Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1742

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IN cclix Tarij, Philippine (see Philippine Tariff of H86- Teheran, Permh, Page. _ 1909)- _ appropriation for interpreter to consulate- T¤¤]`8, Intcfmllwnal Bureau for Publiwmm genera.] ,______ , ,_____________ _ _____ 333 of Cyuonw, Telegrap Companies, $PP!'0Pl'|3¢10l1 for 811111111] coutributimy _ 34], 1031 held to be common carriers _____ _ ________ 544 Tqdjg of _Fm-,,,39,, gmmmyu, changes to be {ust and reasonable; unjust uppwpmticn for collating, eu; .,._ 525,1227 dmsmggtliihgf-H ---------·---------.- -. 55:2 T . Bssag. GS -·-·- - ----—--—-- EQ ‘£fi{*»Z‘§‘2.£”$i£§’.$'iZ?'f;§"§,'}‘e'?.Z'r$‘ad as °°““’“°,*~°,,,nF;*6§,h,,;;;=;,¤g_·;* *0* ·=X¤h··¤¤¤ 0* 546 p“b1‘° “?°°’d“ ·················-- -· 555 Telegraph Cwwecting capmz, 1>épaémm` `LQ T•¤·»·ywvm_, N. K. _ mdmnamy opue, D. 0., 8·PPYPP¤$]·!0¤ for lmP¥0V€m€Ht of h3·!`b01’. . 635 appropriation for _____ _ ______ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 728, 1404 · ····---·------·-- . ··------. u , co _ _ Tlgxltgcoligmd 12 Tcé¢qaPh’ min Cazaéhs mi bbe umm and mm Lees, T,;,,,,,’,;,(I;Ifp0;,,{°°S ° m° "“ " °t° 24 duty OH -------·-· - ---.. . . . . 12 duty on. ,____,,,__ _ ________________ 33 Tartratc of Soda or Potash, Telegraph, Wimms, Tglgz; °¤· ·----·-··-·--··-..-·------ . 12 appamtus rfquired on ocean-going swam 1 BSSB .. ... . . , ,,,,., _ . , , ,___ , _ duty 011:; prtificial silk or imitation horse- Telegraplzl Wire; _ 11‘ -----···---·- . ...-- 60 dut on, composed of metal rubber etc, . 24 sdk -·-- - --····-·-·... . - . - 60 Tclepzom Apparatus, Army Wireless, ’ T..uX'¢3.°}°;?;.;gr;‘11a;;.; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 54 "°”°i°;‘€Z,‘Z»‘£FZT‘T¥’Tif‘?‘T{‘.€`TT T'$Y‘Tlf’?T'T`?°3 790 Tappéopriatngn for improvement of . . 632, 934 T%e;z{gonebC0mpanies, in vfpvra um e to e comm csniers. . ..,...,. 545 przovimons for. ... , .. 112 charges to be justosnd reasonable; if unjust Tax on Corparatwbm, Internal Revenue] unlawful. .__,,,,,,.,.,____ 545 8PF\'0PYi8Ci0Il_{01‘ expenses of collecting. 494, 1197 classification of messages . . ...,.. 545 or clpssifyxng, etc., returns of C0@0l'8— contracts with carriers for exchange of , tions ... . ... 494, 1197 services allowed . ., 546 restriction on inspection of returns. 494, 1197 Telephone Poles, deficiency appropriation for classifying, dut on . .,. 33 etc., returns . . Z ... 1291 Telepime Service, for collecting, etc.; reappropriatwn. . 780, 1291 established between Two Rivers life-sairing · Taxation, Equality cj} · station and Twin River Point Lightto be secured in constitution of Arizona. . . 569 house, Wis 194 of New Mexico . 559 Telephone Service, Executive Departments, etc., Taxes, D. C'., D. C., appropriation for advertising notices of direct contracts to be made for .., 531 arrears of ... . ... 387, 974 Telephone Wires, Taxes, Federal, States, etc., _ duty on, composed of metal, rubber, etc. . 24 certificates of indebtedness zssued by Telescopes, United States to be exempt from al . 192 duty on _ 21 Taxes, Internal Revenue, Tandem o_{_Ammala, _ apgropriation for refunding collections. 713,1390 on {ree .1St, crude, etc-., not specially prode ciency appropriation for refunding Vldéd for . . 73 .T illegally col ected .. 219, 1321 Tenneaugé t _ th _ d_ _ I _ t 1131 Income: assign o six ]u mm circui . . ayfrcgpztsed amendment to the Constitution commission ob {Army otllcem to report on authorizing Congress to levy. . . 184 advxsubihty of maneuvering camps, Tay-cum·e-ge-shig, hhs Willzh1rgG. ohrwon, etc., for troops of nexghbormdg $tates payment to heirs of, from Chippewa tribal on Imposed donation of lan _ m. . . 1457 funds . ... 330 Tennessee, labama and Kmtgwky Ruglway, Tglorr, Captain John _M., _ _ may bndge Cumberland River, Gamsbom, eiiciency appropriation for credit m Tenn ... _. I  : . ._ 185 accounts .. 779 Tmméesaeg Eastern t 1087 T l ,N 'P. jugeor,t0sen{emm1 e x:s_g ..,,.. Ttgegoiencf aqzigopristion for services .. 804 counggs coréuposing southern division . aylvre F 1 inn. _ _ uv em Msgor; -.---.·-»-----· bridge ;ut{l;orized écross Saint Crm; River northeastern dlVlBl0D . . . 1124 between Saint Croix Falls, WIS-,8-Hd. 263 Tterms of I,. . Z i ... 1124 T lor 'lle, Ill., ennessee e ud·ww_ _ _ znyppraovptdacion forfpublic building. .: ... 1382 yudgejor eastern district to Bernie in . . . 1087 acquiring aimed or public bmlding at, 689 counxgs c<;mp0‘§invi€E!11\Ta.shv1lIc division . th · _____ _ _______,,,, _ __,,_ no eas ern 1 on .. . Tchula, Lzlie, 0;{11?ss,, _ terms of court ,,,,.,..,,___,,.,..., . 1125 appropriation for xmprovement of . . 647, 942 Tennessee Bayer, _ Tea and Tea Plants, appropuanon for 1mprovement of, above, _ on free list; restriction . ..----·----··. 80 _Gh¤tt¤no¤g¤, Term - - -------- •>¤2, 9% Teazels, i for improvement. of, below Chattanooga, duty on __,,, . ,. 37 l Tenn., Hales Bar . ., 652, 730 Teeth, _ for improvement of open—clm.n¤el work on free list, natural, or unmanufactured. . . 80 * · to Rwerbon, Ala 652, 945