Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1211

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. srxrr-Frnsr coiverrnss. sm. III. cu. 237. 1911. 1187 class four; three clerks of class three; two clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; three assistant messengers; for- atm. rent of rooms outside of Department of the State to accommodate the Bureau of Trade Relations and the Bureau of Accounts or other oiices, not th exceed five thousand five hundred dollars; for meeting arilrxlierlii? occasional and unforeseen expenses arising in connection with foreign °“’· trade relations which come within the `urrsdiction of the Department of State under tariff legislation and otherwise, and in the negotiation and preparation of treaties, arrangements, and agreements for the advancement of commercial and other interests, including the appointment of necessary employees at the seat of government or elsewhere, to be selected and compensated under the provisions of the said Act of August fifth, nineteen hundred and nine, twenty-five thousand ‘ three hundred and forty dollars; in all, one hundred thousand dollars. i CoN·rmenN·r· nxrnrvsns, Dnr¤·A1:·rMENr or Srarn: For stationery, °°°““¤°”°°’P°““°°- fruuiture, fixtures, typewriters, including the exchange of the same, regpirs, and materia or repairs, fourteen thousand dollars. _ or books and maps, and periodicals, domestic and foreign, includ— L“’“"'Y- mg the payment in advance for subscriptions to the same, for the library, two thousand dollars._ For services of lrthographer and necessary materials for the lith- ‘·*“‘°¤¤*¥"““¤· ographic press, one thousand five hundred dollars. For miscellaneous expenses, including the urchase, care, and M“°°u¤°°°““· subsistence of horses, to be used only for official pur oses, repair of wagons, carriages, and harness, rent of stable, telegraph and electrical . apparatus and repairs to the same and, other items not included in e foregomg, eight thousand dollars. · ` For rent of bu' ding in the District of Columbia for the use of the R°¤*~ Department of State, three thousand dollars. . TREASURY DEPARTMENT. m'§,{$j*““'Y D"’P°“· Omron or rrrr: Sncnnranr: Secretary of the Treasury, twelve *‘**Y°‘B°°{°°”Y·** thousand dollars; three Assistant Secretaries of the Tresmury, at live mmm cle ks' m` thousand dollars each; clerk to the Secretary, two thousand five hundred dollars; executive clerk, two thousand four hundred dollars; stenographer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; three private secretaries, one to each Assistant Secretary, at one thousan eight hundred dollars each; Government actuary, under control of the Treasury, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; clerk of clams four; four clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; chief messenger, one thousand one hundred dollars; assistant chief messenger, one thousand dollars; three messengers, at mne hundred dollars each; four messengers; in all sixty thousand five hundred and ten dollars. _ _ _ _ Cm { I R Office of chief clerk and superintendent: Chief clerk, mcludmv _M,§,,°c§§,,; e,,,,,,,_ three hundred dollars as sgperintendent of Treasury building, who shall gz? °¤¢¢¤ P°**°¤>· be the chief executive 0 cer of the department and who may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury to sign official papers and documents during the temporary absence of the Secretary and the assistant secretaries of the department, four thousand dollars; assistant superintendent of Treasury building, two thousand Eve Cierkwwhundred dollars; four clerks of class four (one transferred to Su(per— vising Architect’s office); clerk of class three (three transferre to Supervising Architect’s office); two clerks of class two (one transferred to Supervising Architect’s office); two clerks of class one; clerk, one thousand dollars; clerk, nine hundred dollars; two messengers; three assistant messengers; one messenger boy, three hundred and sixty dollars; storekeeper, one thousand two hundred dollars; telegraph operator, one thousand two hundred dollars; telephone operator an assistant telegraph operator, one thousand two hundred