Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1902

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INDEX. 3243 T 1 Pfgé Texas Western Jwzqmz Dimyuicpiitiuugd. Page. Terwilljgerz Thiymag, ```'`'` ° ° ‘ $g;1I;1‘;¥§?§§\!T;tW¤\¤g Del R10 d1V1Sl0n ______ 11 1011 mcre __________ _ ·° '. '‘ ‘ ‘’‘‘‘‘ · ······ · · · -·-- Teggon, umsanfzsed .· .. 1641 Hiigknbgzal 1!{rzn·w§;_Cmnpany, ·

   · _ _ · _ - . . ~ . I - - - · - - · · .             W• Va- · -  

"°·"”· E”°*"”*· brid é mini (1 T · pension increased _______ _ ______________ 1726 Thaing River 00:;% ¤·€1”0¤¤ ug RWGY, at 197 Tester, _W·¢l]wm, appropriation for improvement of . . . 633 T.£2?‘°§°1§‘{.i2‘»$"’°§°‘*;»»>.‘ ic ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘······ M of “g*·**¤g -·-—— " 75* n me or ymca ommngg, · · I "‘2 °'’`‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘····· defiifiéllcy =}ppr0I§,riation for procuring, etc 216 Tglrglgugynggl °’;8*;m1¤¤m0¤ of, to be made_ _ 669 Twmy Mqdirwf awww Afmwl, Mwq tendered Rogank. Peary, Navy, fo1·Arc1;ic T:tgrgm&?£2$l% °' °P°mtmg» cw ---- - · - 720, I398 ;xi>lora.ti011s in reaching the North Y. _ ’7 00_··____·-·-.-··-_'··_-.·····-_ pcnmcn increased . ..,,,,_,,.__ _ 1505 · M. N..,ml Wyo., ";%"${ £§"‘%‘{ 875 Tappzzpriagoix for maintenance, em., of 429,1251 mankigmng gay, gs ’'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ war na, r ., · - Tmrms of c;_‘“'t at ····——·- · ···---·-···---- U07 pmclalgggggr 1§s?(?9t:l£_ K, No- 2503 exarkana ez., ‘'‘‘‘ appmprizztion for public building 707 Tha *4;};£i11;fovembcr 24, 19m' as ```` ` 2759 Tt€rmBOfC0uYt$»t.. -. . .. -...- Tgngi°uincrea8ed____________.·_··-.- appropriation for improvement of inland 'v£;i({?i0;L,::i ti’lf})’ _ 1743 waterway on coast of ., 650 T1}:/W Gm,-gc ```` ```'```'``` ’'“' between Brazos River and Matagcrda nsion iucnleascd . 1352 Bw -----·-------. 650 7{fyq, John S, ``````'``'°`‘`‘ · 8·BBig¤cd to fifth Ciffllit .. . . . . 1131 gugign inctggggd _________ _ _ _ _ _ tick-infested cattle may be admitted from jirziyep, Lgpindg E_ (wiygow) ` ``````` Mexico i]]t0, below q\12.I'3I1t.il10 line. gngiou iucreasgd ____ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ ‘ _ _ _ _ Tam City. Tex-, iwzya, William U., ‘``‘‘ appropriation for improvement of channel nsion iucrggggd _______________ _ _ _ _ 2009 from Galveston to ..,,,,_,,.,._ 943 ]1E€])a[k,, O,·,g_ ````` Tome Edllem Judicial D’i8¢‘H¢i, appropriation for public building .. 1370 counties composing Tyler division 1126 acquiring site and erecting public buildhié Beaumont division .. . . . 1126 at, guthorizgd ________________ _ _ _ _ _ 687 Sherman division . . . 1126 1’}wam·.q, my, {)effers5‘>n division . . 1126 penalty fm- ditgcdrimimuing against, weiimm mis ivision . 1126 of Uni Sums uniforms b . ,. ___,_ 963 Texarkana division. ... . ... 1126 Theatrical Grease Paims, y mrnm of court .. . . 1126 duty on .._.,,_,,.,.,_,_________ _ _ _ _ 16 Texas Judicial Dirtricts, Thealriral Scenery, etc., salaries of district attorneys and marshals on free list, for temporary exhibition, 1imimade uniform . 828 tanions ... . ..____ , _ 78 Texas-New Mexico Boundary Dine, Thais, John II., provision in proposed constitution of New {musica increased .. . . 1620 Mexico changing, declared of no of- T eobald, Joseph I'., {ect .. . . . . 1454 Tgension increased ... . 1605 former location of (`lark lines deemed con- adore, Utah, clusive ... 1455 appropriation for building bridge avmss commission authorized to remark, ctc., _ Dxgchesne River at l074 established _,_,.. - . . 1455 Thmaq, Muchell, declaration of true lincs’ survey and re- ipepmon increased 1506 _ marking by monuments, etc. .. 1455 T aerwg, Pgter, upprgyriation for expenses ... 1455 Tnxzensnon increased 1661 Texas arthem Judicial District, ssh, T{wma.s, counties composing Dallas division . . . 1125 g)BDSlOH increased 1928 Fort Worth division . .. U25 T el!/°01jd, QMITZGS Eq Amarillo divisirm- ,...,.,._ 1125 Tgleusxou increased 1797 Abilene division ... 1125 ybrid, Wzlluzm R., San Angelo division 1125 Tlimnsion nnqreased -.----». 2061 terms of court 1125 eumj, Lquzs P., Texas Smuhcrn hdimkrl District. _ Thpeusnon increased--‘ --·-·--------»-·----- - 2112 counties composing Laredo division ... 1127 zbbe{3, Hm'? C·» Brownsville divisimi ___________,_,_..., 1127 nsum increased . . - . 2033 Galveston division .. 1127 n. EWTH W-, Houston division _______, _ ______,_,,..__ 1127 TVEEDBIOD mcreaqed . I . - 1497 Victoria diviSi0u_ ______ _ ______________ 1127 mb]. Shoal Light Vu., _ _ [grins of court ________ _ ___________________ 1127 qghqgncy appropriation for reestsbhshmg. 800 Texas Western Judi¢,~mlADi.stp¢:i_ _ _ 1126 Tinméafgla 1775 ` 1v1sion ... - ----··-—-·----·»—----·- °°“"“"’ °°'“I’°“"g · “”“‘{ . . mg Tfiid Amsmipmtmm Gm], San Anwmo dxvmion. . . . _ , . E] Paso division ___________ _ ___________ 1126 appropmmou for, supenntvndenbs, clerk; . wm, division ___________ _ ______________ 1126 em .., . 520. 1222