Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1097

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xlviii umm; Den.|¤1•,1u., Psa Bgpartmeqto Pun. sequdgsitsanglcsctiragpnrblicbuilding 876 for enfcrcing msectncxdgw 853 7;,,,,, g°Z';.°°°°°'_, N ‘'‘'`‘°'°°°°'’°' for umgmcy `````'` `` s£&ZZ.-s¤oZsss ' ‘ hunintat .., 884,761 travel, etcqallowancestooicials 300 Epublic building, pastolbee. . 419 reimbmsemgmt for streebcsr tickets. . 300 lnnitdcustinunsaed 649 for consprvatnon of nawgable waters, p¢,q·g;;;·gq4’·i¤;l¢•¤¤, » maxrmumsumautbormsd .. 300 apprqmh for Secretary, inrexhibitatlnlasmationalbryland Solicitor cl¤·ks,etc .. ,828 Gungra. . . - .. - 801 h¤We•t1nn·iurgau . 6 ... . ¤1gibstatFiftbNa6mnlCom@¤»- 30] §%§.“§‘...  :.. eo *.6.,...; ······· tandem from iield to Deparunent sw hx ban-kdjse•p...x•. $1,853 . •••••••-•-·-··•···•••••*••*' m ! I l¤Ani1na1I.¤dn¤IgryB1ueau. 272,830 sugarbeeingrinrigstedlmdaof the nrihrxmegulaumofmnnvntndbuttet 273 umd West...&;.£°} . gz .. :-- 301 king ,,... . .. mea nmpecuon qlgqfnnimalqckz . . . Z4 and insecticide employes: netmah¤sss§¤r §l;.., . 274 br ... -:*.7 301

etc., for dasessezd domestic 83, _ planhuoetc . :  5 .. - .. 853

umn.- n...]"""ZTIZZZZZZZZZZZZIIIIZ ess gupmmm ew. Burgas; as-4 ¤leo£patbolog¤¤l,etc.,¤pg¢:imens... 833 iore;;b;angeofbse&hn vrthlion- 854 enopqauve expenmenm m anmnl ... . .. feedingandbreedrj ... 834 Eur ddQ ’ information ¤1:k•tmg' meatinqrection, addiumal .. 834 and distxibuiing ham glodmt. $$4 _ f¤•Bu:eaucft.I;lantIndf‘:s¤·y ,2'l4,&4 an expenmen demonstraung tures, grving mstrnctana, e .. producigndapwdwsaniuidhuds. ‘ 277 hsirsddnstnbupun. .. xg not nm junk: 854 01Ut Servxcs indus crease nlsnss mdonaliurests . ... _281;B39 diesmaudemployssstomceivecomselection, etc., sgricultunl lands m pmstionatnte gcilied_herein-- 854 pational forest:} . 287,842 lm- coopaating, etc., Dry 854 rmmbmsemerw or damsgs, etc. — Land Congren, Tuls, Eghtggg forutiires. ... I 848 for cocper·a States for fire pmlsaves absence, c&:e empbyees in tsetionin wstershedsforcon- Alaska, extended .. 843 ssrvation of naviption- : ... 855 nlesofhmberiordomesticrme .. 287 aeqnisitionofiosestlsndsforconservn •dditionalamount£m¤aiIs,ets 288,843 hon of navigable streams not debr Bureau of Chemitry .. 28,844 _ tested by easements, etc ... 855 anincingtsmvfnod law . E,844 nghh o!_way, easements subject to £¤rBnre•n Soils ... _N),845 rcgqlstnonsmfc . 855 fm·Bure••!otEnmm:»>l‘agy . ...- cpopemttgo in study of 855 PIUVBD .,-- UDIO 0 ... .. br Survey ... 292, 846 expenses authoriuerd? 856 wiutsr·gune( )res¤rveinWyo- for ti.¤gandbinding;fn¤ne¤¤’bn1· ming_ . 5; .. ’ 293,847 ... ,,.. 482 regulatn 1mg¤.¤¤ry' ex inatin ,____,, 640 w&...é_?¤.Nb£E“_&n:l“°" 847 deiciency .pp.,pr?.¤.§Z.‘£,‘?{»,‘{Z§t“¤,,,,,§25 6;;, ve e , 8. Dsk., for buhb, etc . . . 293 for Bureau of Animal Industry 622, 93; {01 Divisioll of ABCOIUIB Illd Dhb\l!!0· for Plant Industry Bureau. ... -.- 622,936 mgm! ...· , .·. E4, 848 for Bureau of Entomology . 622, 937 detmls for dutgn other bureaus, etc. . 294 for laboratory . ...,,, 622, 937 he Division of _ b}¤¤¤¤¤m . 294, 848 for Statistics Bureau ..,.,.,,. 622, 937 for Bumsu of Stwsucs ... 295,849 for i5?t.ion invegzi 1;i0¤¤. . ,, ,,,,., 622

3;Hb¤!! --¥ -··-······-····-·-...-. gg {ctw calof gublic guards .. 622

cou expenses. . . , as ____ _ ________ purchases of supglis for bureaus, etc.; 296 5; ,___________ _ _ gg; IBIIIEIJUIRIIGR ..L . _ or _,______ _ ___________ ___ _ 9 portrart of former Secretary James cotton collected by Cgugug 37 Wi]¤¤¤ -·-·~···-···----··-·--------- 850 Office in United States m be mr. fol’t€Dti¤Di§UiC$0fC0lumbi$- .. 296,850 |;°_______ _____ _______ 198 for Office of Experiment S¤§q¤s.:£`i£es297, 850 of consumption, stock, em., in {QQQQ reports, 8 ·, 011 f\?¤1€1‘¤ 111881 , I count;-wg ,,_,,___ _ ___________ _ _____ 199 etc . 298, 851 my smjstj 5 · · - puwm mm °° §¤;w§&&¥°‘g;‘m‘§¤‘2£3,‘§;2§$‘§,¥ ¤’¤€¤ WWF each .._ _ _____

   --·---. gg gg; mma H»r&%S¤`°¤E`$¤ Qomd ,"$1u,h.,d 7,, D8

for Om of »,°{{"‘ic mn. :::::::·:::: 299, 852 Z§§E‘i..i‘?f???f‘i*¥?‘?“"’°°"**"°°"· ,1, mteznhmges eexpcuss .. . 853 um ‘ · " `: `` ’ '’ i¤v<·¤¤s¤¤¤z¤¤¤¢¤ff¤¤d¤pp1i¤¤--&853 Pa 1g€“;lr§r:3°°s:¤(;¥1¤?lh¥; . ssa