Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/937

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2096 PAN-AMERICAN SANITARY CONVENTION. Ooronmn 14, 1905. agents in the capital of the infected country; tbut is to bpflcom strued as not preventing direct commumca ion e ween o cia s charged with the public health of the several countries. For countries which are not thus represented, they are to be transmitted directly by telegraph to the governments of such countries., mfigjgef ¤<>¤¤¤¤¤i· ARTICLE IV. The notification and the infomation prescribed in ` Articles I and II are to be followed by furthir com1}r1im1cations d1s— atched in a regular manner in or er to eep the governments iiiformed of the progress of the epidemic. These communications, which are to bpilmadle ahfeaslti once a gveelii and which are to be as comp ete as possi e, s ou in 'cate in eta` the recautions taken to prevent the extension of the disease. ‘ They should set forth: Firsp, the prophylacticl measures téaken relative to sanitary or medica inspection to iso ation an isin— fection; Second, the measures taken relative to departing vessels to prevent the exportation of the disease, and, especially under the circumstances mintioned m paragrapg 4 of Article II of this section, the measures ta en against rats an mosquitoes. ¤;=`g¤;r•,*¤¤**¤¤·**°¤¤ Arvrrcnn V. fTl;e promptsand faithful execution of the preceding ` provisions is o the ve t importance. _ Thednotiiicatioins onlryfhgve a rlelal value ifueacli government is warne in time o cases o p ague, c o era or e ow ever and of suspicious cases of those diseases superveninglin hs territory. It cannot then be too strongly recommended to the various governments to make oblégatory the declaration of cases of plague, cholera or yellow fever, an oilgrving information of all unusual mortality of rats and mice especia y in orts. migggcgynsgrj A1z·r1cLnVI. It fsunderstood that neighboring countries reserve muon. to themselves the nghtftolmakelspecial arrangements w;th a view of organizing a service oact ° ormation etween the chiefs of administration upon the frontiers. Section II. Conditions showing a given territorial area to be infected, or to have been freed from mfection. cegggiijggjgfggtigg An·rrcr..n VII. Information of a first case of plague, cholera or ma. yellow fever does not ]ust1fy against a territorial area where it may ‘ ;ppear,Hthe_apph¢;agion of the measures prescribed in Chapter II as erema er in rea e . Upon the occurrence of several non-imported cases of pla e, or a non·imported case of yellow fever or when cases of cholera Idrm a focus, the area is to be eclared infected. mrgniuglf mmpms A.n·rrcLn VIII. To limit the measures to the affected regions “ "°° ’°""“*· alone, (governments should only apply them to persons and articles procee ing from the contaminated or infected areas. Meaning or wom By the word "area" is understood a well determined ortion of "“’°"‘" territory described in the information which accompanies Ihr follows notification, thus, a province, a state, "a government," a district, a departmeilit, a canton, an islpnd, a commune, a city, a quarter of a city a v' age, a port, a "po der,’ a hamlet, etc., whateve bg _ the extent and population of these portions of territory. r may b§T’{_]_*g_*,fg;°_fg*e'j,*;¤€‘},f°¤ But this restriction, limited to the infected area, should onl be ` accepted upon the formal condition that the government ofythe mfected country shall take the necessary measures; 1, to prevent, unliess ppelrpously Séignfected, tgoexprilrtation of articles named in 1 an 2 o rtice , coming m the contaminated are ; d 2 measures to prevent the extension of the epidemic; and aprdilided further that there be no doubt that the sanit authorities of the réxfectedrountry have faithfully complied Article I of this onvention.