Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1680

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INDEX. cxcvii "1';,“‘,§;.€;i.€`.zi.. mj e . e9§’§‘;is "°’“%.‘2;‘i "’°i§"·’ ‘"* *’“‘° _ r orocers,ec , `t " .f h"' detail to enforce child labor law 399, 990 on nhl: iozyslilggetdggdilgohsél if 81 for aid to National Bureau of Criminal produced more than 100 years before imf fQ[df¤ti(§i(;g_1;·ig¤_ __________________ 399,990 Portatigu _______ _ _,_,______________ 82 or ue an re airs ... 399, 990 Porch Bl nds for contingentlexpenses- . 399, 990 duty oh wood, etc. .. 34 for reconstructing cell corridors in sta- Porcupirw Island, Me., tions .,..,. 991 appropriation for breakwater from Mount for house of detention .. , , 400, 991 Desert to; coutrggtg _________ _ ____ 630, 933 _for harbor patrol ..,,___,_,_,_____ 4()()_ 991 Pork, Police liegulatmm, D. C., duty on fresh . . . . 38 deiiciencllyzeappmpdadon for printing .. 783 Port Arthur Ship Caml, Tex., Pegwfncs, S , 2 approplrliattgm got improlixrenaantlpf Sabine- 943 u y on .. - 1 ec to .. Political for Electikms of Repro- P Alotgal cgftribution, etc.. 944 sm wes, orb r ur, csc., provisions for g1V].Dg. publicit to . 822 appropriation for public build` .. 706 1379 Pohlebal Comnbts, Alun, Y . Porllqliollvar, Taz., P mg , not excluded, if offense did not involve appropriation for improvement of channel moral turpitude ... 264 to .. 649, 944 Polson Bay, Flathead Lake, Mont., Port Chester, N. K, a pro nation for improvement of ... . . 666 a pro riation for improvement of harbor., 635 P P P Polggamy, etc., Port Clinton, Ohio, prohibition of, required in constitution of appropriation for improvement of harbor., 653 f NAri§na ... . ... 569 Port Ead9n.g;gtll(£-llllmlszagcpot, La., 536 0 ew e ico . 550 e ew cans ... . ... Polygagzaglr Proseiutabns, Port Henry, N. K, _ _ Pdisq iiioatiom for jurors in _,,.,,.,,_ 1166 prehmmary exammation of harbor to be 673 omadgg e . dut dn ..,. . . 16 Port Huroyn, _M1k9»., _ Pmmloe, appropgtion tfor xmprovement of Blaclr 655 duty on .. 38 `ver a .. Porwa Indiarw, one. . terms of court at .. . ... 1115 Pappropriation for iigpport, etc., of .. 280, 1069 Port Jefqaqgrxo, K, t { 635 orwgatoula River . appropria on or improvemen 0 harbor. - PprelimiEx;ry exatmination to be made of... 955 Port Jeremy, K, bu b ldi 1370 ontiac , appropria on or u c u1 ng apprdpriatlion for public building: . Z - . - 1379 acquiring site erecting public building hmit of cost, increased, pub nc build- 677 P tL at, aurtbonzed ...·.--.. 686 ‘ ________________ _ _____ - ,,,,_,,,__ or avaco, ex. Pontnhc, _ _ _ appropriation fdr improvement of channel Paplpliéoplrgiation for public brnlding .. 1379 Pm Ozfgrrgmozzss Cavallo to 649 00 r · _ dutyaonivory, bone, etc . 66 made port of delivery . ... 579 Poor, D. C., Port , Woah., ti f h_ I ° t' f lief f the .. ..411 1002 pre inary examma on 0 s up cana apigogglgeglngédsi of rgaupers . 411; 1002 Pugiet Sound and Oak Harbor, to be 676 pom- pe, mw ma e .. . .. may exlterbr defend suits without prepay- 866 Port Was}38ngto:?0l;l;1;bNWment of hérbor 656 ' costs ... approp 1o_ . . writsug error and appeals included .. 866 Port Wing, Wu., _ affidavit of poverty required, ,,,,,,,__, 866 appmpnatiou for improvement of hur- Poorhouse, D. C'. (nee Home for Aged and P t .. 656, 947 _ or a e , . la Inmmj{D' C') a zopriation for, improvement of harbor Pop r Bluf 0., _ PP . bridge authorized across Black River an. . 907 of refuse. Lake Suvemr ------—----- 655 construcgpn of public building at, author- 682 { Pqirtegr on 41 ‘ ··__-.________________ u ,.,,.. .---.. ... Poppy Slzd, l Po(;·tfolio.s,l th 68 ug _____________ _ __________,.., :. 37 uty on ea er .. oilfi-Idw, boiled, or oxidized . 14 Portland, Ark., _ _ B Population of me United {Smog, time extended for bridging Beyeu er- 190 comms of tp be token in 1910, etc 1, 227 th0l<>¥¤€W at -··-·~~-·····-·-—--- · - · gghgdules of inquéfiies . . . . ..----- il, P0é`t%yndnCe°'n€'”t¢ 17 r' l etc .--.. , 11 0 --··-·-·-·-·-····-·--— - ··-·-····~- ahlliielsgitilglgll, deaf, and dumb .. 4, 227 Portland, _ _ _ _ _ enumeration of institutions .. . 4, 227 apprqprvmgm for dpubhq bmidmg-i;lHlH_.-- 1379 nationality, etc., of fore1g¤—b0m per- ¤€q¤1¤¤g 8116 ¤¤_ €1’€€¤¤8 Publ-W U18 685 wm ________ _ _______________ 877 P tlandatilauthorized .--.. _ urns f be OT e" . . .. egmgg; 8tc__?_i_ W ___,,,, , ,. 10 apgtqylflatlvll fo1‘ pllbllff bulldll-\8·_ ·-—·- _- · - '06 porcelain Wwe, 18 de cxency gpprpipiislticgxl ({01;. gibhc build- 207 tc ... . ..·- - - - · lng; 1 v ·_ •·'‘‘· ‘ ‘•·* · du,§gt0§eg§;u%?&t?gQci _______________ _ ____ 18 for public building, sprinkhngstreets 1294