Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1736

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INDEX. 3077 P€7l8’I:07I3——(3OHl1HU€d. Pensio·ns—Continued. 1I1C1‘688€d—COBI1nu€€1. P&8€· increased-·o()¤tinued_ Page. B0l1l1€ll, Edwin R . 1918 Boyden, \Villiam H ____ _ _______________ 1309 Bonnell, James P . _. 1490 Boye, (jhaylos ___________ _ ______________ 15,40 Bonner, John G . 1758 Boyer, Charles W ... 2075 Bonuess, John N 1576 Boyer, Creed F __,,____________ _ ________ 2959 Book, Jeremiah . 1719 Boyer, John W . . ._.,,. 1890 Bookstore, Martin .. 2079 Boyer, Samuel 1644 Bookstover, Lee 1859 Boyer, Solomon ,,,.,__________,_______ 1323 Boon, Shubal S . 1803 Boyer, William H ..,,..,__,_,,..,_ 2085 Boone, Albert B 1932 Boyett, George W ...,,,,__,_,,___,__.,, 1860 Boone, Samuel M ... . .. 1754 Boyle, James C ...,,,,._.,,,__.,,, 1638 Booth, John A .. 1913 Boyle, John .,...,,.,.,,,,.., ; , 1479 Booth, Richard T ... 1940 Boyles, Barnet ,,,,,.,. _ ,,,,.,,, 1792 Boothe, Franklin . . . 1916 Boyles, David M ., 1575 Boots, Benjamin F . 1524 Boyst, John Z . .. H86 Bomb, William P .. 2 . . . 1616 Boyster, Harrison C ... . .,.. 2015 lgorgen,JC1§:·§ P . 1691 §rabla;zon,‘\Vil1iaL1;n R .., 1554 or er, o ... . . 1764 rac en, amos . . 1616 Boria, Lewis M . . .. 1716 Brackett, Charles W . . .. 2108 Born, Samuel F 1536 Bracken, Edward 1-.. ., . .. 1737 Bomstein, Albert ... 1492 Brackett, Lillia ... 1655 Bortz, Benjamin 2006 Bracyb, Andrew G . - 2074 Boslsr. Ephraim ---·.----.. . 1626 Brad um, David 1-‘ ...,..,, 1771 Bosloy, James C , . ..,,.. 1827 Blidbtlfy, Henry N ... . 1924 Boso, Francis M ··-- - --·-·-..-·»-.. 1659 Braden, Andrew . ,. 1858 Boso, General L ·--·-----·--·.. . . . . 2003 Braden, James M ...,.., 2090 Boso, Kinsman -..-· 2004 Braden, Richard hl . 2092 _ %0sB10t', Héllfgg ... . . 15;% ?ol:1]ag11n N _______,_______,__ 1749 oster, Jesse . . .. 17 ra e , o n . Boston, Michael .. . 2013 gwiog, iahllen ... . ... {gg ell, Levi ,,,..,.,,,,,. , .,,, 1595 rn o , o n ._.. ., ,,___,,,,_,_,..,.. Both, Jacob ... . ... . . 1481 Bradley, Heur¥)W . 2013 Botkin, Lycurgus .,_, , ,_,..,,_, @1 Bradley, Ione ,,,.,,,,,__,.. 1949 Bott, Michael . 1961 Bradley, Joseph D . ... _ 1749 Bogmmg, Archibald F ________,,,,,,,__, 1484 Bradley, J uhan O ...,,_,__,,,_,,,.,,.. 1727 Botts, Newton W ,.. 1587 Bradley, Rufus C ..,.,..,. 1784 Boucha, Louis . 1960 Bradley, Theodore .. . . . 191:7 Boughton, Augustus S . 1652 Bradley, Whipple B . . . lo»0 Bou hton, James . .. 1897 Braclney, Abner R . 2098 Bouley, James ,,.., . ..,. 2112 Brady, Abraham C ._.,,. , ,,,.,,.,.. 1590 Bounds, John . 1662 Brady, Harriet H . 1744 Bouquet, Nicholas ... . .. 1836 Brady, John ,. 1s;29 Bourasaw, Francis G ... . 1-196 Brady, Michael . ... l—l§8 Bourne, Milton E . , 1756 Brady, Thonnpsou R ...,, . . . 177-I Bourquiu, An to E. .. . .. 1650 Brady, \\_1ll1am ti ,,. . liailj Bow, Aundreww . . .. . 21s:l Brady. \\_gll1mu 11.. , . ..., . 10. 7 Bowelish, George W .,.. . 19:14 y, :\·;l1;mu J ..., . ..,.,. , , K ,. Bowen, masa W ...,.. 1665 m on , om . . ... ..,... . .. Bowen, george W . . ... . 162-17 Braga, Samuel SL. .,.,,_ , , . . . 2111:1 Bowen, John E .,.. .. .,, 1917 Bmimml, [*:1128.. .v . ..,,..11 Iran; Bowen, William M .. . . . . 2103 Brainerd, Elrtnh N . . .,. . ... 1.176 Bowers, Isaac, Illinois Vols ... . . 2106 Brake, John : . 1._.._.. , . . Bowers, Isaac. Ohio Vols . .. 2058 Brake. Perryf ., ..1. l;w~4 Bowlby, Elisha .. . . 1718 Hmmm, \\ arren ll .. . . . lg0‘2 Bowles, James H, , .,.., _ ..._,,_ 1688 1 Brambley, John R .,,. , __,,.. r I?12 Bowles, Rebecca C ..,..._,_,.,_,__ 1731 Drummer, Robert ,,_, _ __... , ,.. 1.1,1 Bo n G ___, , _ ______,,______ 1925 1 Bmnqlnmom_ Marlow F _______________, [511 wles, Stephe , _ Bowley, Albert A ,_.,..._. _ _ 195% 2 granc}YujJl1:xn;s F , . .,,.,.,..,. B B ,_,..,,,___,,,...,._,_, 151 ram , o ..__,__,...,._ ,

 E-, ..,.,.,,.,..,, 1751 l Brandt, Louis.; .,,. _ , ...  

Bowman, David J .., ,, ._,..,.__ 2016 i Brnnn, Alfred li ,,,,,. . ..,.., 1,47 Bowman, James I ,.,._, _ , _...,.,,__ 1620 Brannan, Thomas.: .,__,,_,..,.,., Bowman, Wiuiam, Indiana Vols H20 B¤‘·B$0l[» Ch¤\!`l?$ J" · · ·-·—~-—·--·—··- — - ll]00 Bowman, William, Kentucky Yols ---... 1797 Buns, hsrhsn L .-.-.~.. . .~·...---.-. 1-18 Bowman, “*iuiam’ Temmyec L_ G _____ Hg? Braswell, Thomzm . l4»0 Boyce, Danvers C ...-»---- 16o§ Bmrram. Joseph M --..»·-~··»--.-. 1940 Boyce, Moody J .. . . ... 1825 Bray, Madison los-1 Boyce, Robert ... . . . 2106 Brayton. V1 hipple L1. - 1... 19*1*6 Boyd, Charlotte M ... . .. 1ol3 Breakxrpu, l}su_n·1“ . 1619 Boyd, David P . .,· gre•?kb£_lg, lgillvagm .». .

.  .u !P€$, 3Y% .--.. -.. ... .. , ’\
   .,,,,,_ 1500 Brees, Samuel W ..._,__,_.,,,__,,___ 11:13

Bood, William M ... . .. 1501 llreiuer, John ,_.__ 21 ll Boyd, William T ,.,..., 1481 Brenluupr, Charles E- .,,,_., A ..__ 11;.39