Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1568

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INDEX. 2909 Federated Malay States, Pune. Fgymgp-eek Sggdy i Page. articles from, admitted at minimum tariff. 2609 on free list ,..,,, . 79 Feebleulliruled .»llik>rw, Ferber, Gerhard, excluded adniissinn . .. 263 pension increased . ... 1694 Feeble-Jllinded White and (’olored Children, Fergurson, Samuel H., D. (3., _ pension increased . . .. 1591 appropriation for maintenance. 409, 1000 Fergus County, Mont., Fee y, Lathruw (ll"I21OIl7), appropriation for surveying public lands in. 741 Fpcnsion increased . ... 1675 Fergus alls, Minn., 1116 ees, Customs, terms of court at abolishcd,except provided for in Tariff Act. 102 Ferguson, Francis L., allowance in lieu of, for a · of customs pension increased . ... 1775 P lr . officers, etc . ... 102 Ferguson, Harrwon, Fees, United State; Courts, had Fpension Ecreasecié. .. , ... 2122 prepayment by r persons not requ erguaon, erman ., F on atiidaviiitiii poverty . 866 Fpension ipcilreased . ... 1689 egan, Dame , ergmon, o n, Fpension increased . ...,,,. 1503 Fpension iipglreajed I . . . 1624 eiandt, John, erguson, 0 n ., Fpepsion increased . ... 1633 Fpension iéircaeaseig .. _ · 2074 cig ner, Francie L., erguaon, t iam ., pension increased . . . - 1670 pension increased . .-- 1761 Feimmr, Joseph II., Ferguson, mllzs H., pension increased . . .. 1719 Fpensioxgncreagd .····. . ...-- 2078 Feit, John, erman, anie ., Fplgngion incrgaggd _,,,,,,____,_,,,,,,. 2059 Fpensior} .. . .. 1469 z man, Antonia (uf ), eman, rem m 1 mm, pemgign ___________ _ ,,,,_______,,__,,., , , , 1816 pension increased 2039 Fcllm. Alber N., Femmrem, Fm., pension increased ...·- . ...-------·-·· 1475 appropriation for imgarovement of water- Fc lvl, G¢?f9¢ W-, way between vannab, Ga.,and- 644, 941 Fpgnm? increased ..·- - -...-·--------- 1828 §or improvgmigt of harbor ... 644, ¢ 8, 6FT!/, or pu lic ui ing - nsion increased . ... 1517 terms of court at ,,...,. . .. 1108 F·l1i>wey G1lb"t 11, 1476 Fenwworth, William, lfnmon lnqreaaed ····· · ·······‘‘·‘‘‘*‘‘‘‘ pension increased .. . . 1604 Fc mly, W1llmm L., FWD Daniel pension increased . ... 1986 pehsioxl inkreased ___________ _ ____________ 1g44 Fe onies (see Crimes and Misdemeanors). Fmel Lam F‘l°'“» Allmr . . pension increased . ... 1727 convicted of offense involving moral turpi- Fmell John W Fl tude excluded admission .. 264 pcmgou incl.€;$9d_ _____________________ _ 1680 e t, ,m ,5 duty on, rooii . ,... . ... 61 F- · · (1 · · _ on it list adigesive for shea 1 . vessels 75 included with railroa s in mterstate com 5 B9 v v · merce regulations . .. 54 Felt, Enoch W1 F., Fe,.,.i_, Hem?] ` pension increased ---- - --------·----··-—-- 1603 ,,;,10,, ing,-Based _ ,,.,__,.. 1940 Felt. Eugene K., m.,P8·S I L N"` _ -`·· pension increased ---- · -·-.-------·------- 1488 Fpe¤§;0;aq,§,crgQ,Bed ____,_______,_,___ . . 1784 Fe “’ Jaws M7 _ _ _ 1536 Ferrocarriles Namkmalea de Mexico, Los (see Fcligumvggozlyirwsed ‘`’‘'‘ ’'’ National Railways of Mexico). duty on, not specially provided for --.---· 54 F{;'{y}{*',;{1"*·* W F _ ____________ 30 F'e•;lr€ef£;gs;i,g;t}Tr _ , _,,_ _ _____, , ...,.. 75 F _ 21 Fence Rods, ‘‘'‘`’‘‘’' ‘ ‘‘`‘‘'‘`'`'‘` Fdutyonironorsteelwire . . . 24 30 iiiii ywiiiiii .67% ,.. 24 F¢;1”*1Ph°*P’*°’“’» ,0 Fences, along Interrna. tional Boundary Lines U Y lm ‘‘‘’‘’‘‘‘‘ '’‘' ‘ ‘'‘‘°‘ ` eremion permitted, to keep out diseased F“é"‘f"l"“· , 30 F I animalu. , , . . .. . .······- M0 '‘'`` '```````'`` enne, ' on freefliiat ..,,,,... . . 79 '1"lY "" ············‘‘·‘‘···‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · 30 -,11 . vw F¢m%gl8¢m· 30 Feyl'W’ ( ~ ( .:••¤••••••»¤·••`·-··•··... Fpension increased . . .. 1787 F'H':`3;lggd"‘m• 30 enmsr, James E,, ‘‘`’' `````````````````` pension in(·re;uigd ,..,. . ,.. . ...··· 1917 F d 1955 Fenton, Henry B., _ FPO OJ h ````` ``'```f```````i ' ·n:—m u increased -----·· 1¤16 ”8°n' 0 n’ · Fgfion )J .T ’' `'’'° " ` pension increased .. . . 1632 deficiency appropriation for services .. 804 Fertilizers, Potash, Nitratesnetc., Fenton James approprianon for investigating source of pension i¤c1.€.;,B0d__ ____________ _ _______, , 1538 supply of, withm United States 1256 ,