Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1624

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INDEX. 2965 Interior Department-Continued. _ Page- Interior Depm-tnwnt—Continued. P¤8¤· appropriation for special inspectors, mspec- denciency appropriation for Senate Office WTS, Gm ---..-. . . . . 511, 1213 Building , ,,,,_,__________________ 123 for Clerks, GH;  : . . 511,1213 for Ipiosecuting fraudulent Mexican for mechanics, watchmen, engineers, 'ckepee Iudieu allotments ________ 123 GW --·-- ; ------ , -·-· : ----.. 511, 1213 for Geological Survey ,... . .,.,,,_,_____ 124, for clerk to sign Indian tnbal deeds, 511,1214 212, 222,795,81],890,1309, 1323 for employees, old Post-Office Build- for public lwde ____________ _ ___________ 124, me -------------»--------- _.- 512,1214 222, 226, 796, 810, 814, 1307,1323, 1326 for assrstants, etc., office of Assistant for Indian Department __,_______________ 124, Aywmey General .. I 512, 1214 212, 222, 226, 797, 811, 814, 1309, 1323, 1326 dut1es of Board of Pension Appeals fer Hgugg Qmcg Building ______________ 125 transferred to, . .. 1214 {er ice plant _________ _ __________________ 212 for expenses, special inspectors, etc. . 512, 1214 fer completing filing system _____________ 212 for Commissioner of General Land Office, for paying Court of Claims judgments assistant, clerks, etc.: .. - 512, 1214 under ________ _ __________________ 218, 807 for Commissioner of Indian Affairs, as- ier special inspectors __,,__,,______ 222, 226, gm S1¤li8·¤lZ, Q10!'kS, 6bC. - . 1 . . -_ 513, 1215 for contingent expenses ...,.. . . , , 222, 810, 1323 for C0mIm$l0l161‘ of PGDBIODS, deputies, for Bureau of Education ___,_____ _ ___, 222, 1323 clerks, etc  :. . 513, 1216 for reindeer in Alaska , , .,,,., 222, 810 for Commissioner of Patents, amistacnt, for Sequoia National Park .. 222 8X8·Hl];H€l'S, etc .. . 514, 1216 for Army pensions _____,__,,_,__ _ ______ 223 for Commissioner of Education, clerks, for phomlith phing, Patent Office 226 ctc- ._ . _ ... _ . . _ 515, 1217 for atent Ogg: . ..,.. 795, 810 for Supermtendent of Oap1tol Building for Columbia Institution for Deaf and and Grounds, etc .. . 515, 1218 Dumb ,., . _.,..,_,,_,,_, 795, 1309 for contingent expenses .. 516, 1218 for Government Hospital for Insane ..,.. 796, for stationery, eo; ..., . .. 516, 1218 1309, 1323 for rent. .; . . 516, 1218 for Freedmen’s Hospital and Howard for removing models of patents to Senate University . ,._.._. 796 or House Office Buildmgs ... 516 for Mesa Verde National Park ... 796 for surveyors general and then clerks- 517, 1219 for Lewis and Clark Exposition, Oreg. . . 810 for civil expenses under- . . .. 737, 1413 for contingent expenses; reimbursement, 1305 for repairs to buildings ... 737, 1413 for establishing Bureau of Mines .. 1305 statement of expenditures 737 for rent, Civil ervice Commission, etc. . . 1305 for special repairs, Pension Office . ,. . 737 for moving office equipment, etc., Civil for extending heating plant to Pension Service Commission . 1305 Omce .. 737 for Pension Office, repairs . . ..., 1305 for elevators, Pension Office .. 2 . 737 for rxlpairs to building .. . . . - 1306 for central heating plant 1413 for 111 M. Tigton .r. . . 1306 for new roof, Patent Office Building . 1413 for Pension O ce .. 1306 for Capitol . 737, 1413 for classification, etc., lands in Northern for Senate Office Building .. 738 Pacific grant ... . 1307 for enlarging Capitol grounds . 738, 1414 for pensions ... 1310, 1324 for public lands ...,.,... 739, 1414 for mspectors ... . ... 1323 for abandoned military reservations. . 742, 1417 for General Land Office . 1323 for Bureau of Mines ,.,,... . .. 742, 1418 for Howard University . . ... 1323 for Geological Survey . .. 743, 1417 for education In 1323 for Indian Department ... 269, 744, 1058 Q for abandoned military reserxgations . 1326 for expenses of disbarment proceed- Bureau of Mines estab ished nn; officiuls ings 744, 1419 and functions. ., . . . 369 for Supreme Court reports 744, 1419 chief clerk to be chief executive officer for law books to judicial officers .. 1419 pf; duti0B.._.t  : . 1213 for care of insane, Alaska . 744,1420 investigation by joint Congressional com- {0; education in Aleeke _,.,,.,.,,,... 744, 1420 mittee of Forest Service and 871 {er reindeer for Alaska ,.,, 744, 1420 report, etc., of, ordered grinted .. 2136 for protection of game in Alaska . 745, 1420 \ lease oibuildingbfor Civil ervice Commisfor suppressing liquor traflic among Alas- sion and ureaus oi, authorized 795 km; uegivee _________,, , _,,_____,,_,,_ 1420 surveying public lands, additional per for national parks . . . . 745, 1420 diem to surwjeyors for ... 890 examination of San Francisco water Intzrlogulory Inyunctwros, supply .. . . . 1420 restriction on granting, based on alleged annual statement re uired of receipts unconstitutionality of State laws. 557, 1162 and expenditures tglprior year .. 1421 Internal and ·FOT¢tg7¢ Commerce, _ for Government Hospita for Insane.. 745, 1421 appropriation for experts, etc., procuring for Columbia Deaf and Dumb Instuti- l facts relative to . 526, 1228 tion _,______,_,__,,, 746, 1422 l Imermzl Revenue, {ey Hewerd Uuivereigy __,___,,_,____. 746,1422 1 appropriation for Commissioner, deputies, fer Freedmerfs Hospital .. 746, 1423 ‘ , C16l'1§S, GEC .---.·-—----..----- 491, 1193 for printing and binding of .. 768, 1446 [ for chemists, etc., denatured alcohol. . 491, 1193 for pensions . . ., 842, 1085 { for stamp agents, etc .. 491, 1193 deficiency glpropriation for new quarters ; for salaries, collectors, surveyors, ste; for m el exhibit ... 123 [ restriction. . . ... 494, 1196 fer repairs, ere, heating apparatus .. 123 l for agents. gaugers, etc ... 494, 1196 {er Capitol __________,,. 123, 212, 795, 889, 1306 for miscellaneous expenses 494, 1196