Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1509

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2850 INDEX. Page. Page. Clark, Newell B., Classijicatimw, ctc., Interstate Commerce—Co11. ngion ,,,,.,.,,,..,,.,...,.,,,,, 1695 new, may be examined by Commission. . 552 Cgfk, Patrick, suspension until decisou . .. 552 nsion increased ... . 1801 through joint, may be established by C0m· Clgfk, Pe!cr, mission on failure of carriers ... 552 military record corrected . 1869 filed by carriers with Commission, to be Clark, Phoebe, preserved as public records 555 pagment to . . 1930 Clatskamkz Rfwer, Oreg. , Czar egcif:-cy appropriation for . 1296 C l:;pprog;lia;;1011 for improvement of 663 lz, 0 t, me, i ip, tgrension increased ... . 2016 pension increased . ... 2058 C Ic, Robert G., Clay, Alexemder S., late a Senator, lgsknsion .,. . . _. 1765 deficiency appropriation for pay to widow C { Robert H., Cla of. . 1314 usion in 1550 y Center, ans, Cgk, Thazter, appropriation for public building 1369 gimsicn increased 1477 Clay County, Ark., C k, Thearon G., may bridge Current River . 195 gndon increased . ... 1789 time extended for bridging Black River, C 1:, Theodore, 2 a12dBe1u1ett,s Ferry ...,.,...,.,,, 588 nsiou increased . . . . 009 Clay, Da , Cgfk, Thmnas, pension increased . ... 1612 Clgfusiou increased 2122 Clay, George H., lr, Thomas C., Cxeusion increased . ... 1615 cnt, to . . 1999 ya, _ Ogg-l1]Wil{*iam, duty 011, china or kaolin . . ... 18 Cgensiou mcrcascd 1947 unwrought, not specially provided for- . 18 rk, A.,` wrought, not specially provided for 18 Cmnmcn increascd . - .. 1834 on free list, common blue, for cruciblesn - 74 , }VilQia·m James, 153 Cla Gmss·Almerode glass-pot ,...,_ , _ 74 pcumou mcr 7 ya, etc., Clark, FWlZ·1hm R., appropriation for investigating structural C£$:xs¥>;_1l%ncrea;ed . . . . 1849 zaterggs of ,, , .,..., 765, 1232 , 1, iam ., Clayton, reen ry, Efusion increased .. . . 1850 pension increased ... . ..._,_,,.,,,____ 1661 C ke, Andrew JL, Clayton, James M., Cgension increased 1485 geusion increased . ,.. 1849 rl:e,_Ha{rict C. (widow), C ytmy, Jghn S.,

 mlrgeaxged  1740 Clggusgu mcgeased  , ,,..,,,,___ 1478
  • 9, · G-, T, em?] ·»

1;% lc? at .. . .. 1014, 1129 ‘ClEension ,.,,,,,,_,,__ 2084 , tu., arwater a r, ., appropriation for public building: . 1369 appropriation for improvement of channel acqmring mm :1:11:1 eréting public build- 68 guough Boca Ceiga Bay to Tampa. ing at, au oriz .,. 6 ay ,,.,,.,, _ ____________ 644, 941 Clfgims 02fhC0}1l"& zz; rooms required 932, 1116 Cggiminaky exa11;i1?tion tg be made of. . 954 um, mtop , vater atimuz orest, daho, geusion increased 1645 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of, 426, 1248 C rkxwille, _T¢:z:., Clearwater Rwer, Mun., construcuon of public building authorized 683 appropriagawg gi construcging bridge across at ..-.-.-. ~ on ed Lake gen - R d 276 Clary, C., 1899 Ck location modified . . . 1065 nsmu increased .,. . .,.. ary, 8, Cgfy, Samud, 659 zgsnsicn increased ,,______ _ _ ______________ 1737 usicn increased 1 C ves, Thvmaa P., CZK; Knives, deficiency appropriation for pay to widow Cggxty on .. 26 Mm of _,__,____,_______ _ _______ 1314 ps, C me, Tex., duty On, butf;0{1._ ----- 65 apguo riation for public building ,,,,,___ 1369 Classy/icatw·n D·wmmz,P0st-0_p‘ice Department, Clee , Igancis M ., appropriation for superintendent, special ugiou increased _____,__________________ 1947 agents, etc ... 520, 1222 Clggg, John R. (san), for per diem special gagents ... - .. 52] [pension ,,,,,_,,_____________ _ ____________ 1556 Claasvifinatwn, etc., of Pu lic Lands, C em, Colonel John L., temporary withdrawals of public lands to deficiency appropriation for credit in acbe reserved for ,,...,_,_,...,..,... 847 counts ..,.,__,,.,_,,_,, , , . . 778, 778, 1300 CIa:nQ/icatlirilan of Disaisea and Cause? of Death, Clmuzne, John A., tmwtiana Commission or Rem:-` nsion increased ..,._.___,_, , ,,_,,_, 1735 ing, _ Clgrinaw, Ifctcr, alias John Stewart, cougmxssxoncrs to be appomted to 1 mon increased ,,_,,,,,__,___,__,,,,,_, 2098 Claanjmnmn, etc., Inurstute Commerce, C t, Charles A., just and reasonable, to be determined by nmion increased ,_,,,,, , _,_,__,,.,,,,,,, 2041 Commission on complaint ... 551 Clgzemz, Wilhlzm W., enforcement; continuance ... 551 pension increased ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,.. 1955