Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1858

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INDEX. Samv Eduiardv Paw- Sun Juan National Forest Colo Page Sa¥;:_;;§°“,}2§;;“S°d ·----------·--- - -----·-- 1524 apprlzpnation f¤gdmai¤t2¤ancZ,otc.,¤r- 428, 1251 J ‘ . · roc tl `f b d f . Sagg¤;;;;gl;¤¤;j;S¤d --------------.. 1824 S P t?¤§?€5§”I%’E0r$Z§Z$ r§,`I,"wZ{Ea°¤, ____ EES , v , ·» _ _ _ an ’lLd7L . ., ¤`;·g>rl;<;I:)1;ligl<;; S? public building .. 707, apyrolgrlati;>tn)fortt1;:mpro\;eme1:£¤ of harbor. 666, Z30 Sa" 4***0%**-% Tex-· olil U -'`°'°``` ig; piixgc bigxdihgou me ```'````````` 12g? ¤PP¥'°PY¤m0¤ for Public building ·~·-···-· 707 lends, etc., near, ,~mnt,ed to forte Rjcoi 467 S mrgs Of ifurt at -·----—··--·---—- - --··-··· 1127 Ilmljl of cost increased, public bmlding 678 an vmqf {H0, Cul-, _ _ _ prehmmary exa.mina.t1o11 to be made of Spprqprlatlop for publ1c buxlding _,,_,,, , , _ 1381 harbor _______________ _ _ _ 956 acquxnnih BIPB dfor public bmlding at, San Luis Obispo, Cal., I · _ - l I · · U l gu gnzg _________________________ 689 ° ° San Dugof cial., S as3>};3>1r1n:tion for 1mprovement of harbor. . 1406 aptpropnatgon for improvement of harbor. . 661 gmjcles fr(;m admitted at minimum tm-ig 2643 _ qr public building --.--· Z ·--... 707, 1381 Som Pabzo Bag}, cuz. " 11m1t of cost mcreqsed, public building 677 appropriation for {'mprovement, of chmmgl return from_ Premdent reguested o bill over pinch, Shoal; contracts ________ 949 establ1sh1n% terms 0 courts at Sac- San Pedro, Cal., Ti!-UQUTD BH ----·---.-... . . 2133 ti f ° I h , ¤»¤m¤¤r¤<»·¤·=¤ -. 589,1107 “"%3i°££k$$3t2£i§‘§£%`§E`§£YY..?*TT’T.i J3? San Dkyv Colm'!/, Cal-, light and fog—signa1 station authorized at. . 929 deficiency zgpropriation for resurveys in.. 222 preliminary examination of harbor to be San Felnpg, I um Pueblo, N. Mu., made ___________________________ _, 669 appropnzgtjonforbridgeacmssRioGra.ndea.t. 1062 San Salvador, $071 FT¢m€¤8¢9, Cd-, appropriation for consul-general .., 338, 1028 apFropr1ation for dispatch agent .. 340, 1030 San Thmné Island - or mgnsferring foreign mml from stemgii 1337 S articles gg; xglmitted at minimum tariff. 2543 B 1p¤ -·--...»-.-·-· , .

0l` assistant trea.surer’s office 497
1199 ageugiou iucreaseh ________________________ 1777

or mint at .. 498 1200 S bam A ’ A, waiow for improvement of harbor .. 662: 1405 cgomgién _______ ) I ________________ 1925 for exnmnations of water supply in Smbom, Charles WW Yosemlte Park, etc., for 745, 1440 increased ,...,..__,_, 1626 . for subtreasury building 1381 Sqmbom, George P, ‘ Alaskan cases to circuit court of alppeals to pension increasecl .,,,.._,___, 1570 be at Portland, Scatt e, Ol: 1135 Sanborn, Gremvugh D., construction of subtreasury authorized; S pension . ...,.,,,,____ 1552 ` cost . ... . ... 695 cm e is . ’ cw , paying for improving qlley . 695 pension increaseg 1552 contracts for c0nstruction_ authorized". 695 Sanborn, Sophia W. (wzklow), customs qpprmsor at, salary increased .. 894 pension increased 1523 gold ceruilcates authorized for deposits of Srmd, _ _ t0l’€l§D gold coin at . 965 duty on, iron or steel, for abrasives , , , , 24 1HV'H2l.U0l1 or assembling, etc., of fleets at monazitc . . 30 Hampton Roads, etc., pn the way to on free list, crude or unmanuiactured, not P8;l1B.H}3.-P3C1.6C EXPOSIQIOD at .. 1289 otherwise provided for ... . . . 79 may ufa1nt%}n pugping statxon, etc., on 534 Sand Island, Ala}, I h ort anon eservatmn a ropriatiou or ig t station protectin term of circuit court of a. pesls o,t_ 1133 pp site . 1431 .. an , . terms of district court atp 1107 S rl Key Fla San Francisco Exposition (aee_Ifa.nama-Pacific appropriation for rebuilding, etc., weather Intematxonal Exposition). station at . . 418 San Francisco Immigration Station (see Angel Sandbaph, John G., "San S., _ _ 1723 appmgrmuou for ripairs; addmonal .. 621 peumon uxcreused 1691 Som Isa el National orest, Colo., Sandmg, Jqcob, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of- 428, 1251 pension increased 2068 proclamation diminishing . 2701 Sandehg, Sqmuel A. San Joaquin Cqunéy, Cal., _ pension mCr€8·B€<i ..·-.-...-·~··.. 2005 bridge authorize across Stockton Canal m. 601 Sanderq¢rn,_Janws, San Joaquin River, Cal., _ pension l11C!`€8$€d ..-...---... 1854 appropriation for improvement of, mclud- Smuljogd Ifeter, ing Stockton and Mormon channels; pensnon increased ... . 1991 condition 663, 950 Sands,_Jacgb, for lighting , 754 pension increased ..,,.,.,,...,.,,,,,, 1683 preliminary examination to be made of. . . 955 Sandstom, _ _ Fremont and Stockton channels 956 duty on, no]: specmlly provxded for ...,... 21 San Juan _Cqunty, Utah, _ _ Sandusky,_O{n0, _ _ appropnzmon for surveying public lands qpgropnauon for 1mprovgment of hnrbor, , 6o3 in ______ _ _,,,___ _ , ..,,,,,____,. 741, 1417 hg t and fog-mgm;} géatmu authorrzed gt, 53 S J d l Norrt N` , entrance to ar or . . .,,. 6 a o;1 of to13mg`;?ir1zgsug¤ vessels from, preliminary examination of harbor, to be revoked . .. 2499 made . 674