Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1143

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XGIV INDEX. Johnstown, N. 1;;, bl bm] Psési for _ _ Psaappropriation r u ic °dmg° BECIBIICI a rra on ymgmgamst 0-00%..*.2.., I-0, " ¤0Z¤.%¥??000tm0u?? .. 000, 010 appropriation ior public building . .. . 421 for paying, United States courts .. 617, 933 Joint Cmnmahrion on Postal Pneumatic-Tubs iorpayrng,CourtofC1amm.._ .. _ 617, 933 Senior, for paying, Ingram depredatxon c1au:§17, 834 com 'tion . ... 546 restriction on ocketmg' , etc., in to m%w, etc., feasibility of purchase _ _ officesgepealed . ;.-. 311 operatmn of equipment by the Jiadmal Ovcudr, _ _ Government .. 546 allotment of urcuit judges to .. . . . 53 personnel and authority continued. .. 796 Judicurl Code, Join: Couuniuee on Federal Aid in Conserv- apmriation for indexing and annohting. 464 ¢ionofPo•¢ Roads, " am ed, section 24, paragraph 24 46 composition; , etc. . . . . . ‘ Oection ...·. , Egg eppmp;-m' tion expense, .., ... section . 0... .. .. . balances continued ., . . . . . HI) 77 .. 1017 Join: Commizue on Printing, section 81 735 a tion ior clerk. 479, 743 ncuon 85 .. 51 E inspector ... . 479, 743 section 88 .. 190 for compiling Directv?. 364, 743 90. 59, 118 Joi•u Cos¤n¤eeonP¤e¢l oat, .. ., section .. composition; scope of inquiry 559 action 96 . . . . .. 265 appro'ti>niorexpenses;reporttobe sed:ion99 .. . ... I) 1::de . .. . . 559 section 1(B . 730 personnel and authority oi, continued . . 796 section 104 .. .. . .· ... 59 Iain: Oommiues on Seeond· section 1tli . 60 C Hail Postage qid llail Trans- section 107 . 314 portation Conn . sction 108 ... IW, 663 composition; . . . . 546 section 110 .. . ... . .. 58 appropriation for expenses . . 547 section 113 0 ·76 personnel and tinued. ... 796 section 118 . . ... 52 to make inquiry into freight transpor- section 186 . . .. . 61 ation, etc., and report as to drscon- section 266 . 1013 tinuauoe ... NI Judicial Expenses JonuBcy,J\€CC, _ tionaior .. 4].1,465,789 preliminary exammation to be made_oi 0[en, m) watuway from Pamhco 2% appropriation for law boob, etc., for 412, 789 er .. Juneau, Alaaba, Jo:.} G., _ ht _ as deimency for executive - 914 cren appropriation: nrvnoa .. marmon. .. Joplin, Jurors, United Bram Courts, termsofcourtat . . 52 wopriationforfees.: ... 465 Jordan River lisa., ciency appropriation for fees 622, 927

pproprk•.io¤ in improvement ot. . 812, 811 Jar; Commirnomrr,

" osepls Block, “Steamer, appropriation for compeuntion ... 466 nameof"ArtburB.Hawgood"ch3dto. 63 Jusheeeoflhg Peace, Jo•¢pI•’sBa1¤d,NerPae•}n¤lien•, W ; appropriationiorfeesto,actingascommisapgropriation for support, etc., of 538 _ sinners, United States courts .. 465 Ido ciency appmpriauotpaig support ... 621 “ {arg, ;8lZ{01:,‘g;, _ 905 a tion for cle etc., omce oi.. $90, 768 Ju¤};?ilepCourt, D. C., Jwgr dW¤¤¢¤ G¢¤¤¤l'¤ . Amt, appropriation for judge, probation officere, appropriation for pay of officers; lon- etc . 166,963 gevity .. _ , 574, 7(B for jurors; expenses, etc ... 167, 963 number of mayorelrereafterto l>9&VB¤§ given concurrent with Suno increase to Army ... . ..-. . 708 preme court in cases of abandoned remiction on details of line officers not wife or child .. 136 applicable to duty in .. 571 jurisdiction to compel father of bastard Judge Advocale General': Ojos, War Depart- to provide for support, ctc .. 134 inlay.!} agpropriation for solicitor, clerks, etc. . . 386, 764 L np rb riation furdrcuit. . . . 411, 789 Kahului Harbor, Hawaii, grdietrict. .,. . . . 411, 789 appropriation for improvement of ; report for retired ... 411, 789 on west breakwater 222 for law books, etc. for . . .. 412, 789 Koibab National Form, Ariz., for expenses outside oi official regidence. 466 a propriation for maintenance, etc., of. . 283, 840 deiciency appropriation for district, New Kagnnamo River lids., Hcxico ... _ . 6 Il gp ro riation ior im rovomoot of . . 216,815 circuit, allotment, appointment, etc .. 53 K Harbor, Honolugu, Hawaii, .T·wdg·m{ntr, _ _ _ ` e!aminationof,tqbemade... 825 d85Cl&!1Cx appropriation for P¤Yi¤8» Hom., against internal revenue oGcere 507, coudruction of public building authorized 618, 6%, 934 gt_ _ ________ _ ______________ _ ______ 812