Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/922

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CONVENTION—MARITIME RED CROSS. OCTOBER 18, 1907. 237]. Oonvention between the United States and other Powers for the adaptu- tion to maritime warfare of the principles of the Geneva Oonven tion. . Signed at The Ifague October 18, 1.907; ratification advised by the ·Senate March 10, 1908; ratifed by the Iresident of the United States February 23, 1909; ratijication defosited with the Z\bether— lands Government Alovember 27, 1.909; proc aimed February 28, 1910. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES 01-* AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention for the adaptation to naval warfare of the ,,,£§Y§g$0°§§§§P$§: rinciples of the Geneva Convention was concluded and signed at P¤‘°°¤¤b*°· _ The Ha e on October 18, 1907, b the respective Plenipotentiaries of the (Edited States of America, Glyermany the Argentine Republic, Austria—Hun ary, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bul aria, Chile China, Colombia, (Ribs., Denmark, the Dominican Rieipublic, Ecuador, Spain, France, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, aiti, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, Mexico, Montenegro, Norway, Panama, Par vuay, the Netherlands, Peru, Persia, Portugal, Roumania, Russia,8'Salvador, Servia, Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Uruguay, and Venezuela, the original of which Convention being in the French language, is word for word as follows: [Translation.] X. X. CONVENTION CONVENTION rom: L’ADAi>TAT1oN A LA GVERRE FOR Tm; AI)AP'l`ATION T0 MARI- MARITIME DES PRINCIPES DE LA Tum WAREAM: or THE PRIN- CONVENTION DE oENi;vE. CIPLES or THE GENEVA cox- VENTION. SA MAJESTE IJEMPEREUR His Majesty the German Em- C°“°”‘°u°“P°w°"' D’ALLEMAGNE, ROI DE peror, King of Prussia; the Pres- PRUSSE;LE PRESIDENT DES ident of the United States of ETATS-UNIS DCXMERIQUE; America; the President of the LE PRESIDENT DE LAR PU- Argentine Republic; His Majesty BLIQUE ARGENTINE;SA MA- the Emperor of Austria, Kin of J ESTE IIEMPEREUR D’AU- Bohemia, &c., and Apostolic Iéng TRICHE, ROI DE BOHEME of Hungary; His Majesty the ETC., ET ROI APOSTOLIQUE King of the Belgians; the Pres- DE HONGRIE; SA MAJESTE ident of the Republic of Bolivia; LE ROI DES BELGES;_ LE the President ol) the Republic of PRESIDENT DE LA REPLY- the United States of Brazil; His BLIQUE DE BOLIYIE; LE Royal Highness the Prince of Bul- PRESIDENT DE LA REPU- garia: the President of the Re- BLIQITE DES ETATS-UNIS DU public of Chile; His Ma`esty the BRESIL; SON ALTE%E RO- Emgeror of China; the President YALE LE PRINCE DE BIlL(}A— of the Republic of Colombia; the RIE; LE PRESIDENT DE LA Provisional Governor of the Re-