Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1033

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2482 Ansrrnxirron CONVENTION—MEXICO. Jess 24,1910. · Who, after having exhibited Quienes, después de haberse their respective full powers, and mostrado sus respectivos Plenos having found the same to be in Poderes y de haberlos encontrado good and due form, have agreed en buena y debida forma, han upon the following articles: copvemdo en los articulos Slglll- , en es: Aatrrcma I. An·ri0UL0 I. scghbgdm”°l *“*°” d°‘ The Chamizal tract in dispute El territorio de "E1 Chamizal " ` is located at El Paso, Texas, and en disputa esta situado en Ciudad Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, and is Juarez, Chihuahua, y El Paso bounded westerly and southerly Texas, y tiene por limites hacia el by the middle of the resent chan- Poniente y Sur la linea media del nel of the Rio Grange otherwise actual cauce del Rio Bravo del called Rio Bravo del Norte, east- Norte, llamado por otro nombre erly by the middle of the aban- Rio Grande, al Este la linea media doned channel of 1901, and north- del cauce abandonado en 1901, y erly by the middle of the channel al Norte la linea media del cauce of the river as surveyed by Emory del rio, seguin fue' localizado por and Salazar in 1852, and is sub- Emory y alazar en 1852, y que stantially as shown on a map on a esta aproximadamente H`ado en el scale of 1-5,000, s' ed by Gen- lanoaunaescala de1sol1re5,000, eral Anson Mills, 1%bmmissioner Ermado por el General Anson on the part of the United States, Mills, Comisionado por parte de and Senor Don F. Javier Osomo, los Estados Unidos, y por el Senor Commissioner on the part of Mex- Don F. Javier Osomo, Comisiico, which accompanies the relport onado por parte de México, el cual of the International Boun ary acom ana el informe de la Comi- Commission, in Case No. 13, en- sion ihternacional de Limites, en titled "Alle d Obstruction in the el caso nnmero 13, llamado “Pre- Mexican Eged of the El Paso tendidas obstrucciones en el ex- Street Railwa Bridge and Back- tremo mexicano del Puente de waters Causedyby the Great Bend Tranvias de El Paso é inundacion in the River Be ow", and on file causada ppr el retroceso de las in the archives of the two Gov- aguas, de ido a la Gran Vuelta erxuneuts. a ajo del Rio", que consta en los , archives de ambos Gobiemos. Airrrcm II. Aaricuno II. Bg¤%¤·r¤¤{,i¤¤;&{ The difference as to the inter- diferencia respecto del do- »1¤il°¢¤°li»a1¤`Zii1uus national title of the Chamizal mimo emmente sobre el territorio °"“"‘· 1;;-act shall be again referred to do "El Chamizal" se sometera the International Boundary Com- de nuevo a Ia Comision Internamission, which shall be enlarged cional de Limites, la cual, solo b the addition, for the purposes para estudiar y decidir la difecir the consideration and decision rencia antedicha, sera aumentada of the aforesaid difference only con un Tercer Comisionado que rnsmmmmasamu of a third Commissioner, who shall Eresidira sus deliberaciones. "° *’°'“"’°d· preside over the deliberations of ste Comisionado sera un jurista the Commission. This Commis- canadiense escogido por ambos sioner shall bé a Canadian jurist Gobiernos de comnin acuerdo 6, and shall be selected by the two a falta de este acuerdo, por el Governments by common accord, Gobierno del Canada, a uien se or, failing such agreement, by the pedira que lo designe. (Para la Govemment of Canada, which perfecta validez de todas las resoshall be requested to designate uciones de la Comision tendra him. No decision of the Com- ésta que haber sido integrada mission shall be perfectly valid recisamente por los 'tres miemunless the Commission shall have bros que la componen. been fully constituted by the three members who compose it.