Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1604

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INDEX. om Interstate Commerce Regulations-—Continued. Page- Interstate oomqm · schedules provisions amended . ... 548 orders o?Commission to be servedliiiimueiit Fmt without effective date, unlawful 548 in Washington etc age 554 pgnglty for uoncgmpligucg with rggula. g|;c_ _ _, ____ · - O · · · - I · · - - i · . - 554 tions, orders, etc., of Commission complianceiby i I 554 as to _ .· 548 penalty for f¤i1ur¤· recovery 554 fading give, or misstating, rates, etc., prosecution ... . · • . i - I i n i - 555 ' gg- g pmg¤tg_ _ __________ _ ________ 548 gm 0 3 \]]]`s€ · - · im` .11]- ]:$1_ T It rulmms to post name of agent at every P ielzilpialrizseiizif? . 1 . .. T., 555 4 _ freight station, ..--·-- 548 enforcement by Commerce Gvvrt of <>rd¤¥¤ violations of, by carriers, officers, etc., a of Commission other than payment mwdemesnor; lgeuaity ·-·- - -.--·-·· 549 of merry -·--------------·-- - --·- 555 ` puurshrngg if un wful discrimination powers of court _,_,_______, _ ,_____ I ___,_ 555 _ nn ra , etc .-... ‘ .~ 54 9 cc ies f · giving lower rates by false billing, classiii- P iiuzlilsd 555 cation, etc., of carrier, a misde- receivable as evidence effect of nreanor; punishment. . 549 copies I . .. 555

 to secure lower rates by false annual statistics uired from  

xllmg, rebates, etc., by shipper, a 'od -.· I 556 _ misdemeanor; punishment . 549 pony for noncompliance .. 556 unjust discnmmations, etc., by bribery, monthly reports of earnings and expenses A misdemeanor; _______ 550 gipgcjgl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _: 556

 affecged by, may bring action 550 pens ty for  ..       . 556

_ amag_ . r _ _ .. nor mgs, . not ec .. complaints against camerjor violations to greeiziirnt to appoint coinmimion to investi- · 556 _ be med with C0¤1¤¤8S\011 -··----·- - 550 gate issuing of stacks and bonds by potxcew carrier; repmgtiou . 550 railroad ¢<>1‘p¤¤f·i¤¤¤ in i¤*¢1*¤¤·¤¥ investigation hy Comnussiou .. _ . 550 commerce. ... 556 Commission to investigate complaints by experts clerks, etc.; compensation .. 556 itate commissions, or on its own mo- details irom Government offices 556 t 0B --··-·-···-~··-·- · ·---··---··-- 551 expenses; restriction .,.. , ,,,,,__ _ , _ enforcement of orders ... r .. 551 restriction on injunctions bued on all 556 . ered duecskgamage to complainant not neces- 551 L unconbrytutionality of State laws. . . 557 ·•··-·.·.··----··».--. Quay QIQ ___________ Gommiuion to determine if charges, classi- . notice to sum om ___________ iicatwns, ew., are unmet, drscrrmr- temporary restraining mem; prece- XIB _ , BBC. .. . . 551 dence, 3 peels, gt.c___ _____ _ _______ 557 . to presctg% rates, etcz, to be observed- . . 551 direct igpealpto Supreme Court. ... 557 to issue orders to carriers ... 551 to take e act in 60 days ,,,,____________ 557 taking effect of, except money pay- sections 12 and 16 immediatel . . -f 557 ments; <;<>n¤¤¤¤¤¢¢ ---.--·-..-..-. 551 appropriation for eiiforcement otynws, . 748, 1425 to apportion yoint rates, etc., on failure of prevention of shipping adulterated or miscarriers ·-·.-.----··---.--.-..·.-. ‘ . 551 branded insecticides .,.,,.,, , _,___ 331 determination of proposed new rates, etc.. 552 railwa accidents to be reported monthly

on unti decision of Commission. 552 iiy carriers; investigations, etc .. 350

determination ... 552 transportation of females or immoral practime extended . . 552 tices, etc., subject to . . . . . . 82 rates increased since January 1, 1910. . 552 Intestine: cj Animals, through routes and joint classifications and on free list, crude, etc., not specially prorates to be established by Commis- vided for,. ...,... . ,,,, 73 sion on failure of carriers ... 552 Intoxieants to Indiana, water connection included . 552 prohibition against giving, etc., required in · exclusion of electric roads not carrying constitution of Arizona ... . 569 freight . . . . . 552 of New Mexico .. . ..,.,_ _ _________ _ _ 553 transportation wholly by water . . . 552 Inventions, to embrace entire length of railrow; ex- unlicensed use ·by United States of, re— ce tion ... . 552 coverable in Court of Claims _______ 35] right oi) shi pper to choose, to he observed . 553 Inveshyation Dimlrion, Department o_/`.Iu.st12:e, issue of ill of lading therefor- ... 553 appropriation for chief, examiners, etc 1225 choice of competing lines. ... 553 Investigation of Forest Sermbe and Interior disclosing information of shipments, un- Department, lawful; receiving ... 553 creation of joint Congressional qgmmittgg · under legal process, etc., excepted . 553 for . ... . ...,... 871 {penalty for 553 I powers, etc ... . 872 al owargce {or instrumentalities furnished 553 i I appropriation ft: eglpenses . 872 s ip ers .., nvestigatzons, etc., ine Bureau. deterriiirkatign by Fommission; enforce- 553 i I all<;1we‘;l0for0;1ctsi<;;a¥>é;'1rties; regulations, etc. 12119 men . nvee g s, e ., . ., orders of Commission not restricted ... 554 i limit to salaries of, engaged in scientific ` awards of money damages ... 554 | work, paid from general appropriasuit in circuit court to compel payment. . 554 ‘ tions .. . .._,,,__,________ _ _ 440 order of Commission prima facie evi- Invoices of Imports, dence of facts .. 554 to be made in currency of place whence allowance to petitioner if successful- . . 554 imported .. 91 time for filing complaints, etc. _. . . 554 I or currenégr actually paid, ii goods pm. joining of parties; service; recoveries. 554 i chas .,,,,,,,.____,______ _ ______ 91