Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/492

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468 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 292, 297· 1910· June 16.1910. CHAP. 292.-An Act To authorize the Gary Land Company to construct two [H‘B‘2lm°‘] bridges across the Grand Calumet River in the State of Indiana. lmbuclxo-ml] B 't enacted by the S t d H fR tatioes of the United - ena ean owseo epresen mG"*“d c""“"°*'Stat; of America in Congress assembled, That the Gary Land Com-_ (FL I§¤g¢:igo11;· pany, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Indiana, EQ', c,,,m,y,;,,d_‘ ’ is hereby authorized to construct, maintain, and operate two bri ges and approaches thereto across the Grand Calumet River at_ points suit- “’°•“°"· able to the interests og pavigaitiolp, the gist liridgeizt a pointtappripxr matel near the nort ine 0 the nort wes quai r o sec ion ve township thirty-six north, range eight west of the second principal meridian, in Inke County, in the State of Indiana; the_ second bri ge in the southwest quarter of section thirty-three, townshipijthirty-seven north, range eight west of the second principal mem _ n, in Lakegountly, in the Skate of Indianaéa said bxgiiligtels to be built aprossghp ran Calumet iver in accor noe wi e provisions 0 an c V<>1·$4·l>-84- entitled "An Act to re ulate the construction of brid es over navi · E 3 gable waters ” approved March twenty-third, nineteen_hundred and six. Snc£. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is expressly reserv . Approved, June 16, 1910. U June 17,1910. CHAP. 297.-An Act Making ap m riations for the legislative, executive, and lH·R·”“3·l `udicial expenses of the Government gr the fiscal year endinglune thirtieth, nineteen [Pub11c,No.é1:&.] lumdred and eleven, and for other purposes. A _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represent<1tives of the United m§gl;'§;'g,c§5°ggj States of America in Uongress assembled, That the following sums be, psussssppmpmacns and the same are hereby, appropriated out of any money in the Treas- 4 ury noiii otherwise appropriate}; in ftgl compensgtioiémcg ths sprvice of the sca year en i une t irtiet , nineteen un an e even for the ob`ects hereiniiiter expressed, namely; , J Legnmsve. LEGISLATIVE. Senate. SENATE. Psy orssmwm. d ger compensation of Senators, six hundred and ninety thousand o ars. “”°·¤°· For mileage of Senators, fort —sev<=n thousand dollars. · my °¤1¤¢¤-¤*¤**¤·¢¢¤- hFor compinsiatign of the 0 pers, clerks, messengers, and others in t e service o t ie cnate name y: glee-Presidents Orricm OF THE VICE-IBRESIDENT: Secretary to the Vice-President, ° °°‘ four thousand dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; telegraph operator, one thousand five hundred dollars; Lelegraph [gage, su; Jiundred dollars; lll all, seven thousand five undred an orty < dollars. chaplain. gnsrnaiyz For Chaplain of the Senate, one thousand two hundred dollars. Secretary or me Orman or Snciwrnnr: Secretary of the Senate including com en- §1°§‘}§‘f‘e?f“i "°“" isatipn pstgisléursipg officeglii of salairiieis ofgcnatoés of tl? contingent un o e ena e six thousand ve unc re dollars· ire f iorse and wagon for the Sccretarys office, four hundred and tlwenty(ilollars; assistant secretary, Henry il. Rose, five thousand dollars; chief clerk, three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; financial clerk, three thousand dollars, and one_ thousand two hundred and fifty dollars additional while the office is held by the resent incumbent; minute and `ournal clerk, and enrollinv clerk at tlliree thousand dollars e ch· _ ]_ _ za 2 8. , principal clerk, executive clerk, and assistant financial clerk, at two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars each; reading clerk, librarian, chief bookkeeper. and clerk, compiling a history of revenue and