Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1222

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1198 srxrrnrrrrsr couensss. sm. III. os. 237. 1911. ` hundred and fift dollars; three coin, coupon, and currency clerks, at one thousand iirve hundred dollars each; srx clerks, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; twenty clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; detective and hall man, one thousand one hundred dollars; me r, eight hundred and forty dollars; stenogragher, nine hundred dollars; janitor, seven hundred and twenty dollars; three watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; rn all, seventy-two thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars. Chrclrurau. Orrrorr or rlssrsrarrr rrrnasunnn AT Cmcrururrz Assistant treas- . urer, four thousand five hundred dollars; cashier, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; assistant cash1er,_ one thousand eight hundred dollars; bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; receiving teller, one thousand five hundred dollars; vault clerk, one thousand e' ht hrmdred dollars· five clerks, at one thousand two hundred ddhars each; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each;. clerk and stenographer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; clerk and watchman, eight undred and forty dollars; night watchman, six hundred dollars; dag watchman, six hundred dollars; rn all, twenty- four thousand four undred and ten dollars. _ mworreanar _ Orrron or Assrs·rAN·r mnasunnn AT New QRLEAN81 Assistant . · treasurer, four thousand five hrmdred dollars; chref clerk and cashier two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; receiving teller, and paying teller, at two thousand dollars each; vault cler , one thousand eight hundred dollars; two bookkeepers, at one thousand five ‘ hundred dollars each; coin clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; “ six clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two clerks, at i one thousand dollars each; porter and messenger, five hundred — dollars; day watchman, seven hrmdred and twenty doDars; night watchman, seven hundred and twenty dollars; typewriter and steno apher, one thousand doHars; in all, twenty-eight thousand eightllundred and ninety dollars. mwrork. Orrrcn or Assrsrarzr ramsunun AT Nnw Yonxz Assistant treasurer, eight thousand dollars; dplputy assistant treasurer and cashier, four thousand two hundred dollars; assistant cashier and chief clerk, three thousand six hundred dollars; assistant cashier and vault clerk, three thousand two hundred dollars; two chiefs of division, at three thousand one hundred dollars each; chief paying teller, three thousand dollars; two chiefs of division, at three thousand dollars each; chief of division, two thousand seven hundred dollars; chief of division, and chiefbookkeeser, at two thousand four hundred dollars each; chief of division, an assistant teller, at two thousand three hundred dollars each; two assistant tellers, at two thousand two hundred and ERE dollars each; two assistant tellers, at two thousand two hundred dollars each; three assistant tellers, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; ten assistant tellers, at two thousand dollars each; eleven assistant tellers, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; two assistant tellers, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each· five assistant tellers, and two clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; six assistant tellers, and two clerks, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; ten assistant tellers, and four clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; one assistant teller, and two clerks, at one thousand three hundred dollars each; e' ht assistant tellers, and three clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollirs each; six assistant tellers, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; six assistant tellers, at one thousand dollars each; one clerk, nine hundred doHars; five assistant tellers, at nine hundred dollars each; two messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; five messerrggers, at nine hundred dollars each; two mwsengers, at eight hund dollars each; two hall men, at one thousand dollars each; sugarmtendent of building, one thousand eight hundred dollars; c 'ef