Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1026

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CONVENTION—DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. JUNE 19, 1909. 2475 be produced with such other evi- dencia 6 prueba que se considere dence or proof as may be deemed necesaria para el caso. competent in the case. ° ARTICLE XII. ARTICULO XII. . If, When a person accused shall En el caso de qiue ima persona ,,,,1§‘;},°,‘}sd‘f,§{,,$,’f” l_ °°" have beein arrested in virtue of acusaélaa heya (sii 0 detenidaden the man ate or preliminary war- virtu e man amiento ii or en rant of arrest, issued by the com- preventiva de arresto dictados petent authority as provided in por la autoridad ·competente, Article . XI hereof, and been segun se dispone en el articulo XI *""‘· P- 2‘"‘· brought, before a judge or magis- de. este Convenio y llevada ante trate to tl? end tlhat the ggiiilepros gn Juez 6 Magistrado ion qlbjeto of his or er ° t may e e examinar as rue as e su and examinegu as herein before culpabilidad en iia forma disprovéded, it shag appear that the ppesta gies arriba, y rgsultare que man ate or re `mma warrant e man amiento 6 or en revenof arrest has been issuelgin pursu- tiva de arresto han sido ciictados ance of a request or declaration por virtud de requerimiento 6 geoceived by teggratph gpm the declarapipnG ilgecibi a por dtelp— vernment as `ng or the extra- gra o e 0 iemo que pi e a dition, it shall be competent for extradicién, el Juez 6 Magistrado the judge or magistrate at his sera competente, a su juicio, para discretigg to hold the agpused for detener a aplusadodpor un perioglq a peri not excee `ng two ue no exce a de osmeses, a` months, so that tge demanding de que dicho (grotpierno gviueda Government may ave op rtu— presenter ante e uez 6 agisnity to lay befqre mach ju@e 11:1; gizldloéa plrifeba legal} de la culpali ma trate lega evi ence 0 the " a e acusa 0 y, si guigslsof the accused, and if, at the expirar el periodo dé dos meses expiration of said period of two no se hubiese presentado ante el months, such legal evidence shall Juez 6 Magistrado esta prueba not have been produced before legal, la persona detenida sera such judge or maggstrate, the per- puesta en libertad, siempre que son arrested shall e released, ipro- a la sazon no se estuviere contivided that the exaimnation 0 the nuando el examen de los cargos cha es preferred against such ac- aducidos contra ella. cused person shall not be actually going on. ARTICLE XIII. ARTICULO XIII. In every case of a reguest made Siempre que se presente una L¤s¤¤¤¤¤¤¤•· by either of the two ontracting reclamacion gipr cualquiera de una - Parties for the arrest, detention or de las dos artes contratantes extradition of fugitge priminals, para el arresto, dqtenci6n 6 extrathe lega officers or ca minist dicion de crimina es r6fu os, los of the country where the proceed; funcionarios de justici):1 6 e?Minis— ings of lextrgidition pre;] haél, shall ferio fiscalddel pais en {que se siggin assist the officers o the ‘ovem- os proce imientos e extra '- ment demanding the extradition cion, auxiliaran a los oficiales del before the r¢§pective ljudges and Gobieqno qtviie la piilla aqtedlos ma trates, y every ega means respec ivos ueces agis ra os, w*it%iii their or its power; and no por todos los medics legales que claim whatever for compensation estén a su alcance, sin que puedan C°*¤P°¤$°**°¤· for any of the services so rendered reclamar del Gobierno que pida la shall be made against the Govem— extradicion, remuneracion alguna ment delmanding thehextraditicgii, porblos seryicioq prestados. Sin rovide however, t at an 0 — em argo os uncionarios del ger or officers of the surrendiering Gyobiernci que concede la extradi- Government so giving assistance, 01611, que hayan prestado su con-