Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1934

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INDEX. 3275 'Mllameue Rirer. Oreg., U Page lwlliams, M. Darwin, Page. appropriation for improvement of, above vVpengi011ir1cyg0,ged ________________________ 2058 l’0rtland .. . .. 664, 950 illiams, Mart 11,, . for improvement of, below Portland; ension increased ,,,_____________________ 1432 { I ceilntracts . 664, $52 Wglmms, Milford B., Of lg ting . . ... 5 eusion in ed ,,,,_,________________ _ _ 1936 bridge authorized across, at Portland, Oreg. 1348 Wiéliams, Orgzail., preliminary €X2.lDl.D3ti0H Of, to be made. .°. . 674 Wensiou increased ,.,,_________________ _ _ _ 2051 Willapa Rirer and Harbor, Wash., illww, 1106671 A., appropriation for improvement of ; local Wp€1181011 lI1Cl`€8»S€d 2097 cooperation; contracts 666, 951 zllwayv, Russell, _ _ _ Willapq, Wm;h_ , deiiciency appropnation for services . 127 appropriatgon for improvement of harbor; 666 mllwaw, $'d¤$. ed 1819 cou itions PS1011 111¢Y€8S ··-··-····-----------·-- wizard, Samoa, Wiiiwaw, Hmm. Wpension increased ,,.,.,. . ,,,. 1652 Wpepslan increased ..-. 1598 zllcox, Lyman G., 1496 dlvargwi Warren S-, 1601 nsion increased .. . . _ {151011 1¤9¤2¤¤° -·····-···-·-··--------- vriiihoa, Damkl, }Wham. nsion increased __________________ _ _____ 1781 Wpenswn increased 1799 Wiiiuzm, Abel, illamw. Ymiwm 34-, 2099 nsion increased .. . . 1656 WP€¥1S1°¤ m€1`<?$¤€ ·····-·--·- - -·-·-·-···-- m°}i· Al d, illumw Willuzm L. Wmi iuggased ___________,__ , ,,,,.,,,, 1923 Wrgcipsiah ?_<%ease<§;: ---------------------- 1762 · · · I Hm,] z www t wm . Wdhsggg Anw M' ( _)’ _________ 1844 appropriatrion for reimbursement . 2026 Miaa, ‘‘‘‘` `‘‘‘‘‘° Wilwrghcmgh 1,,, wv¢e¤¤<>¤ iacraaaai -·----~· - --------------- 155** W¥}‘§,*"’,,,,,‘°,,,,, $$212; C3 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘ ollwrgw, penmtt, - -’ d " _ _ _ _ 1930 pension increesed ... . 1938 W%?1S1°:_nm ‘'°' ’ ° ' ` ' mllwm, Caroline (widow), usion _ 2073 pensioninereased ,, . . 1606 Wggmmson W Va_""""""""" H"` Waara. Chaaary, 1651 Zppnmrsiioqn for public buildiqg .. 1384 _%§31.;';n g;T1°9·$°dl“ ·--- · ···· · ·······• ‘ ··**‘ gequuing engl for public bulldlhg Sli, SI1- 692 _ 2 _ 1 Oflz . . . . . . . .. - ---- · ---. r¢¥=¤¤¤=¤<¤¤~S¤d ··-·--·- - -—--—-—·----·-- 5198 vazzamspm, Pa-, Wlllwqw, Charles L.,_ _ _ terms of C0`l,1.'l‘lZ at . ... 1123 deficiency a`ppropnation for services. . . 806, 1318 Willriardy panwl Eq · _ _ mllnaom, Dao , deficiencg aplpropriation for services .. 1309 Wgeinsxon increased . . .--------- 1593 mllmuw, har es, d 1558 1 iams, Edgar, ension increase . ---- · ·---·- nsion increased .. . --·------ 1986 Wiilige mllium Wiiiimhnzs, Edwin L., _ _ ension increabed. . ._ ...-. . -·--~---·-·---· 1814 deficiency appropriation for services .. 1318 W%g;,,·gat@ne L_ (uqdguv), ‘ mggmm, Falkland g_ , 1845 %$11S1®l; Jrrggreigseg .----· - ···-·-··· 1638 nsion increased . . .- · --··--· l '1$»_ , ·» ·» ,, Wiyiiams, George, Wpensnon increased -- - ·--·-·-·· 141*1 e11gi()n in(;r93g9d_ _ _ _ , , .. . . . . . . ...·.-- 1626 iliinfy John Hq 1 Wialiams, George W, military record corrected .. . .. 8 pension ingreaged __,.. . . .-··-·-- · 1673 W1ll18»_J0’1” Ho 1545 VH1! irmzs, Gu,stzwu,s P. M., ”}}*;Pm$?u}ncrENaBE 11 `'’ 7 `'```` ````°`` }·VP€11sioninCr€aSed".:.'.-.-°`-..·-.--·'-· iegéioni:10g;»caBEd________________________

 H”l"'”_  ‘ j _______________ 2076 vviiza,_M01zo T. (daughtrr), 2034

zlliama Wlieimmp '‘' '````````' ``-`````·'`·``

 ’ _ 815 llR* Va. _ _

”}Q(;pm0nlucr€aSe(l`:`°"-""`"·-H--H- 1 @1-;ii;11LiT;;$;}yg{2miu3tion of,m be m3de__ 615 ' r“"?'”· J°“'""' ("”d°'”)’ 1552 vviizo Tizgnman 12., W%;3;::’nj%(;l:I%Ji€d°°°•°··'··-U---on--U WPepéi0ninergg,ged __,______,_,...,,.., .,., 1660 VP°l'S1°;‘i“c'°“”éh ····‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘``'’‘ 1487 zgigigkxjgagf public building ____ : _ _ _ 1334 I l”u"!w’ John Fc 1951 acquiring site and erecting public building ”}1?'1*11‘”1 1¤€1’€T;¢1 ---· · ·--···-····· · ······ at auth0rized_____ _____ ____ _ ______ 687 'l , J h . , Y . 1 ciigiiin iviicileaseii ..----···------- · --——--- 2036 Wllgmh ____________ _ ___________ 1826 ”'i15*·ma -5**5 »'·’~ my wiizau hby Jan M., . Hyeasicn iacrcascd -----·-·- - -·----—--·-·-- · ensfon ihcmmd ________________ _ _______ 1.,8.1 illiarrw, John V R., 2093 Wglou hby William Dv cacian increased -·---·-·--- - ---—--·—-·-- ensfon ihmmd ________________ _ _______ 184;; Wi1liums, Joseph B., 1986 Wglow . 81181011 incrwsed -····· · ·····*‘‘‘ '‘`' dutyxm for baskets _________ _ ___________ 34 Wiiliamsv Levi laces, €{(j· _________ , , . . , 64 Wl?;“S1°¤1¤°Y€;*jv_°d --·········· · ···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ fumitére, etc _______ _ ___________,__ _ _ _ _ bag z iam, Loya -, bg ts nd hoods ... ‘ peDSi0niucmaSed···-·_·__·.'_·__ ________ 1915 hate, nne ,2