urisdiction when the erpetracao do crime dentro dos crime was committed, and who limites d’essa jurisdiccao e proshall seek an asylum or shall be curar refugio ou for encontrado found within the territories of the no territorio da outra; so deother, provided that such surren— vendo, porem, eHeituar—se a ender shall take lace only upon trega em resenca de provas de such evidence ol; crimina `ty, as cul abilidlade que, segundo as leis according to the laws of the place do lt ar onde o refugiado ou accuwhere the plilgitive or person so sadoiorencontrad0,j11stiiicariam ch ed sh be found, would a sua prisao o julgamento, caso 0 jusltdy his apprehension and com- crime alli houvesse sido commet— mitment for trial if the crime or tido. offence had been there committed. Anrrcus II. Amico II. ‘;`3f§,f‘,§l‘g"$§?,l?°'*““· Persons shall be delivered up Nos termos da presente conaccording to the lprovisions of vencao serao entregues os indithis Convention, w 0 shall have viduos que houverem sido acbeen charged with or convicted of cusados ou condemnados por Mmm M_ any of the following crimes: qualquer dos crimes seguintes; ' 1. Murder, comprehending the 1°. I-Iomicidio, incluindo os cricrimes designated y the terms of mes de parricidio, homicidio com pamcide, assassination, man- premeditacao, homicidio simples slaughter,_ when voluntary; poi- quando voluntario, envenenamemm tl) mmm somnglpr mfanticide. _ mento e infanticidio. mixrder 2.d e attempt to commit 2°. Tentativa do honiigidjq mur er. K°p°’°"‘ 3. Rape, abortion, camal 3°. Violacao, aborto, estupro - knowledge of children under the praticado em menor de doze anage 0;; twelve years. nos. B Bizmuy. 4. igamy. 4°. igamia. Ar¤>¤- 5. Arson. 5°. Fogo posto. mgg;S5¤¤¤¤ *0 mil- 6. Willful and unlawful de- 6°. Destruicao ou obstruccio ` struction or obstruction of rail- illegitima de vias ferreas de que made, which endangeis human resulte risco de vida humana. 1 e. €**¤¤¤S¤¤¤*=*~ 7. Crimes committed at sea: 7°. Crimes commettidos no mar:

  • `*“‘°Y· (a) Piracy, as commonly a) Pirateria, na acce gig usual

known and efined by the law of do termo segundo 0 clireito das Nations, or by Statute. gentes ou segundo a lei nacional.