Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/941

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2390 CONVENTION—MARITIME RED CROSS. Ocrosnx 18, 1907. ¢¤¤¤¤¤¤¤i¤•¤•>¤ 0* Ils se communi ueront, ar The will communicate to each hm °°°°°°d' Yintermédiaire du Cgiuverneml-int other,ythrough the Netherland des Pays-Bas, les dispositions re- Government, the enactments for latives a cette repression, au lglus preventing such acts at the latest tarddanslescinq ansde la raf ca- within five years of the ratification de la presente Convention. tion of the present Convention. `Anricnm 22. Anrrcnn 22. Avp1ic•ti<>¤ ¤¤¤ w En cas d’o erations de erre In the case of o rations of war bm? °° mm °fip' entre les force}; de terre et dgeumer between the land gid sea forces of des belligérants, les dispositions belligerents, the provisions of the de la présente Convention ne present Convention do not apply seront applicables qu'aux forces except between the forces actually embarquees. on board ship. Airrrcnn 23. Anrrcnm 23. munuuon. La présente Convention sera The lipresent Convention shall ' ratifiee aussitot que possible. be raf ed as soon as possible. Hf:g’g°“ " '"*° Les ratifications seront dépir The ratifications s all be de- ° sees a La Haye. posited at The Hague. _ Le premier depot de ratifica· The first deposit of ratifications tions sera constat par un procés· shall be recorded in a procés- . verbal signé par les représentants verbal signed by the Representades Puissances qui y prennent tives of the Powers taking lpart art, et parle MiIl1Stl'6dBSA.f8lI’6S therein and by the Nether and Etrangeres des Paévs·Bas. Minister for Foreign Affairs. Les dépbts ult rieurs de rati— Subseqlpent deposits of ratifificationsseferont au moyen d’\me cations s a.ll be made by means notification écrite, adressee au ofawritten notification addressed Gouvemement des Pays-Bas et. to the Netherland Government accompagnée de l’instrument de and accompanied by the instruratification. méc of d megit of rigtitflication. f h cg C<¤¤¤¤¤¤*°•¤°¤ *0 Co ie cerf co orme u cerf e co o the o s- °“`°' P°w°”` process-verbal relatif au premier verbal relative topzhe first dpdposit depet de ratifications, des notiii- of ratifications, of the notificacations mentionnees A l’alinéa tions mentioned in the preceding precedent, ainsi que des instru- paragraph, as well as of the inments de ratification, sera rmme— struments of ratincation, shall be diatement remise par les soins du at once sent by the Netherland Gouvemement des Pays-Bas et Government throu h the diploar la voie diplomatique aux matic channel to the Powers in- Puissances conviées 5. a Dau- vited to the Second Peace Conxiéme Conference de la Paix, ference, as well as to the other ainsi qu’aux autres Puissances qui Powers which have adhered to auront adhéré a la Convention. the Convention. In the cases Dans les cas visés par l’alinéa contemplated in the preceding recédent, ledit Gouvernement paragraph the said Government lbur fera connaitre en meme shall inform them at the same temps la date a laquelle il a recu time of the date on which it la notification. received the notification. Aizrrcuz 24. Am*1cL1·: 24. n£gg°;*g:géf*°“8· Les Puissances non signataires Non—Signatory Powers which ui auront accepté la Convention have accepted the Geneva Conde Geneve du 6 juillet 1906, sont vention of the 6th July, 1906, may adrnises a adhérer a la presents adhere to the present Convention. Convention.