Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1206

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rmmx. clv11 Public Printer (ace also Government Printing Pun- Pulllie Utilities Commission, D; C.—Contd. Pnn Qilice), ‘ · direction by commission as to rates, etc. . . 977 appropriation for, Deput etc 480 commission to compel compliance with, to furnish Congressional liecord to Canada orders, laws, etc . . . 977 grxsxchange for Parliamentary Han- 632 utilities not relieved from present laws, .. etc ... 977 Public Roads Ojiee, Department of Agricul- proposed changes of laws to be considered, cnn, _ etc., by commission . 978 apipropnation for salaries ... 299, 852 transmission of recommendations to Senor expenses of mquiries, etc . 299, 852 ate and House Committees . . 978 for materials, etc . 852 comminiou tpascertain physical valuation for ch , etc., investigations ‘852 of utilmes. . 978 tor field experiments in road construe- cost; present value . 978 tion, etc 299, 852 rletermmation; revaluation ...,. . 978 {or administrative expenses. . 379, 255% unnformsystergoi accounting; separatkmot 9 8 or rent ... . .. , accoun . . 7 deficiency appropriation for expenses of books, blanks, etc., to be used ..,... 979 inquiries .. 622 b00ks,_etc., to be kept inormce within the Public Schools, D. C. Drs¤¤ct-.., . ... 979 appropriation for omcers 156, 954 runovaljorbndden., . - . Z .. 979 Ex attendance officers 156, 954 productxon by outside corpontrons on for teachers .. 156, 954 order of communion 979 for librarians and clerks .. 157, 954 : accounts; annual balance sheet to be filed; for longevity pay. .. . 157, 955 tudlt -2..:. . , .. 979 for allowance to principals. ... 157, 955 ‘ agents of comrmssmn to examme, etc 919 for night schools ... . . . 157, 955 depreciauon_ account, to be kept; deterior kindergarten supplies . 158, 955 unc of fund, etc ... 979 for imiten and care of buildings .. 158, 955 operating and new construction accounts for medical inspectors; woman added. 159, 956 to be ... 980 for mnt! etc., temporary rooms, etc. . . 159, 957 scale of rates and vrdends allowed under for repexrsaud improvements . 159, 957 supervision of commimion .. 9d) for manual training expenses . 160, 957 reports from utrhtnesjo befurmshed tocomior fuel, light, and power . 160, 957 mission; details 980 for furniture, new buildings, etc 160 publication in annual report 980 for contingent expenses ... 160, 957 standards oflservnce to be established by for pianos ...,... 160, 957 commrssnon ... . 980 for- textbooks, etc.; flags, playgrounds, measurements; fees, apparatus, etc .. 980 school gardens, etc ..,.. . . 160, 957 schedules of rates, tolls, etc., to be filed for apparatus, etc 160, 957 with commission ... _ ...,... 9 81 for burldings and sites, etc 161, 957 not to exceed present charges until action normal school for colored pu ils .. 161 by commission 981 employment of architectural) services, rules, etc.;publ1c display .. 981 new high school buildings 161 changes restricted; reductions .. 981 fire Ygnteqtrgn, eu; ,__,_,___,,,,,,, , , , 161 new schedules to be Elgd ton days prior regu tion of charges for nonresident to taking effect 981 pu ils . . .. 181 charges greater or less than published, new Sentral High School .. 958 unlawful .. 981 new schoo for colored pupils 958 fonns of, to be prescribed . . . 982 sites and uildings not to exceed limit of rules to be adopted for investigations, procost. . . ... . . 161, 958 ceedings, etc .. 982 plans to be prepared by municipal production of papers, etc., from outside the architect . . . . 161,958 District may be required ... 982 exit doors to open outward .. 161, 958 penalty for refual . 982 deficiency apoyreugariatron for employees oi attendance of witnesses assistance of courts 982 board ucsmon .. 599 power and authority of agents of commisfor fuel, light, and power .. .,.-- . 599 sion ,. , 982 for re ; use of balances for pianos utilities to furnish information required by destern Highand Normal schools... 916 commision ... ., . - ,. ,.. 983 Public militia Commimbn, D. C., delivery of documents, etc .. 983 meaning of terms emsrloyed .. _ . _. . . 974 alleged unreasonable rates, schedules, etc., provisions apgy to l transportation with- to be investigated - . 983 in the mtrict . . 977 heariggs, etc;. ._ ,... - . . 983 interstate commerce mt aflected . : . . 977 power communion to substitute just and corporations formed but not tmnsacting reasonable rates, charges etc. - . 983 business, included . 977 make changes m time schedules, service, service and facilities to be safe, adequate etc .., 983 and reasonable 977 require reasonable extension, etc ... 984 charges to be reasonable, just, and nondis- payment ol expensesofiavestigations . 984

 ... -  977 separate hearinpyf complaints . . - 934

discrirninatrons unlawful 977 commission may mitiate summary investiorders of, to be obeyed by every public gations; notice of hearings, etc ., 984 utility ... . ... _ . 9 77 to consider complaints from utility corpomutualuseot¤·acks,etc.,tobepe¤¤1tted. 977 ration ... . .. . .. 984